{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric, LambdaCase, ScopedTypeVariables,
             StrictData #-}

-- | Definition of arithmetic circuits: one with a single
-- multiplication gate with affine inputs and another variant with an
-- arbitrary number of such gates.
module Circuit.Arithmetic
  ( Gate (..),
    ArithCircuit (..),
    Wire (..),

import Circuit.Affine               (AffineCircuit(..), collectInputsAffine,
                                     evalAffineCircuit, mapVarsAffine)
import Data.Aeson                   (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Protolude
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text as PP (Pretty(..), hsep, list, parens, text,

-- | Wires are can be labeled in the ways given in this data type
data Wire
  = InputWire Int
  | IntermediateWire Int
  | OutputWire Int
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData, ToJSON, FromJSON)

instance Pretty Wire where
  pretty (InputWire v) = text "input_" <> pretty v
  pretty (IntermediateWire v) = text "imm_" <> pretty v
  pretty (OutputWire v) = text "output_" <> pretty v

-- | An arithmetic circuit with a single multiplication gate.
data Gate i f
  = Mul
      { mulLeft :: AffineCircuit i f,
        mulRight :: AffineCircuit i f,
        mulOutput :: i
  | Equal
      { eqInput :: i,
        eqMagic :: i,
        eqOutput :: i
  | Split
      { splitInput :: i,
        splitOutputs :: [i]
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData, FromJSON, ToJSON)

collectInputsGate :: Ord i => Gate i f -> [i]
collectInputsGate = \case
  Mul l r _ -> collectInputsAffine l ++ collectInputsAffine r
  _ -> panic "collectInputsGate: only supports mul gates"

-- | List output wires of a gate
outputWires :: Gate i f -> [i]
outputWires = \case
  Mul _ _ out -> [out]
  Equal _ _ out -> [out]
  Split _ outs -> outs

instance (Pretty i, Show f) => Pretty (Gate i f) where
  pretty (Mul l r o) =
      [ pretty o,
        text ":=",
        parens (pretty l),
        text "*",
        parens (pretty r)
  pretty (Equal i _ o) =
      [ pretty o,
        text ":=",
        pretty i,
        text "== 0 ? 0 : 1"
  pretty (Split inp outputs) =
      [ PP.list (map pretty outputs),
        text ":=",
        text "split",
        pretty inp

-- | Apply mapping to variable names, i.e. rename variables. (Ideally
-- the mapping is injective.)
mapVarsGate :: (i -> j) -> Gate i f -> Gate j f
mapVarsGate f = \case
  Mul l r o -> Mul (mapVarsAffine f l) (mapVarsAffine f r) (f o)
  Equal i j o -> Equal (f i) (f j) (f o)
  Split i os -> Split (f i) (fmap f os)

-- | Evaluate a single gate
evalGate ::
  (Bits f, Fractional f) =>
  -- | lookup a value at a wire
  (i -> vars -> Maybe f) ->
  -- | update a value at a wire
  (i -> f -> vars -> vars) ->
  -- | context before evaluation
  vars ->
  -- | gate
  Gate i f ->
  -- | context after evaluation
evalGate lookupVar updateVar vars gate =
  case gate of
    Mul l r outputWire ->
      let lval = evalAffineCircuit lookupVar vars l
          rval = evalAffineCircuit lookupVar vars r
          res = lval * rval
       in updateVar outputWire res vars
    Equal i m outputWire ->
      case lookupVar i vars of
        Nothing ->
          panic "evalGate: the impossible happened"
        Just inp ->
          let res = if inp == 0 then 0 else 1
              mid = if inp == 0 then 0 else recip inp
           in updateVar outputWire res $
                updateVar m mid vars
    Split i os ->
      case lookupVar i vars of
        Nothing ->
          panic "evalGate: the impossible happened"
        Just inp ->
          let bool2val True = 1
              bool2val False = 0
              setWire (ix, oldEnv) currentOut =
                ( ix + 1,
                  updateVar currentOut (bool2val $ testBit inp ix) oldEnv
           in snd . foldl setWire (0, vars) $ os

-- | A circuit is a list of multiplication gates along with their
-- output wire labels (which can be intermediate or actual outputs).
newtype ArithCircuit f = ArithCircuit [Gate Wire f]
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, FromJSON, ToJSON)

instance Show f => Pretty (ArithCircuit f) where
  pretty (ArithCircuit gs) = vcat . map pretty $ gs

-- | Check whether an arithmetic circuit does not refer to
-- intermediate wires before they are defined and whether output wires
-- are not used as input wires.
validArithCircuit ::
  ArithCircuit f -> Bool
validArithCircuit (ArithCircuit gates) =
    noRefsToUndefinedWires =
      fst $
          ( \(res, definedWires) gate ->
              ( res
                  && all isNotInput (outputWires gate)
                  && all (validWire definedWires) (fetchVarsGate gate),
                outputWires gate ++ definedWires
          (True, [])
    isNotInput (InputWire _) = False
    isNotInput (OutputWire _) = True
    isNotInput (IntermediateWire _) = True
    validWire _ (InputWire _) = True
    validWire _ (OutputWire _) = False
    validWire definedWires i@(IntermediateWire _) = i `elem` definedWires
    fetchVarsGate (Mul l r _) = fetchVars l ++ fetchVars r
    fetchVarsGate (Equal i _ _) = [i] -- we can ignore the magic
      -- variable "m", as it is filled
      -- in when evaluating the circuit
    fetchVarsGate (Split i _) = [i]

fetchVars :: AffineCircuit Wire f -> [Wire]
fetchVars (Var i) = [i]
fetchVars (ConstGate _) = []
fetchVars (ScalarMul _ c) = fetchVars c
fetchVars (Add l r) = fetchVars l ++ fetchVars r

-- | Generate enough roots for a circuit
generateRoots ::
  Applicative m =>
  m f ->
  ArithCircuit f ->
  m [[f]]
generateRoots _ (ArithCircuit []) =
  pure []
generateRoots takeRoot (ArithCircuit (gate : gates)) =
  case gate of
    Mul {} ->
      (\r rs -> [r] : rs)
        <$> takeRoot
        <*> generateRoots takeRoot (ArithCircuit gates)
    Equal {} ->
      (\r0 r1 rs -> [r0, r1] : rs)
        <$> takeRoot
        <*> takeRoot
        <*> generateRoots takeRoot (ArithCircuit gates)
    Split _ outputs ->
      (\r0 rOutputs rRest -> (r0 : rOutputs) : rRest)
        <$> takeRoot
        <*> traverse (const takeRoot) outputs
        <*> generateRoots takeRoot (ArithCircuit gates)

-- | Evaluate an arithmetic circuit on a given environment containing
-- the inputs. Outputs the entire environment (outputs, intermediate
-- values and inputs).
evalArithCircuit ::
  forall f vars.
  (Bits f, Fractional f) =>
  -- | lookup a value at a wire
  (Wire -> vars -> Maybe f) ->
  -- | update a value at a wire
  (Wire -> f -> vars -> vars) ->
  -- | circuit to evaluate
  ArithCircuit f ->
  -- | input variables
  vars ->
  -- | input and output variables
evalArithCircuit lookupVar updateVar (ArithCircuit gates) vars =
  foldl' (evalGate lookupVar updateVar) vars gates

-- | Turn a binary expansion back into a single value.
unsplit ::
  Num f =>
  -- | (binary) wires containing a binary expansion,
  -- small-endian
  [Wire] ->
  AffineCircuit Wire f
unsplit = snd . foldl (\(ix, rest) wire -> (ix + (1 :: Integer), Add rest (ScalarMul (2 ^ ix) (Var wire)))) (0, ConstGate 0)