-- |
-- Module:       Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.DiscreteLogarithm
-- Copyright:    (c) 2018 Bhavik Mehta
-- License:      MIT
-- Maintainer:   Andrew Lelechenko <andrew.lelechenko@gmail.com>
-- Stability:    Provisional
-- Portability:  Non-portable

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns        #-}

module Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.DiscreteLogarithm
  ( discreteLogarithm
  ) where

import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe                             (maybeToList)
import Data.Proxy
import Numeric.Natural                        (Natural)
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals              (recipModInteger, powModInteger)
import GHC.TypeNats.Compat

import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.Chinese       (chineseRemainder2)
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.Class         (KnownNat, MultMod(..), Mod, getVal)
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.Equations     (solveLinear)
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.PrimitiveRoot (PrimitiveRoot(..), CyclicGroup(..))
import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares       (integerSquareRoot)
import Math.NumberTheory.UniqueFactorisation  (unPrime)

-- | Computes the discrete logarithm. Currently uses a combination of the baby-step
-- giant-step method and Pollard's rho algorithm, with Bach reduction.
discreteLogarithm :: KnownNat m => PrimitiveRoot m -> MultMod m -> Natural
discreteLogarithm a b = discreteLogarithm' (getGroup a) (multElement $ unPrimitiveRoot a) (multElement b)

  :: KnownNat m
  => CyclicGroup Natural  -- ^ group structure (must be the multiplicative group mod m)
  -> Mod m                -- ^ a
  -> Mod m                -- ^ b
  -> Natural              -- ^ result
discreteLogarithm' cg a b =
  case cg of
    CG2                                    -> 0
       -- the only valid input was a=1, b=1
    CG4                                    -> if b == 1 then 0 else 1
       -- the only possible input here is a=3 with b = 1 or 3
    CGOddPrimePower       (unPrime -> p) k -> discreteLogarithmPP p k (getVal a) (getVal b)
    CGDoubleOddPrimePower (unPrime -> p) k -> discreteLogarithmPP p k (getVal a `rem` p^k) (getVal b `rem` p^k)
       -- we have the isomorphism t -> t `rem` p^k from (Z/2p^kZ)* -> (Z/p^kZ)*

-- Implementation of Bach reduction (https://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/1984/CSD-84-186.pdf)
{-# INLINE discreteLogarithmPP #-}
discreteLogarithmPP :: Integer -> Word -> Integer -> Integer -> Natural
discreteLogarithmPP p 1 a b = discreteLogarithmPrime p a b
discreteLogarithmPP p k a b = fromInteger result
    baseSol    = toInteger $ discreteLogarithmPrime p (a `rem` p) (b `rem` p)
    thetaA     = theta p pkMinusOne a
    thetaB     = theta p pkMinusOne b
    pkMinusOne = p^(k-1)
    c          = (recipModInteger thetaA pkMinusOne * thetaB) `rem` pkMinusOne
    result     = chineseRemainder2 (baseSol, p-1) (c, pkMinusOne)

-- compute the homomorphism theta given in https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1864495/418148
{-# INLINE theta #-}
theta :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
theta p pkMinusOne a = (numerator `quot` pk) `rem` pkMinusOne
    pk           = pkMinusOne * p
    p2kMinusOne  = pkMinusOne * pk
    numerator    = (powModInteger a (pk - pkMinusOne) p2kMinusOne - 1) `rem` p2kMinusOne

-- TODO: Use Pollig-Hellman to reduce the problem further into groups of prime order.
-- While Bach reduction simplifies the problem into groups of the form (Z/pZ)*, these
-- have non-prime order, and the Pollig-Hellman algorithm can reduce the problem into
-- smaller groups of prime order.
-- In addition, the gcd check before solveLinear is applied in Pollard below will be
-- made redundant, since n would be prime.
discreteLogarithmPrime :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Natural
discreteLogarithmPrime p a b
  | p < 100000000 = fromIntegral $ discreteLogarithmPrimeBSGS (fromInteger p) (fromInteger a) (fromInteger b)
  | otherwise     = discreteLogarithmPrimePollard p a b

discreteLogarithmPrimeBSGS :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
discreteLogarithmPrimeBSGS p a b = head [i*m + j | (v,i) <- zip giants [0..m-1], j <- maybeToList (M.lookup v table)]
    m        = integerSquareRoot (p - 2) + 1 -- simple way of ceiling (sqrt (p-1))
    babies   = iterate (.* a) 1
    table    = M.fromList (zip babies [0..m-1])
    aInv     = recipModInteger (toInteger a) (toInteger p)
    bigGiant = fromInteger $ powModInteger aInv (toInteger m) (toInteger p)
    giants   = iterate (.* bigGiant) b
    x .* y   = x * y `rem` p

-- TODO: Use more advanced walks, in order to reduce divisions, cf
-- https://maths-people.anu.edu.au/~brent/pd/rpb231.pdf
-- This will slightly improve the expected time to collision, and can reduce the
-- number of divisions performed.
discreteLogarithmPrimePollard :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Natural
discreteLogarithmPrimePollard p a b =
  case concatMap runPollard [(x,y) | x <- [0..n], y <- [0..n]] of
    (t:_)  -> fromInteger t
    []     -> error ("discreteLogarithm: pollard's rho failed, please report this as a bug. inputs " ++ show [p,a,b])
    n                 = p-1 -- order of the cyclic group
    halfN             = n `quot` 2
    mul2 m            = if m < halfN then m * 2 else m * 2 - n
    sqrtN             = integerSquareRoot n
    step (xi,!ai,!bi) = case xi `rem` 3 of
                          0 -> (xi*xi `rem` p, mul2 ai, mul2 bi)
                          1 -> ( a*xi `rem` p,    ai+1,      bi)
                          _ -> ( b*xi `rem` p,      ai,    bi+1)
    initialise (x,y)  = (powModInteger a x n * powModInteger b y n `rem` n, x, y)
    begin t           = go (step t) (step (step t))
    check t           = powModInteger a t p == b
    go tort@(xi,ai,bi) hare@(x2i,a2i,b2i)
      | xi == x2i, gcd (bi - b2i) n < sqrtN = case someNatVal (fromInteger n) of
        SomeNat (Proxy :: Proxy n) -> map getVal $ solveLinear (fromInteger (bi - b2i) :: Mod n) (fromInteger (ai - a2i))
      | xi == x2i                           = []
      | otherwise                           = go (step tort) (step (step hare))
    runPollard        = filter check . begin . initialise