-- |
-- Module:      Math.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunctions.Moebius
-- Copyright:   (c) 2018 Andrew Lelechenko
-- Licence:     MIT
-- Maintainer:  Andrew Lelechenko <andrew.lelechenko@gmail.com>
-- Values of <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Möbius_function Möbius function>.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}

module Math.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunctions.Moebius
  ( Moebius(..)
  , runMoebius
  , sieveBlockMoebius
  ) where

import Control.Monad (forM_, liftM)
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 803
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic         as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as M
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as P
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed         as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MU
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals
import Unsafe.Coerce

import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares (integerSquareRoot)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes (unPrime)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Sieve (primes)
import Math.NumberTheory.Utils.FromIntegral (wordToInt)

import Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms

-- | Represents three possible values of <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Möbius_function Möbius function>.
data Moebius
  = MoebiusN -- ^ -1
  | MoebiusZ -- ^  0
  | MoebiusP -- ^  1
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Convert to any numeric type.
runMoebius :: Num a => Moebius -> a
runMoebius m = fromInteger (S# (dataToTag# m -# 1#))

fromMoebius :: Moebius -> Int8
fromMoebius m = fromIntegral $ I# (dataToTag# m)
{-# INLINE fromMoebius #-}

toMoebius :: Int8 -> Moebius
toMoebius i = let !(I# i#) = fromIntegral i in tagToEnum# i#
{-# INLINE toMoebius #-}

newtype instance U.MVector s Moebius = MV_Moebius (P.MVector s Int8)
newtype instance U.Vector    Moebius = V_Moebius  (P.Vector    Int8)

instance U.Unbox Moebius

instance M.MVector U.MVector Moebius where
  {-# INLINE basicLength #-}
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-}
  {-# INLINE basicOverlaps #-}
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeNew #-}
  {-# INLINE basicInitialize #-}
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeReplicate #-}
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeRead #-}
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeWrite #-}
  {-# INLINE basicClear #-}
  {-# INLINE basicSet #-}
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeCopy #-}
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeGrow #-}
  basicLength (MV_Moebius v) = M.basicLength v
  basicUnsafeSlice i n (MV_Moebius v) = MV_Moebius $ M.basicUnsafeSlice i n v
  basicOverlaps (MV_Moebius v1) (MV_Moebius v2) = M.basicOverlaps v1 v2
  basicUnsafeNew n = MV_Moebius `liftM` M.basicUnsafeNew n
  basicInitialize (MV_Moebius v) = M.basicInitialize v
  basicUnsafeReplicate n x = MV_Moebius `liftM` M.basicUnsafeReplicate n (fromMoebius x)
  basicUnsafeRead (MV_Moebius v) i = toMoebius `liftM` M.basicUnsafeRead v i
  basicUnsafeWrite (MV_Moebius v) i x = M.basicUnsafeWrite v i (fromMoebius x)
  basicClear (MV_Moebius v) = M.basicClear v
  basicSet (MV_Moebius v) x = M.basicSet v (fromMoebius x)
  basicUnsafeCopy (MV_Moebius v1) (MV_Moebius v2) = M.basicUnsafeCopy v1 v2
  basicUnsafeMove (MV_Moebius v1) (MV_Moebius v2) = M.basicUnsafeMove v1 v2
  basicUnsafeGrow (MV_Moebius v) n = MV_Moebius `liftM` M.basicUnsafeGrow v n

instance G.Vector U.Vector Moebius where
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeFreeze #-}
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeThaw #-}
  {-# INLINE basicLength #-}
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-}
  {-# INLINE basicUnsafeIndexM #-}
  {-# INLINE elemseq #-}
  basicUnsafeFreeze (MV_Moebius v) = V_Moebius `liftM` G.basicUnsafeFreeze v
  basicUnsafeThaw (V_Moebius v) = MV_Moebius `liftM` G.basicUnsafeThaw v
  basicLength (V_Moebius v) = G.basicLength v
  basicUnsafeSlice i n (V_Moebius v) = V_Moebius $ G.basicUnsafeSlice i n v
  basicUnsafeIndexM (V_Moebius v) i = toMoebius `liftM` G.basicUnsafeIndexM v i
  basicUnsafeCopy (MV_Moebius mv) (V_Moebius v) = G.basicUnsafeCopy mv v
  elemseq _ = seq

instance Semigroup Moebius where
  MoebiusZ <> _ = MoebiusZ
  _ <> MoebiusZ = MoebiusZ
  MoebiusP <> a = a
  a <> MoebiusP = a
  _ <> _ = MoebiusP

instance Monoid Moebius where
  mempty  = MoebiusP
  mappend = (<>)

-- | Evaluate the Möbius function over a block.
-- Value of @f@ at 0, if zero falls into block, is undefined.
-- Based on the sieving algorithm from p. 3 of <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.08551.pdf Computations of the Mertens function and improved bounds on the Mertens conjecture> by G. Hurst. It is approximately 5x faster than 'Math.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunctions.SieveBlock.sieveBlockUnboxed'.
-- >>> sieveBlockMoebius 1 10
-- [MoebiusP,MoebiusN,MoebiusN,MoebiusZ,MoebiusN,MoebiusP,MoebiusN,MoebiusZ,MoebiusZ,MoebiusP]
  :: Word
  -> Word
  -> U.Vector Moebius
sieveBlockMoebius _ 0 = U.empty
sieveBlockMoebius lowIndex' len'
  = (unsafeCoerce :: U.Vector Word8 -> U.Vector Moebius) $ runST $ do
    as <- MU.replicate len (0x80 :: Word8)
    forM_ ps $ \p -> do
      let offset  = negate lowIndex `mod` p
          offset2 = negate lowIndex `mod` (p * p)
          l :: Word8
          l = fromIntegral $ intLog2 p .|. 1
      forM_ [offset, offset + p .. len - 1] $ \ix -> do
        MU.unsafeModify as (\y -> y + l) ix
      forM_ [offset2, offset2 + p * p .. len - 1] $ \ix -> do
        MU.unsafeWrite as ix 0
    forM_ [0 .. len - 1] $ \ix -> do
      MU.unsafeModify as (mapper ix) ix
    U.unsafeFreeze as

    lowIndex :: Int
    lowIndex = wordToInt lowIndex'

    len :: Int
    len = wordToInt len'

    highIndex :: Int
    highIndex = lowIndex + len - 1

    -- Bit fiddling in 'mapper' is correct only
    -- if all sufficiently small (<= 191) primes has been sieved out.
    ps :: [Int]
    ps = takeWhile (<= (191 `max` integerSquareRoot highIndex)) $ map unPrime primes

    mapper :: Int -> Word8 -> Word8
    mapper ix val
      | val .&. 0x80 == 0x00
      = 1
      | fromIntegral (val .&. 0x7F) < intLog2 (ix + lowIndex) - 5
        - (if ix + lowIndex >= 0x100000   then 2 else 0)
        - (if ix + lowIndex >= 0x10000000 then 1 else 0)
      = (val .&. 1) `shiftL` 1
      | otherwise
      = ((val .&. 1) `xor` 1) `shiftL` 1