-- |
-- Module:      Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.PrimitiveRoot
-- Copyright:   (c) 2017 Andrew Lelechenko
-- Licence:     MIT
-- Maintainer:  Andrew Lelechenko <andrew.lelechenko@gmail.com>
-- Primitive roots and cyclic groups.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.PrimitiveRoot
  ( -- * Cyclic groups
  , cyclicGroupFromModulo
  , cyclicGroupToModulo
  , groupSize
    -- * Primitive roots
  , PrimitiveRoot
  , unPrimitiveRoot
  , getGroup
  , isPrimitiveRoot
  , isPrimitiveRoot'
  ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 803
import Data.Semigroup

import Math.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunctions (totient)
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Euclidean as E
import Math.NumberTheory.Euclidean.Coprimes as Coprimes (singleton)
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.Class (getNatMod, getNatVal, KnownNat, Mod, MultMod, isMultElement)
import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.General (highestPower)
import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Modular
import Math.NumberTheory.Prefactored
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad (guard)
import GHC.Generics
import Numeric.Natural

-- | A multiplicative group of residues is called cyclic,
-- if there is a primitive root @g@,
-- whose powers generates all elements.
-- Any cyclic multiplicative group of residues
-- falls into one of the following cases.
data CyclicGroup a
  = CG2 -- ^ Residues modulo 2.
  | CG4 -- ^ Residues modulo 4.
  | CGOddPrimePower       (Prime a) Word
  -- ^ Residues modulo @p@^@k@ for __odd__ prime @p@.
  | CGDoubleOddPrimePower (Prime a) Word
  -- ^ Residues modulo 2@p@^@k@ for __odd__ prime @p@.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance NFData a => NFData (CyclicGroup a)

-- | Check whether a multiplicative group of residues,
-- characterized by its modulo, is cyclic and, if yes, return its form.
-- >>> cyclicGroupFromModulo 4
-- Just CG4
-- >>> cyclicGroupFromModulo (2 * 13 ^ 3)
-- Just (CGDoubleOddPrimePower (Prime 13) 3)
-- >>> cyclicGroupFromModulo (4 * 13)
-- Nothing
  :: (Ord a, Integral a, UniqueFactorisation a)
  => a
  -> Maybe (CyclicGroup a)
cyclicGroupFromModulo = \case
  2 -> Just CG2
  4 -> Just CG4
    | n <= 1    -> Nothing
    | odd n     -> uncurry CGOddPrimePower       <$> isPrimePower n
    | odd halfN -> uncurry CGDoubleOddPrimePower <$> isPrimePower halfN
    | otherwise -> Nothing
      halfN = n `quot` 2

  :: (Integral a, UniqueFactorisation a)
  => a
  -> Maybe (Prime a, Word)
isPrimePower n = (, k) <$> isPrime m
    (m, k) = highestPower n

-- | Extract modulo and its factorisation from
-- a cyclic multiplicative group of residues.
-- >>> cyclicGroupToModulo CG4
-- Prefactored {prefValue = 4, prefFactors = Coprimes {unCoprimes = [(2,2)]}}
-- >>> import Data.Maybe
-- >>> cyclicGroupToModulo (CGDoubleOddPrimePower (fromJust (isPrime 13)) 3)
-- Prefactored {prefValue = 4394, prefFactors = Coprimes {unCoprimes = [(13,3),(2,1)]}}
  :: E.Euclidean a
  => CyclicGroup a
  -> Prefactored a
cyclicGroupToModulo = fromFactors . \case
  CG2                       -> Coprimes.singleton 2 1
  CG4                       -> Coprimes.singleton 2 2
  CGOddPrimePower p k       -> Coprimes.singleton (unPrime p) k
  CGDoubleOddPrimePower p k -> Coprimes.singleton 2 1
                            <> Coprimes.singleton (unPrime p) k

-- | 'PrimitiveRoot' m is a type which is only inhabited
-- by <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_root_modulo_n primitive roots> of m.
data PrimitiveRoot m = PrimitiveRoot
  { unPrimitiveRoot :: MultMod m -- ^ Extract primitive root value.
  , getGroup        :: CyclicGroup Natural -- ^ Get cyclic group structure.
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | 'isPrimitiveRoot'' @cg@ @a@ checks whether @a@ is
-- a <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_root_modulo_n primitive root>
-- of a given cyclic multiplicative group of residues @cg@.
-- >>> let Just cg = cyclicGroupFromModulo 13
-- >>> isPrimitiveRoot' cg 1
-- False
-- >>> isPrimitiveRoot' cg 2
-- True
  :: (Integral a, UniqueFactorisation a)
  => CyclicGroup a
  -> a
  -> Bool
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_root_modulo_n#Finding_primitive_roots
isPrimitiveRoot' cg r =
  case cg of
    CG2                       -> r == 1
    CG4                       -> r == 3
    CGOddPrimePower p k       -> oddPrimePowerTest (unPrime p) k r
    CGDoubleOddPrimePower p k -> doubleOddPrimePowerTest (unPrime p) k r
    oddPrimeTest p g              = let phi  = totient p
                                        pows = map (\pk -> phi `quot` unPrime (fst pk)) (factorise phi)
                                        exps = map (\x -> powMod g x p) pows
                                     in g /= 0 && gcd g p == 1 && all (/= 1) exps
    oddPrimePowerTest p 1 g       = oddPrimeTest p (g `mod` p)
    oddPrimePowerTest p _ g       = oddPrimeTest p (g `mod` p) && powMod g (p-1) (p*p) /= 1
    doubleOddPrimePowerTest p k g = odd g && oddPrimePowerTest p k g

-- | Check whether a given modular residue is
-- a <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_root_modulo_n primitive root>.
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> isPrimitiveRoot (1 :: Mod 13)
-- Nothing
-- >>> isPrimitiveRoot (2 :: Mod 13)
-- Just (PrimitiveRoot {unPrimitiveRoot = MultMod {multElement = (2 `modulo` 13)}, getGroup = CGOddPrimePower (Prime 13) 1})
-- This function is a convenient wrapper around 'isPrimitiveRoot''. The latter
-- provides better control and performance, if you need them.
  :: KnownNat n
  => Mod n
  -> Maybe (PrimitiveRoot n)
isPrimitiveRoot r = do
  r' <- isMultElement r
  cg <- cyclicGroupFromModulo (getNatMod r)
  guard $ isPrimitiveRoot' cg (getNatVal r)
  return $ PrimitiveRoot r' cg

-- | Calculate the size of a given cyclic group.
groupSize :: (E.Euclidean a, UniqueFactorisation a) => CyclicGroup a -> Prefactored a
groupSize = totient . cyclicGroupToModulo