-- |
-- Module:      Math.NumberTheory.MoebiusInversion
-- Copyright:   (c) 2012 Daniel Fischer
-- Licence:     MIT
-- Maintainer:  Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer@googlemail.com>
-- Generalised Möbius inversion for 'Int' valued functions.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Math.NumberTheory.MoebiusInversion.Int
    ( generalInversion
    , totientSum
    ) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV

import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares

-- | @totientSum n@ is, for @n > 0@, the sum of @[totient k | k <- [1 .. n]]@,
--   computed via generalised Möbius inversion.
--   See <http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TotientSummatoryFunction.html> for the
--   formula used for @totientSum@.
totientSum :: Int -> Int
totientSum n
  | n < 1 = 0
  | otherwise = generalInversion (triangle . fromIntegral) n
    triangle k = (k*(k+1)) `quot` 2

-- | @generalInversion g n@ evaluates the generalised Möbius inversion of @g@
--   at the argument @n@.
--   The generalised Möbius inversion implemented here allows an efficient
--   calculation of isolated values of the function @f : N -> Z@ if the function
--   @g@ defined by
-- >
-- > g n = sum [f (n `quot` k) | k <- [1 .. n]]
-- >
--   can be cheaply computed. By the generalised Möbius inversion formula, then
-- >
-- > f n = sum [moebius k * g (n `quot` k) | k <- [1 .. n]]
-- >
--   which allows the computation in /O/(n) steps, if the values of the
--   Möbius function are known. A slightly different formula, used here,
--   does not need the values of the Möbius function and allows the
--   computation in /O/(n^0.75) steps, using /O/(n^0.5) memory.
--   An example of a pair of such functions where the inversion allows a
--   more efficient computation than the direct approach is
-- >
-- > f n = number of reduced proper fractions with denominator <= n
-- > g n = number of proper fractions with denominator <= n
-- >
--   (a /proper fraction/ is a fraction @0 < n/d < 1@). Then @f n@ is the
--   cardinality of the Farey sequence of order @n@ (minus 1 or 2 if 0 and/or
--   1 are included in the Farey sequence), or the sum of the totients of
--   the numbers @2 <= k <= n@. @f n@ is not easily directly computable,
--   but then @g n = n*(n-1)/2@ is very easy to compute, and hence the inversion
--   gives an efficient method of computing @f n@.
--   For 'Int' valued functions, unboxed arrays can be used for greater efficiency.
--   That bears the risk of overflow, however, so be sure to use it only when it's
--   safe.
--   The value @f n@ is then computed by @generalInversion g n@. Note that when
--   many values of @f@ are needed, there are far more efficient methods, this
--   method is only appropriate to compute isolated values of @f@.
generalInversion :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
generalInversion fun n
    | n < 1     = error "Möbius inversion only defined on positive domain"
    | n == 1    = fun 1
    | n == 2    = fun 2 - fun 1
    | n == 3    = fun 3 - 2*fun 1
    | otherwise = fastInvert fun n

fastInvert :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
fastInvert fun n = runST (fastInvertST fun n)

fastInvertST :: forall s. (Int -> Int) -> Int -> ST s Int
fastInvertST fun n = do
    let !k0 = integerSquareRoot (n `quot` 2)
        !mk0 = n `quot` (2*k0+1)
        kmax a m = (a `quot` m - 1) `quot` 2

    small <- MV.unsafeNew (mk0 + 1) :: ST s (MV.MVector s Int)
    MV.unsafeWrite small 0 0
    MV.unsafeWrite small 1 $! (fun 1)
    when (mk0 >= 2) $
        MV.unsafeWrite small 2 $! (fun 2 - fun 1)

    let calcit :: Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s (Int, Int)
        calcit switch change i
            | mk0 < i   = return (switch,change)
            | i == change = calcit (switch+1) (change + 4*switch+6) i
            | otherwise = do
                let mloop !acc k !m
                        | k < switch    = kloop acc k
                        | otherwise     = do
                            val <- MV.unsafeRead small m
                            let nxtk = kmax i (m+1)
                            mloop (acc - fromIntegral (k-nxtk)*val) nxtk (m+1)
                    kloop !acc k
                        | k == 0    = do
                            MV.unsafeWrite small i $! acc
                            calcit switch change (i+1)
                        | otherwise = do
                            val <- MV.unsafeRead small (i `quot` (2*k+1))
                            kloop (acc-val) (k-1)
                mloop (fun i - fun (i `quot` 2)) ((i-1) `quot` 2) 1

    (sw, ch) <- calcit 1 8 3
    large <- MV.unsafeNew k0 :: ST s (MV.MVector s Int)

    let calcbig :: Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s (MV.MVector s Int)
        calcbig switch change j
            | j == 0    = return large
            | (2*j-1)*change <= n   = calcbig (switch+1) (change + 4*switch+6) j
            | otherwise = do
                let i = n `quot` (2*j-1)
                    mloop !acc k m
                        | k < switch    = kloop acc k
                        | otherwise     = do
                            val <- MV.unsafeRead small m
                            let nxtk = kmax i (m+1)
                            mloop (acc - fromIntegral (k-nxtk)*val) nxtk (m+1)
                    kloop !acc k
                        | k == 0    = do
                            MV.unsafeWrite large (j-1) $! acc
                            calcbig switch change (j-1)
                        | otherwise = do
                            let m = i `quot` (2*k+1)
                            val <- if m <= mk0
                                     then MV.unsafeRead small m
                                     else MV.unsafeRead large (k*(2*j-1)+j-1)
                            kloop (acc-val) (k-1)
                mloop (fun i - fun (i `quot` 2)) ((i-1) `quot` 2) 1

    mvec <- calcbig sw ch k0
    MV.unsafeRead mvec 0