assert4hs- A set of assertion for writing more readable tests cases
Copyright(c) Pawel Nosal 2021
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred
  • BangPatterns
  • OverloadedStrings



This library aims to provide a set of combinators to assert arbitrary nested data structures. The inspiration of this library is AssertJ for Java, the composition of assertions was inspired by lens library.


 data Foo = Foo {name :: String, age :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq)

 assertThat (Foo "someName" 15) $
      isEqualTo (Foo "someN1ame" 15)
      . focus age
      . tag "age"
      . isGreaterThan 20

result in

 given Foo {name = "someName", age = 15} should be equal to Foo {name = "someN1ame", age = 15}
 Foo {name = "someName", age = 15}
 Foo {name = "someN1ame", age = 15}
 [age] given 15 should be greater than 20


Basic assertions

simpleAssertion Source #


:: HasCallStack 
=> (a -> Bool)

A predicate that should be met by the subject under test

-> (a -> String)

A function that allows formatting an error message once the predicate is not met

-> Assertion a 

The simpleAssertion function is a building block of more complicated assertions.

It takes one predicate and function to format error message.

 myIsEqual x = simpleAssertion (== x) (\x' -> show x' <> " is not equal to " <> show x)

isEqualTo :: (Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) => a -> Assertion a Source #

assert if subject under test is equal to given value

 assertThat 15 $ isEqualTo 16


 given 15 should be equal to 16

isGreaterThan :: (Ord a, Show a, HasCallStack) => a -> Assertion a Source #

assert if the subject under test is greater than given value

 assertThat 15 $ isGreaterThan 16


 given 15 should be greater than 16

isLowerThan :: (Ord a, Show a, HasCallStack) => a -> Assertion a Source #

assert if the subject under test is lower than given value

 assertThat 16 $ isLowerThan 15


 given 16 should be lower than 15

contains :: (Foldable t, Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) => a -> Assertion (t a) Source #

Assertion util functions

focus :: (a -> b) -> Assertion' a b Source #

allow changing subject under test using a transformation function

 assertThat "1    " $
           isNotEqualTo ""
             . focus length
             . isEqualTo 10


 given 5 should be equal to 10

inside :: (b -> a) -> Assertion a -> Assertion b Source #

like focus, this function allow changing subject under test, it takes an assertion for modified value, then it allows us to continue assertion on the original value

  assertThat (Foo "someName" 15) $
                isEqualTo (Foo "someN1ame" 15)
              . inside age (tag "age" . isGreaterThan 20 . isLowerThan 10)
              . isEqualTo (Foo "someName" 15)


 given Foo {name = "someName", age = 15} should be equal to Foo {name = "someN1ame", age = 15}
       Foo {name = "someName", age = 15}
       Foo {name = "someN1ame", age = 15}
       [age] given 15 should be greater than 20
       [age] given 15 should be lower than 10

tag :: String -> Assertion a Source #

this combinator allows marking following assertion with a given prefix

assertThat (Foo "someName" 15) $
  tag "foo" . isEqualTo (Foo "someN1ame" 15)
    . inside age (tag "age" . isGreaterThan 20 . isLowerThan 10)
    . tag "foo not equal"
    . isNotEqualTo (Foo "someName" 15)


 [foo] given Foo {name = "someName", age = 15} should be equal to Foo {name = "someN1ame", age = 15}
 Foo {name = "someName", age = 15}
 Foo {name = "someN1ame", age = 15}
 [foo.age] given 15 should be greater than 20
 [foo.age] given 15 should be lower than 10
 [foo.not equal to] given Foo {name = "someName", age = 15} should be not equal to Foo {name = "someName", age = 15}
 Foo {name = "someName", age = 15}
 Foo {name = "someName", age = 15}

Assertion util functions


Assertion defitions

type Assertion' a b = Assertion'' a a b b Source #

Assertion failure