{- |
Module      :  ./atermlib/src/ATerm/Unshared.hs
Description :  conversion between shared and (basically unused) unshared ATerms
Copyright   :  (c) Klaus Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License     :  GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt

Maintainer  :  Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability   :  provisional
Portability :  non-portable (imports ATerm.AbstractSyntax)

conversion between shared and (basically unused) unshared 'ATerm's

module ATerm.Unshared
    (ATerm (..),

import ATerm.AbstractSyntax
import ATerm.Conversion

data ATerm = AAppl String [ATerm] [ATerm]
           | AList [ATerm] [ATerm]
           | AInt Integer [ATerm]
             deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

fromShATerm :: ShATermConvertible t => ATermTable -> t
fromShATerm att = snd $ fromShATerm' (getTopIndex att) att

fromATerm :: ShATermConvertible t => ATerm -> t
fromATerm = fromShATerm . toATermTable

getATermFull :: ATermTable -> ATerm
getATermFull at =
    let t = getATerm at
    in case t of
       (ShAInt i as) -> AInt i (map conv as)
       (ShAList l as) -> AList (map conv l) (map conv as)
       (ShAAppl c l as) -> AAppl c (map conv l) (map conv as)
    where conv t = getATermFull (getATermByIndex1 t at)

toATermTable :: ATerm -> ATermTable
toATermTable at = fst $ addToTable at emptyATermTable
    addToTable :: ATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
    addToTable (AAppl s ats anns) att =
        let (att1, ats') = addToTableList ats att
            (att2, anns') = addToTableList anns att1
        in addATerm (ShAAppl s ats' anns') att2
    addToTable (AList ats anns) att =
        let (att1, ats') = addToTableList ats att
            (att2, anns') = addToTableList anns att1
        in addATerm (ShAList ats' anns') att2
    addToTable (AInt i anns) att =
        let (att1, anns') = addToTableList anns att
        in addATerm (ShAInt i anns') att1
    addToTableList :: [ATerm] -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [Int])
    addToTableList [] att = (att, [])
    addToTableList (at1 : ats) att =
        let (att1, i) = addToTable at1 att
            (att2, is) = addToTableList ats att1
        in (att2, i : is)