attempt-0.0.1: Error handling using extensible exceptions outside the IO monad.Source codeContentsIndex
Data type and type class
General handling of Attempts
Individual Attempts
Lists of Attempts
Reexport the MonadFailure class
A universal data type for computations which may fail. Errors are reported using extensible exceptions. These exceptions are not explicitly stated; if you want this kind of functionality, something like control-monad-exception might be a more appropriate fit.
data Attempt v
= Success v
| Failure SomeException
class FromAttempt a where
fromAttempt :: Attempt v -> a v
fa :: FromAttempt a => Attempt v -> a v
joinAttempt :: (FromAttempt m, Monad m) => m (Attempt v) -> m v
attempt :: (forall e. Exception e => e -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Attempt a -> b
makeHandler :: [AttemptHandler v] -> v -> forall e. Exception e => e -> v
data AttemptHandler v = forall e . Exception e => AttemptHandler (e -> v)
isFailure :: Attempt v -> Bool
isSuccess :: Attempt v -> Bool
fromSuccess :: Attempt v -> v
successes :: [Attempt v] -> [v]
failures :: [Attempt v] -> [SomeException]
partitionAttempts :: [Attempt v] -> ([SomeException], [v])
module Control.Monad.Failure
Data type and type class
data Attempt v Source
Contains either a Success value or a Failure exception.
Success v
Failure SomeException
show/hide Instances
class FromAttempt a whereSource

Any type which can be converted from an Attempt. The included instances are your "usual suspects" for dealing with error handling. They include:

IO: For the IO instance, any exceptions in the Attempt are thrown as runtime exceptions.

Maybe: Returns Nothing on Failure, or Just on Success.

List: Returns the empty list on Failure, or a singleton list on Success.

Either String: Returns Left (show exception) on Failure, or Right on Success.

Either Exception: Returns Left exception on Failure, or Right on Success.

fromAttempt :: Attempt v -> a vSource
show/hide Instances
fa :: FromAttempt a => Attempt v -> a vSource
A shortcut for fromAttempt.
joinAttempt :: (FromAttempt m, Monad m) => m (Attempt v) -> m vSource

This is not a simple translation of the Control.Monad.join function. Instead, for Monads which are instances of FromAttempt, it removes the inner Attempt type, reporting errors as defined in the FromAttempt instance.

For example, join (Just (failureString "foo")) == Nothing.

General handling of Attempts
=> forall e. Exception e => e -> berror handler
-> a -> bsuccess handler
-> Attempt a
-> b

Process either the exception or value in an Attempt to produce a result.

This function is modeled after maybe and either. The first argument must accept any instances of Exception. If you want to handle multiple types of exceptions, see makeHandler. The second argument converts the success value.

makeHandler :: [AttemptHandler v] -> v -> forall e. Exception e => e -> vSource

Convert multiple AttemptHandlers and a default value into an exception handler.

This is a convenience function when you want to have special handling for a few types of Exceptions and provide another value for anything else.

data AttemptHandler v Source
A simple wrapper value necesary due to the Haskell type system. Wraps a function from a *specific* Exception type to some value.
forall e . Exception e => AttemptHandler (e -> v)
Individual Attempts
isFailure :: Attempt v -> BoolSource
Tests for a Failure value.
isSuccess :: Attempt v -> BoolSource
Tests for a Success value.
fromSuccess :: Attempt v -> vSource
This is an unsafe, partial function which should only be used if you either know that a function will succeed or don't mind the occassional runtime exception.
Lists of Attempts
successes :: [Attempt v] -> [v]Source
Returns only the Success values.
failures :: [Attempt v] -> [SomeException]Source
Returns only the Failure values, each wrapped in a SomeException.
partitionAttempts :: [Attempt v] -> ([SomeException], [v])Source
Return all of the Failures and Successes separately in a tuple.
Reexport the MonadFailure class
module Control.Monad.Failure
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