audacity- Interchange with the Audacity sound signal editor
newtype State Source #
type Monad m = ReaderT FilePath (StateT State m) Source #
eval :: Monad m => FilePath -> Monad m a -> m a Source #
data Handle Source #
createHandle :: FilePath -> IO Handle Source #
deleteHandle :: Handle -> IO () Source #
withHandle :: FilePath -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
usingHandle :: MonadIO io => Handle -> Monad io a -> io a Source #
data T Source #
showsPrec :: Int -> T -> ShowS #
show :: T -> String #
showList :: [T] -> ShowS #
rnf :: T -> () #
fromBlock :: Vector Float -> T Source #
attachStarts :: [T] -> [(Int, T)] Source #
sequenceFromStorableVector :: Int -> Vector Float -> [T] Source #
reserve :: Monad m => Monad m State Source #
data Limits Source #
showsPrec :: Int -> Limits -> ShowS #
show :: Limits -> String #
showList :: [Limits] -> ShowS #
sizeOf :: Limits -> Int #
alignment :: Limits -> Int #
peekElemOff :: Ptr Limits -> Int -> IO Limits #
pokeElemOff :: Ptr Limits -> Int -> Limits -> IO () #
peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO Limits #
pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Limits -> IO () #
peek :: Ptr Limits -> IO Limits #
poke :: Ptr Limits -> Limits -> IO () #
rnf :: Limits -> () #
defltLimits :: Limits Source #
storeLimits :: Dictionary Limits Source #
summary :: Int -> Vector Float -> Vector Limits Source #