audacity-0.0: Interchange with the Audacity sound signal editor

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




newtype T time label Source




decons :: [Interval time label]


Functor (T time) 
Foldable (T time) 
Traversable (T time) 
Monoid (T time label) 
(NFData time, NFData label) => NFData (T time label) 

type Interval time label = ((time, time), label) Source

empty :: T time label Source

singleton :: (time, time) -> label -> T time label Source

fromAdjacentChunks :: Num time => [(time, label)] -> T time label Source

lift :: ([Interval time0 label0] -> [Interval time1 label1]) -> T time0 label0 -> T time1 label1 Source

lift2 :: ([Interval time0 label0] -> [Interval time1 label1] -> [Interval time2 label2]) -> T time0 label0 -> T time1 label1 -> T time2 label2 Source

formatTime :: RealFrac time => time -> String Source

Format the times using a comma, which is certainly only correct in German locale.

mapTime :: (time0 -> time1) -> T time0 label -> T time1 label Source

You must make sure, that the time mapping function preserves the order. This is not checked.

realTimes :: Fractional time => time -> T Int String -> T time String Source

writeFile :: RealFrac time => FilePath -> T time String -> IO () Source

writeFileInt :: RealFrac time => time -> FilePath -> T Int String -> IO () Source

readFile :: Fractional time => FilePath -> IO (T time String) Source

Read label file in a strict way.