{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications  #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Aura.Pkgbuild.Security
-- Copyright : (c) Colin Woodbury, 2012 - 2020
-- License   : GPL3
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <colin@fosskers.ca>
-- Analyse PKGBUILDs for potentially malicious bash code.

module Aura.Pkgbuild.Security
  ( BannedTerm(..), BanCategory(..)
  , parsedPB, bannedTerms
  , reportExploit
  ) where

import           Aura.Languages
import           Aura.Types (Language, Pkgbuild(..))
import           Control.Error.Util (hush)
import           Data.Generics.Product (typed, types)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Doc)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal (AnsiStyle)
import           Language.Bash.Parse (parse)
import           Language.Bash.Syntax
import           Language.Bash.Word (Span(..), Word, unquote)
import           Lens.Micro (each, (.~), (^..), _Just)
import           RIO hiding (Word)
import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.Text as T


-- | A bash term which should never appear in a PKGBUILD. If one does, it's
-- either a sign of maintainer negligence or malicious behaviour.
data BannedTerm = BannedTerm Text BanCategory deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

-- | The reason why the bash term is black-listed.
data BanCategory = Downloading
                 | ScriptRunning
                 | Permissions
                 | InlinedBash
                 | StrangeBashism
                 | CleverRedirect
                 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

blacklist :: Map Text BannedTerm
blacklist = M.fromList $ downloading <> running <> permissions
    downloading = map (\t -> (t, BannedTerm t Downloading)) ["curl", "wget", "rsync", "scp"]
    running     = map (\t -> (t, BannedTerm t ScriptRunning)) ["sh", "bash", "eval", "zsh", "fish"]
    permissions = map (\t -> (t, BannedTerm t Permissions)) ["sudo", "ssh"]

-- TODO wasteful conversion!
-- | Attempt to parse a PKGBUILD. Should succeed for all reasonable PKGBUILDs.
parsedPB :: Pkgbuild -> Maybe List
parsedPB (Pkgbuild pb) = hush . parse "PKGBUILD" . T.unpack $ decodeUtf8Lenient pb

-- | Discover any banned terms lurking in a parsed PKGBUILD, paired with
-- the surrounding context lines.
bannedTerms :: List -> [(ShellCommand, BannedTerm)]
bannedTerms = simpleCommands >=> bannedCommand

banned :: Word -> Maybe BannedTerm
banned w = M.lookup (T.pack $ unquote w) blacklist

-- | Extract all `SimpleCommand`s from a parsed bash AST.
simpleCommands :: List -> [ShellCommand]
simpleCommands l = l ^.. types @ShellCommand . to p . each
  where p sc@(SimpleCommand _ _) = [sc]
        p sc = sc ^.. types @List . to simpleCommands . each

bannedCommand :: ShellCommand -> [(ShellCommand, BannedTerm)]
bannedCommand s@(SimpleCommand [] (g:c:_))
  | g == [Char 'g', Char 'i', Char 't'] &&
    c == [Char 'c', Char 'l', Char 'o', Char 'n', Char 'e'] = [(s, BannedTerm "git" Downloading)]
bannedCommand s@(SimpleCommand [] (c:_)) = maybeToList $ (s,) <$> banned c
bannedCommand s@(SimpleCommand as _) = as ^.. each . typed @RValue . to r . each
    r rv@(RValue w) = maybeToList ((s,) <$> (banned w & _Just . typed @BanCategory .~ CleverRedirect)) <> q rv
    r rv = q rv

    q :: RValue -> [(ShellCommand, BannedTerm)]
    q rv = rv ^.. types @Word . each . to p . each . to (s,)

    p (CommandSubst str)   = maybeToList (hush $ parse "CommandSubst" str) >>= simpleCommands >>= map snd . bannedCommand
    p (ArithSubst str)     = [BannedTerm (T.pack str) StrangeBashism]
    p (ProcessSubst _ str) = [BannedTerm (T.pack str) StrangeBashism]
    p sp = sp ^.. types @Word . each . to p . each
bannedCommand _ = []


-- | Dispatch different error messages depending on the category of a `BannedTerm`.
reportExploit :: BannedTerm -> (Language -> Doc AnsiStyle)
reportExploit (BannedTerm t bc) = case bc of
  Downloading    -> security_2 t
  ScriptRunning  -> security_3 t
  Permissions    -> security_4 t
  InlinedBash    -> security_8 t
  StrangeBashism -> security_9 t
  CleverRedirect -> security_10 t