{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Aura.Core
-- Copyright : (c) Colin Woodbury, 2012 - 2020
-- License   : GPL3
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <colin@fosskers.ca>
-- Core types and functions which belong nowhere else.

module Aura.Core
  ( -- * Types
  , Repository(..)
  , liftMaybeM
    -- * User Privileges
  , sudo, trueRoot
    -- * Querying the Package Database
  , foreignPackages, orphans, develPkgs
  , Unsatisfied(..), Satisfied(..)
  , areSatisfied, isInstalled
  , checkDBLock
    -- * Misc. Package Handling
  , removePkgs, partitionPkgs, packageBuildable
    -- * IO
  , notify, warn, scold, report
  ) where

import           Aura.Colour
import           Aura.IO
import           Aura.Languages
import           Aura.Pacman
import           Aura.Pkgbuild.Editing (hotEdit)
import           Aura.Settings
import           Aura.Shell
import           Aura.Types
import           Aura.Utils
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import           Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal
import           RIO hiding ((<>))
import qualified RIO.ByteString as B
import           RIO.Directory (doesFileExist)
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as NEL
import qualified RIO.Set as S
import qualified RIO.Text as T



-- | The complete Aura runtime environment. `Repository` has internal caches
-- instantiated in `IO`, while `Settings` is mostly static and derived from
-- command-line arguments.
data Env = Env { repository :: !Repository, settings :: !Settings }
  deriving stock (Generic)

settingsL :: Lens' Env Settings
settingsL f e = (\ss -> e { settings = ss }) <$> f (settings e)

instance HasLogFunc Env where
  logFuncL = settingsL . logFuncOfL

-- | A `Repository` is a place where packages may be fetched from. Multiple
-- repositories can be combined with the `Semigroup` instance. Checks packages
-- in batches for efficiency.
data Repository = Repository
  { repoCache :: !(TVar (Map PkgName Package))
  , repoLookup :: Settings -> NonEmpty PkgName -> IO (Maybe (Set PkgName, Set Package)) }

-- NOTE The `repoCache` value passed to the combined `Repository` constructor is
-- irrelevant, and only sits there for typechecking purposes. Each `Repository`
-- is expected to leverage its own cache within its `repoLookup` function.
instance Semigroup Repository where
  a <> b = Repository (repoCache a) $ \ss ps -> runMaybeT $ do
    items@(bads, goods) <- MaybeT $ repoLookup a ss ps
    case nes bads of
      Nothing    -> pure items
      Just bads' -> second (goods <>) <$> MaybeT (repoLookup b ss bads')

-- Functions common to `Package`s
-- | Partition a list of packages into pacman and buildable groups. Yes, this is
-- the correct signature. As far as this function (in isolation) is concerned,
-- there is no way to guarantee that the list of `NonEmpty`s will itself be
-- non-empty.
partitionPkgs :: NonEmpty (NonEmpty Package) -> ([Prebuilt], [NonEmpty Buildable])
partitionPkgs = bimap fold f . L.unzip . map g . NEL.toList
    g :: NonEmpty Package -> ([Prebuilt], [Buildable])
    g = fmapEither toEither . NEL.toList

    f :: [[a]] -> [NonEmpty a]
    f = mapMaybe NEL.nonEmpty

    toEither :: Package -> Either Prebuilt Buildable
    toEither (FromAUR b)  = Right b
    toEither (FromRepo b) = Left b

-- | Package a Buildable, running the customization handler first.
packageBuildable :: Settings -> Buildable -> IO Package
packageBuildable ss b = FromAUR <$> hotEdit ss b

liftMaybeM :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m (Maybe a) -> m a
liftMaybeM a m = m >>= maybe (throwM a) pure

-- | Action won't be allowed unless user is root, or using sudo.
sudo :: RIO Env a -> RIO Env a
sudo act = asks (hasRootPriv . envOf . settings) >>= bool (throwM $ Failure mustBeRoot_1) act

-- | Stop the user if they are the true root. Building as root isn't allowed
-- since makepkg v4.2.
trueRoot :: RIO Env a -> RIO Env a
trueRoot action = asks settings >>= \ss ->
  if not (isTrueRoot $ envOf ss) && buildUserOf (buildConfigOf ss) /= Just (User "root")
    then action else throwM $ Failure trueRoot_3

-- | A list of non-prebuilt packages installed on the system.
-- `-Qm` yields a list of sorted values.
foreignPackages :: IO (Set SimplePkg)
foreignPackages = S.fromList . mapMaybe simplepkg' <$> pacmanLines ["-Qm"]

-- | Packages marked as a dependency, yet are required by no other package.
orphans :: IO (Set PkgName)
orphans = S.fromList . map PkgName <$> pacmanLines ["-Qqdt"]

-- | Any package whose name is suffixed by git, hg, svn, darcs, cvs, or bzr.
develPkgs :: IO (Set PkgName)
develPkgs = S.filter isDevelPkg . S.map spName <$> foreignPackages
  where isDevelPkg (PkgName pkg) = any (`T.isSuffixOf` pkg) suffixes
        suffixes = ["-git", "-hg", "-svn", "-darcs", "-cvs", "-bzr"]

-- | Returns what it was given if the package is already installed.
-- Reasoning: Using raw bools can be less expressive.
isInstalled :: PkgName -> IO (Maybe PkgName)
isInstalled pkg = bool Nothing (Just pkg) <$> pacmanSuccess ["-Qq", pnName pkg]

-- | An @-Rsu@ call.
removePkgs :: NonEmpty PkgName -> RIO Env ()
removePkgs pkgs = do
  pacOpts <- asks (commonConfigOf . settings)
  liftIO . pacman $ ["-Rsu"] <> asFlag pkgs <> asFlag pacOpts

-- | Depedencies which are not installed, or otherwise provided by some
-- installed package.
newtype Unsatisfied = Unsatisfied (NonEmpty Dep)

-- | The opposite of `Unsatisfied`.
newtype Satisfied = Satisfied (NonEmpty Dep)

-- | Similar to `isSatisfied`, but dependencies are checked in a batch, since
-- @-T@ can accept multiple inputs.
areSatisfied :: NonEmpty Dep -> IO (These Unsatisfied Satisfied)
areSatisfied ds = do
  unsats <- S.fromList . mapMaybe parseDep <$> unsat
  pure . bimap Unsatisfied Satisfied $ partNonEmpty (f unsats) ds
    unsat :: IO [Text]
    unsat = pacmanLines $ "-T" : map renderedDep (toList ds)

    f :: Set Dep -> Dep -> These Dep Dep
    f unsats d | S.member d unsats = This d
               | otherwise = That d

-- | Block further action until the database is free.
checkDBLock :: Settings -> IO ()
checkDBLock ss = do
  locked <- doesFileExist lockFile
  when locked $ warn ss checkDBLock_1 *> B.getLine *> checkDBLock ss

-- MISC  -- Too specific for `Utilities.hs` or `Aura.Utils`

-- | Print some message in green with Aura flair.
notify :: MonadIO m => Settings -> (Language -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> m ()
notify ss msg = putStrLnA ss $ green (msg $ langOf ss)

-- | Print some message in yellow with Aura flair.
warn :: MonadIO m => Settings -> (Language -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> m ()
warn ss msg = putStrLnA ss $ yellow (msg $ langOf ss)

-- | Print some message in red with Aura flair.
scold :: MonadIO m => Settings -> (Language -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> m ()
scold ss msg = putStrLnA ss $ red (msg $ langOf ss)

-- | Report a message with multiple associated items. Usually a list of
-- naughty packages.
report :: (Doc AnsiStyle -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> (Language -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> NonEmpty PkgName -> RIO Env ()
report c msg pkgs = do
  ss <- asks settings
  putStrLnA ss . c . msg $ langOf ss
  putTextLn . dtot . colourCheck ss . vsep . map (cyan . pretty . pnName) $ toList pkgs