{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Aura.Core
-- Copyright : (c) Colin Woodbury, 2012 - 2020
-- License   : GPL3
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <colin@fosskers.ca>
-- Core types and functions which belong nowhere else.

module Aura.Core
  ( -- * Types
  , Repository(..)
  , liftMaybeM
    -- * User Privileges
  , sudo, trueRoot
    -- * Querying the Package Database
  , foreignPackages, orphans
  , develPkgs, isDevelPkg
  , Unsatisfied(..), Satisfied(..)
  , areSatisfied, isInstalled
  , checkDBLock
    -- * Misc. Package Handling
  , removePkgs, partitionPkgs
    -- * Content Diffing
  , diff
    -- * IO
  , notify, warn, scold, report
  ) where

import           Aura.Colour
import           Aura.IO
import           Aura.Languages
import           Aura.Pacman
import           Aura.Settings
import           Aura.Shell
import           Aura.Types
import           Aura.Utils
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import           Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal
import           RIO hiding ((<>))
import qualified RIO.ByteString as B
import           RIO.Directory (doesFileExist)
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as NEL
import qualified RIO.Set as S
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import           System.Process.Typed (proc, runProcess)



-- | The complete Aura runtime environment. `Repository` has internal caches
-- instantiated in `IO`, while `Settings` is mostly static and derived from
-- command-line arguments.
data Env = Env { repository :: !Repository, settings :: !Settings }
  deriving stock (Generic)

settingsL :: Lens' Env Settings
settingsL f e = (\ss -> e { settings = ss }) <$> f (settings e)

instance HasLogFunc Env where
  logFuncL = settingsL . logFuncOfL

-- | A `Repository` is a place where packages may be fetched from. Multiple
-- repositories can be combined with the `Semigroup` instance. Checks packages
-- in batches for efficiency.
data Repository = Repository
  { repoCache :: !(TVar (Map PkgName Package))
  , repoLookup :: Settings -> NonEmpty PkgName -> IO (Maybe (Set PkgName, Set Package)) }

-- NOTE The `repoCache` value passed to the combined `Repository` constructor is
-- irrelevant, and only sits there for typechecking purposes. Each `Repository`
-- is expected to leverage its own cache within its `repoLookup` function.
instance Semigroup Repository where
  a <> b = Repository (repoCache a) $ \ss ps -> runMaybeT $ do
    items@(bads, goods) <- MaybeT $ repoLookup a ss ps
    case nes bads of
      Nothing    -> pure items
      Just bads' -> second (goods <>) <$> MaybeT (repoLookup b ss bads')

-- Functions common to `Package`s
-- | Partition a list of packages into pacman and buildable groups. Yes, this is
-- the correct signature. As far as this function (in isolation) is concerned,
-- there is no way to guarantee that the list of `NonEmpty`s will itself be
-- non-empty.
partitionPkgs :: NonEmpty (NonEmpty Package) -> ([Prebuilt], [NonEmpty Buildable])
partitionPkgs = bimap fold f . L.unzip . map g . NEL.toList
    g :: NonEmpty Package -> ([Prebuilt], [Buildable])
    g = fmapEither toEither . NEL.toList

    f :: [[a]] -> [NonEmpty a]
    f = mapMaybe NEL.nonEmpty

    toEither :: Package -> Either Prebuilt Buildable
    toEither (FromAUR b)  = Right b
    toEither (FromRepo b) = Left b

liftMaybeM :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m (Maybe a) -> m a
liftMaybeM a m = m >>= maybe (throwM a) pure

-- | Action won't be allowed unless user is root, or using sudo.
sudo :: RIO Env a -> RIO Env a
sudo act = asks (hasRootPriv . envOf . settings) >>= bool (throwM $ Failure mustBeRoot_1) act

-- | Stop the user if they are the true root. Building as root isn't allowed
-- since makepkg v4.2.
trueRoot :: RIO Env a -> RIO Env a
trueRoot action = asks settings >>= \ss ->
  if not (isTrueRoot $ envOf ss) && buildUserOf (buildConfigOf ss) /= Just (User "root")
    then action else throwM $ Failure trueRoot_3

-- | A list of non-prebuilt packages installed on the system.
-- @-Qm@ yields a list of sorted values.
foreignPackages :: Environment -> IO (Set SimplePkg)
foreignPackages env = S.fromList . mapMaybe simplepkg' <$> pacmanLines env ["-Qm"]

-- | Packages marked as a dependency, yet are required by no other package.
orphans :: Environment -> IO (Set PkgName)
orphans env = S.fromList . map PkgName <$> pacmanLines env ["-Qqdt"]

-- | Any installed package whose name is suffixed by git, hg, svn, darcs, cvs,
-- or bzr.
develPkgs :: Environment -> IO (Set PkgName)
develPkgs env = S.filter isDevelPkg . S.map spName <$> foreignPackages env

-- | Is a package suffixed by git, hg, svn, darcs, cvs, or bzr?
isDevelPkg :: PkgName -> Bool
isDevelPkg (PkgName pkg) = any (`T.isSuffixOf` pkg) suffixes
    suffixes :: [Text]
    suffixes = ["-git", "-hg", "-svn", "-darcs", "-cvs", "-bzr"]

-- | Returns what it was given if the package is already installed.
-- Reasoning: Using raw bools can be less expressive.
isInstalled :: Environment -> PkgName -> IO (Maybe PkgName)
isInstalled env pkg = bool Nothing (Just pkg) <$> pacmanSuccess env ["-Qq", pnName pkg]

-- | An @-Rsu@ call.
removePkgs :: NonEmpty PkgName -> RIO Env ()
removePkgs pkgs = do
  ss <- asks settings
  let !pacOpts = commonConfigOf ss
      !env = envOf ss
  liftIO . pacman env $ ["-Rsu"] <> asFlag pkgs <> asFlag pacOpts

-- | Depedencies which are not installed, or otherwise provided by some
-- installed package.
newtype Unsatisfied = Unsatisfied (NonEmpty Dep)

-- | The opposite of `Unsatisfied`.
newtype Satisfied = Satisfied (NonEmpty Dep)

-- | Similar to `isSatisfied`, but dependencies are checked in a batch, since
-- @-T@ can accept multiple inputs.
areSatisfied :: Environment -> NonEmpty Dep -> IO (These Unsatisfied Satisfied)
areSatisfied env ds = do
  unsats <- S.fromList . mapMaybe parseDep <$> unsat
  pure . bimap Unsatisfied Satisfied $ partNonEmpty (f unsats) ds
    unsat :: IO [Text]
    unsat = pacmanLines env $ "-T" : map renderedDep (toList ds)

    f :: Set Dep -> Dep -> These Dep Dep
    f unsats d | S.member d unsats = This d
               | otherwise = That d

-- | Block further action until the database is free.
checkDBLock :: Settings -> IO ()
checkDBLock ss = do
  locked <- doesFileExist lockFile
  when locked $ warn ss checkDBLock_1 *> B.getLine *> checkDBLock ss


-- | Given two filepaths, output the diff of the two files.
-- Output will be coloured unless colour is deactivated by
-- `--color never` or by detection of a non-terminal output
-- target.
diff :: MonadIO m => Settings -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
diff ss f1 f2 = void . runProcess . proc "diff" $ c <> ["-u", f1, f2]
    c :: [FilePath]
    c = bool ["--color"] [] $ shared ss (Colour Never)

-- MISC  -- Too specific for `Utilities.hs` or `Aura.Utils`

-- | Print some message in green with Aura flair.
notify :: MonadIO m => Settings -> (Language -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> m ()
notify ss msg = putStrLnA ss $ green (msg $ langOf ss)

-- | Print some message in yellow with Aura flair.
warn :: MonadIO m => Settings -> (Language -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> m ()
warn ss msg = putStrLnA ss $ yellow (msg $ langOf ss)

-- | Print some message in red with Aura flair.
scold :: MonadIO m => Settings -> (Language -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> m ()
scold ss msg = putStrLnA ss $ red (msg $ langOf ss)

-- | Report a message with multiple associated items. Usually a list of
-- naughty packages.
report :: (Doc AnsiStyle -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> (Language -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> NonEmpty PkgName -> RIO Env ()
report c msg pkgs = do
  ss <- asks settings
  putStrLnA ss . c . msg $ langOf ss
  putTextLn . dtot . colourCheck ss . vsep . map (cyan . pretty . pnName) $ toList pkgs