{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Aura.Settings.External
-- Copyright : (c) Colin Woodbury, 2012 - 2020
-- License   : GPL3
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <colin@fosskers.ca>
-- A simple parser for .conf files, along with types for aura-specific config
-- files.

module Aura.Settings.External
  ( -- * Aura Config
  , getAuraConf
  , auraConfig
  , defaultAuraConf
    -- * Parsing
  , Config(..)
  , config
  ) where

import           Aura.Languages (langFromLocale)
import           Aura.Settings
import           Aura.Types
import           RIO hiding (first, some, try)
import qualified RIO.ByteString as BS
import           RIO.Directory
import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import           Text.Megaparsec hiding (single)
import           Text.Megaparsec.Char
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L

-- Aura-specific Configuration

data AuraConfig = AuraConfig
  { acLang      :: Maybe Language
  , acEditor    :: Maybe FilePath
  , acUser      :: Maybe User
  , acBuildPath :: Maybe FilePath
  , acASPath    :: Maybe FilePath
  , acVCSPath   :: Maybe FilePath
  , acAnalyse   :: Maybe BuildSwitch }
  deriving stock (Show)

defaultAuraConf :: FilePath
defaultAuraConf = "/etc/aura.conf"

getAuraConf :: FilePath -> IO Config
getAuraConf fp = do
  exists <- doesFileExist fp
  if not exists
    then pure $ Config mempty
    else do
      file <- decodeUtf8Lenient <$> BS.readFile fp
      pure . either (const $ Config M.empty) id $ parse config "aura config" file

auraConfig :: Config -> AuraConfig
auraConfig (Config m) = AuraConfig
  { acLang = one "language" >>= langFromLocale
  , acEditor = T.unpack <$> one "editor"
  , acUser = User <$> one "user"
  , acBuildPath = T.unpack <$> one "buildpath"
  , acASPath = T.unpack <$> one "allsourcepath"
  , acVCSPath = T.unpack <$> one "vcspath"
  , acAnalyse = one "analyse" >>= readMaybe . T.unpack >>= bool (Just NoPkgbuildCheck) Nothing
    one x = M.lookup x m >>= listToMaybe

-- Parsing

-- | The (meaningful) contents of a .conf file.
newtype Config = Config (Map Text [Text]) deriving (Show)

-- | Parse a `Config`.
config :: Parsec Void Text Config
config = do
  cs <- some $ fmap Right (try pair) <|> fmap Left single
  pure . Config . M.fromList $ rights cs

single :: Parsec Void Text ()
single = L.lexeme garbage . void $ manyTill letterChar newline

pair :: Parsec Void Text (Text, [Text])
pair = L.lexeme garbage $ do
  n <- takeWhile1P Nothing (/= ' ')
  void $ char '='
  rest <- T.words <$> takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '\n')
  pure (n, rest)

-- Thu 23 Apr 2020 06:57:59 PM PDT
-- Thank you me-from-the-past for documenting this.
-- | All skippable content. Using `[]` as block comment markers is a trick to
-- skip conf file "section" lines.
garbage :: Parsec Void Text ()
garbage = L.space space1 (L.skipLineComment "#") (L.skipBlockComment "[" "]")