{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Aura.State
-- Copyright : (c) Colin Woodbury, 2012 - 2020
-- License   : GPL3
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <colin@fosskers.ca>
-- Interface to `makepkg`.

module Aura.MakePkg
  ( makepkg
  , makepkgSource
  ) where

import           Aura.IO (optionalPrompt)
import           Aura.Languages
import           Aura.Settings
import           Aura.Types
import           Aura.Utils (note)
import           RIO
import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import           RIO.Directory
import           RIO.FilePath
import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as NEL
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import           System.Process.Typed


makepkgCmd :: FilePath
makepkgCmd = "/usr/bin/makepkg"

-- | Given the current user name, build the package of whatever
-- directory we're in.
makepkg :: Settings -> User -> IO (Either Failure (NonEmpty FilePath))
makepkg ss usr = make ss usr (proc cmd $ opts <> overwrite <> colour) >>= g
    (cmd, opts) =
      runStyle usr . map T.unpack . foldMap asFlag . makepkgFlagsOf $ buildConfigOf ss

    g :: (ExitCode, LByteString, [a]) -> IO (Either Failure (NonEmpty a))
    g (ExitSuccess, _, fs)   = pure . note (Failure buildFail_9) $ NEL.nonEmpty fs
    g (ExitFailure _, se, _) = do
      unless (switch ss DontSuppressMakepkg) $ do
        showError <- optionalPrompt ss buildFail_11
        when showError $ BL.putStrLn se
      pure . Left $ Failure buildFail_8

    overwrite :: [String]
    overwrite | switch ss ForceBuilding = ["-f"]
              | otherwise = []

    colour :: [String]
    colour | shared ss (Colour Never)  = ["--nocolor"]
           | shared ss (Colour Always) = []
           | isTerminal ss = []
           | otherwise = ["--nocolor"]

-- | Actually build the package, guarding on exceptions.
-- Yields the filepaths of the built package tarballs.
make :: MonadIO m
  => Settings
  -> User
  -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr
  -> m (ExitCode, BL.ByteString, [FilePath])
make ss (User usr) pc = do
  -- Perform the actual building.
  (ec, se) <- runIt ss pc
  -- Fetch the filenames of the built tarballs.
  (_, out, _) <- readProcess $ proc "sudo" ["-u", T.unpack usr, makepkgCmd, "--packagelist"]
  let fs = map T.unpack . T.lines . decodeUtf8Lenient $ BL.toStrict out
  pure (ec, se, fs)

runIt :: MonadIO m
  => Settings
  -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr
  -> m (ExitCode, BL.ByteString)
runIt ss pc | switch ss DontSuppressMakepkg = (,mempty) <$> runProcess pc
            | otherwise = (\(ec, _, se) -> (ec, se)) <$> readProcess pc

-- | Make a source package. See `man makepkg` and grep for `--allsource`.
makepkgSource :: User -> IO [FilePath]
makepkgSource usr = do
  void . runProcess $ proc cmd opts
  pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
  filter (T.isSuffixOf ".src.tar.gz" . T.pack) . map (pwd </>) <$> listDirectory pwd
    where (cmd, opts) = runStyle usr ["--allsource"]

-- | As of makepkg v4.2, building with `--asroot` is no longer allowed.
runStyle :: User -> [String] -> (FilePath, [String])
runStyle (User usr) opts = ("sudo", ["-u", T.unpack usr, makepkgCmd] <> opts)