{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies    #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Aws.DynamoDb.Commands.Query
-- Copyright   :  Soostone Inc
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Ozgun Ataman <ozgun.ataman@soostone.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Implementation of Amazon DynamoDb Query command.
-- See: @http:\/\/docs.aws.amazon.com\/amazondynamodb\/latest\/APIReference\/API_Query.html@

module Aws.DynamoDb.Commands.Query
    ( Query (..)
    , Slice (..)
    , query
    , QueryResponse (..)
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Default
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text           as T
import           Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Vector         as V
import           Aws.Core
import           Aws.DynamoDb.Core

-- | 'Slice' is the primary constraint in a 'Query' command, per AWS
-- requirements.
-- All 'Query' commands must specify a hash attribute via 'DEq' and
-- optionally provide a secondary range attribute.
data Slice = Slice {
      sliceHash :: Attribute
    -- ^ Hash value of the primary key or index being used
    , sliceCond :: Maybe Condition
    -- ^ An optional condition specified on the range component, if
    -- present, of the primary key or index being used.
    }  deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable)

-- | A Query command that uses primary keys for an expedient scan.
data Query = Query {
      qTableName     :: T.Text
    -- ^ Required.
    , qKeyConditions :: Slice
    -- ^ Required. Hash or hash-range main condition.
    , qFilter        :: Conditions
    -- ^ Whether to filter results before returning to client
    , qStartKey      :: Maybe [Attribute]
    -- ^ Exclusive start key to resume a previous query.
    , qLimit         :: Maybe Int
    -- ^ Whether to limit result set size
    , qForwardScan   :: Bool
    -- ^ Set to False for descending results
    , qSelect        :: QuerySelect
    -- ^ What to return from 'Query'
    , qRetCons       :: ReturnConsumption
    , qIndex         :: Maybe T.Text
    -- ^ Whether to use a secondary/global index
    , qConsistent    :: Bool
    } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable)

instance ToJSON Query where
    toJSON Query{..} = object $
        [ (("ExclusiveStartKey" .= ) . attributesJson) <$> qStartKey
        , ("Limit" .= ) <$> qLimit
        , ("IndexName" .= ) <$> qIndex
        ] ++
      conditionsJson "QueryFilter" qFilter ++
      querySelectJson qSelect ++
      [ "ScanIndexForward" .= qForwardScan
      , "TableName".= qTableName
      , "KeyConditions" .= sliceJson qKeyConditions
      , "ReturnConsumedCapacity" .= qRetCons
      , "ConsistentRead" .= qConsistent

-- | Construct a minimal 'Query' request.
    :: T.Text
    -- ^ Table name
    -> Slice
    -- ^ Primary key slice for query
    -> Query
query tn sl = Query tn sl def Nothing Nothing True def def Nothing False

-- | Response to a 'Query' query.
data QueryResponse = QueryResponse {
      qrItems    :: V.Vector Item
    , qrLastKey  :: Maybe [Attribute]
    , qrCount    :: Int
    , qrScanned  :: Int
    , qrConsumed :: Maybe ConsumedCapacity
    } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord)

instance FromJSON QueryResponse where
    parseJSON (Object v) = QueryResponse
        <$> v .:?  "Items" .!= V.empty
        <*> ((do o <- v .: "LastEvaluatedKey"
                 Just <$> parseAttributeJson o)
             <|> pure Nothing)
        <*> v .:  "Count"
        <*> v .:  "ScannedCount"
        <*> v .:? "ConsumedCapacity"
    parseJSON _ = fail "QueryResponse must be an object."

instance Transaction Query QueryResponse

instance SignQuery Query where
    type ServiceConfiguration Query = DdbConfiguration
    signQuery gi = ddbSignQuery "Query" gi

instance ResponseConsumer r QueryResponse where
    type ResponseMetadata QueryResponse = DdbResponse
    responseConsumer _ _ ref resp
        = ddbResponseConsumer ref resp

instance AsMemoryResponse QueryResponse where
    type MemoryResponse QueryResponse = QueryResponse
    loadToMemory = return

instance ListResponse QueryResponse Item where
    listResponse = V.toList . qrItems

instance IteratedTransaction Query QueryResponse where
    nextIteratedRequest request response = case qrLastKey response of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        key -> Just request { qStartKey = key }

sliceJson :: Slice -> Value
sliceJson Slice{..} = object (map conditionJson cs)
      cs = maybe [] return sliceCond ++ [hashCond]
      hashCond = Condition (attrName sliceHash) (DEq (attrVal sliceHash))