{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

module Aws.Lambda.Runtime.ApiGatewayInfo
  ( ApiGatewayRequest(..)
  , ApiGatewayRequestContext(..)
  , ApiGatewayRequestContextIdentity(..)
  , ApiGatewayResponse(..)
  , ApiGatewayResponseBody(..)
  , ToApiGatewayResponseBody(..)
  , mkApiGatewayResponse ) where

import Aws.Lambda.Utilities
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as T
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Types

data ApiGatewayRequest body = ApiGatewayRequest
  { apiGatewayRequestResource              :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestPath                  :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestHttpMethod            :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestHeaders               :: !(HashMap Text Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestQueryStringParameters :: !(Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
  , apiGatewayRequestPathParameters        :: !(Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
  , apiGatewayRequestStageVariables        :: !(Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
  , apiGatewayRequestIsBase64Encoded       :: !Bool
  , apiGatewayRequestRequestContext        :: !ApiGatewayRequestContext
  , apiGatewayRequestBody                  :: !(Maybe body)
  } deriving (Show)

-- We special case String and Text in order
-- to avoid unneeded encoding which will wrap them in quotes and break parsing
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} FromJSON (ApiGatewayRequest Text) where
  parseJSON = parseApiGatewayRequest (.:)

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} FromJSON (ApiGatewayRequest String) where
  parseJSON = parseApiGatewayRequest (.:)

instance FromJSON body => FromJSON (ApiGatewayRequest body) where
  parseJSON = parseApiGatewayRequest parseObjectFromStringField

-- We need this because API Gateway is going to send us the payload as a JSON string
parseObjectFromStringField :: FromJSON a => Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a)
parseObjectFromStringField obj fieldName = do
  fieldContents <- obj .: fieldName
  case fieldContents of
    String stringContents ->
      case eitherDecodeStrict (T.encodeUtf8 stringContents) of
        Right success -> pure success
        Left err      -> fail err
    Null -> pure Nothing
    other -> T.typeMismatch "String or Null" other

parseApiGatewayRequest :: (Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe body)) -> Value -> Parser (ApiGatewayRequest body)
parseApiGatewayRequest bodyParser (Object v) = ApiGatewayRequest <$>
  v .: "resource" <*>
  v .: "path" <*>
  v .: "httpMethod" <*>
  v .: "headers" <*>
  v .: "queryStringParameters" <*>
  v .: "pathParameters" <*>
  v .: "stageVariables" <*>
  v .: "isBase64Encoded" <*>
  v .: "requestContext" <*>
  v `bodyParser` "body"
parseApiGatewayRequest _ _ = fail "Expected ApiGatewayRequest to be an object."

data ApiGatewayRequestContext = ApiGatewayRequestContext
  { apiGatewayRequestContextResourceId        :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextResourcePath      :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextHttpMethod        :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextExtendedRequestId :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextRequestTime       :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextPath              :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextAccountId         :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextProtocol          :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextStage             :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextDomainPrefix      :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextRequestId         :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextDomainName        :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextApiId             :: !Text
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentity          :: !ApiGatewayRequestContextIdentity
  } deriving (Show)

instance FromJSON ApiGatewayRequestContext where
  parseJSON (Object v) = ApiGatewayRequestContext <$>
    v .: "resourceId" <*>
    v .: "path" <*>
    v .: "httpMethod" <*>
    v .: "extendedRequestId" <*>
    v .: "requestTime" <*>
    v .: "path" <*>
    v .: "accountId" <*>
    v .: "protocol" <*>
    v .: "stage" <*>
    v .: "domainPrefix" <*>
    v .: "requestId" <*>
    v .: "domainName" <*>
    v .: "apiId" <*>
    v .: "identity"
  parseJSON _ = fail "Expected ApiGatewayRequestContext to be an object."

data ApiGatewayRequestContextIdentity = ApiGatewayRequestContextIdentity
  { apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityCognitoIdentityPoolId         :: !(Maybe Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityAccountId                     :: !(Maybe Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityCognitoIdentityId             :: !(Maybe Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityCaller                        :: !(Maybe Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentitySourceIp                      :: !(Maybe Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityPrincipalOrgId                :: !(Maybe Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityAccesskey                     :: !(Maybe Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityCognitoAuthenticationType     :: !(Maybe Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityCognitoAuthenticationProvider :: !(Maybe Value)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityUserArn                       :: !(Maybe Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityUserAgent                     :: !(Maybe Text)
  , apiGatewayRequestContextIdentityUser                          :: !(Maybe Text)
  } deriving (Show)

instance FromJSON ApiGatewayRequestContextIdentity where
  parseJSON (Object v) = ApiGatewayRequestContextIdentity <$>
    v .: "cognitoIdentityPoolId" <*>
    v .: "accountId" <*>
    v .: "cognitoIdentityId" <*>
    v .: "caller" <*>
    v .: "sourceIp" <*>
    v .: "principalOrgId" <*>
    v .: "accessKey" <*>
    v .: "cognitoAuthenticationType" <*>
    v .: "cognitoAuthenticationProvider" <*>
    v .: "userArn" <*>
    v .: "userAgent" <*>
    v .: "user"
  parseJSON _ = fail "Expected ApiGatewayRequestContextIdentity to be an object."

newtype ApiGatewayResponseBody =
  ApiGatewayResponseBody Text
  deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON)

class ToApiGatewayResponseBody a where
  toApiGatewayResponseBody :: a -> ApiGatewayResponseBody

-- We special case Text and String to avoid unneeded encoding which will wrap them in quotes
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ToApiGatewayResponseBody Text where
  toApiGatewayResponseBody = ApiGatewayResponseBody

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ToApiGatewayResponseBody String where
  toApiGatewayResponseBody = ApiGatewayResponseBody . T.pack

instance ToJSON a => ToApiGatewayResponseBody a where
  toApiGatewayResponseBody = ApiGatewayResponseBody . toJSONText

data ApiGatewayResponse body = ApiGatewayResponse
  { apiGatewayResponseStatusCode      :: !Int
  , apiGatewayResponseHeaders         :: !ResponseHeaders
  , apiGatewayResponseBody            :: !body
  , apiGatewayResponseIsBase64Encoded :: !Bool
  } deriving (Generic, Show)

instance Functor ApiGatewayResponse where
  fmap f v = v { apiGatewayResponseBody = f (apiGatewayResponseBody v) }

instance ToJSON body => ToJSON (ApiGatewayResponse body)  where
  toJSON = apiGatewayResponseToJSON toJSON

apiGatewayResponseToJSON :: (body -> Value) -> ApiGatewayResponse body -> Value
apiGatewayResponseToJSON bodyTransformer ApiGatewayResponse {..} = object
  [ "statusCode" .= apiGatewayResponseStatusCode
  , "body" .= bodyTransformer apiGatewayResponseBody
  , "headers" .= object (map headerToPair apiGatewayResponseHeaders)
  , "isBase64Encoded" .= apiGatewayResponseIsBase64Encoded

mkApiGatewayResponse :: Int -> payload -> ApiGatewayResponse payload
mkApiGatewayResponse code payload =
  ApiGatewayResponse code [] payload False

headerToPair :: Header -> T.Pair
headerToPair (cibyte, bstr) = k .= v
  k = (T.decodeUtf8 . CI.original) cibyte
  v = T.decodeUtf8 bstr