{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

{-| Definition of the B9 monad. It encapsulates logging, very basic command
execution profiling, a reader for the "B9.B9Config" and access to the
current build id, the current build directory and the artifact to build.

This module is used by the _effectful_ functions in this library.
module B9.B9Monad
       (B9, run, traceL, dbgL, infoL, errorL, errorExitL, getConfig,
        getBuildId, getBuildDate, getBuildDir, getExecEnvType,
        getSelectedRemoteRepo, getRemoteRepos, getRepoCache, cmd)

import B9.B9Config
import B9.Repository
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Lens((&), (.~), (^.), (%~))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Functor ()
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Word (Word32)
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.Random (randomIO)
import qualified System.IO as SysIO
import Text.Printf
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Concurrently(..))
import Data.Conduit (($$))
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Data.Conduit.Process

data BuildState =
  BuildState {bsBuildId :: String
             ,bsBuildDate :: String
             ,bsCfg :: B9Config
             ,bsBuildDir :: FilePath
             ,bsLogFileHandle :: Maybe SysIO.Handle
             ,bsSelectedRemoteRepo :: Maybe RemoteRepo
             ,bsRepoCache :: RepoCache
             ,bsStartTime :: UTCTime
             ,bsInheritStdIn :: Bool}

run :: MonadIO m => B9 a -> B9ConfigAction m a
run action = do
  cfg <- askRuntimeConfig
  liftIO $ do
    buildId <- liftIO $ generateBuildId
    now     <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
      $ withBuildDir cfg buildId (withLogFile cfg . runImpl cfg buildId now)
  resolveBuildDirRoot cfg = case _buildDirRoot cfg of
    Nothing    -> getCurrentDirectory >>= canonicalizePath
    Just root' -> do
      createDirectoryIfMissing True root'
      canonicalizePath root'
  withLogFile cfg f = maybe
    (f Nothing)
    (\logf -> SysIO.withFile logf SysIO.AppendMode (f . Just))
    (_logFile cfg)
  withBuildDir cfg buildId =
    bracket (createBuildDir cfg buildId) (removeBuildDir cfg)
  runImpl cfg buildId now buildDir logFileHandle = do
      -- Check repositories
    repoCache <- initRepoCache
      (fromMaybe defaultRepositoryCache (_repositoryCache cfg))
    let buildDate = formatTime undefined "%F-%T" now
    remoteRepos'    <- mapM (initRemoteRepo repoCache) (_remoteRepos cfg)
    buildDirRootAbs <- resolveBuildDirRoot cfg
    let finalCfg =
          (  cfg
          &  remoteRepos
          .~ remoteRepos'
          &  buildDirRoot
          .~ Just buildDirRootAbs
          &  envVars
          %~ mappend [("buildDirRoot", buildDirRootAbs)]
      ctx = BuildState buildId
                       (_interactive finalCfg)
      selectedRemoteRepo = do
        sel <- _repository cfg
        lookupRemoteRepo remoteRepos' sel <|> error
          ( printf
            "selected remote repo '%s' not configured, valid remote repos are: '%s'"
            (show remoteRepos')
    (r, ctxOut) <- runStateT (runB9 wrappedAction) ctx
    return r
  createBuildDir cfg buildId = if _uniqueBuildDirs cfg
    then do
      let subDir = "BUILD-" ++ buildId
      buildDir <- resolveBuildDir subDir
      createDirectory buildDir
      canonicalizePath buildDir
    else do
      let subDir = "BUILD-" ++ buildId
      buildDir <- resolveBuildDir subDir
      createDirectoryIfMissing True buildDir
      canonicalizePath buildDir
    resolveBuildDir f = do
      root <- resolveBuildDirRoot cfg
      return $ root </> f
  removeBuildDir cfg buildDir =
    when (_uniqueBuildDirs cfg && not (_keepTempDirs cfg))
      $ removeDirectoryRecursive buildDir
  generateBuildId = printf "%08X" <$> (randomIO :: IO Word32)
  -- Run the action build action
  wrappedAction   = do
    b9cfg <- getConfig
    traverse (traceL . printf "Root Build Directory: %s")
             (b9cfg ^. buildDirRoot)
    startTime <- gets bsStartTime
    r         <- action
    now       <- liftIO getCurrentTime
    let duration = show (now `diffUTCTime` startTime)
    infoL (printf "DURATION: %s" duration)
    return r

getBuildId :: B9 String
getBuildId = gets bsBuildId

getBuildDate :: B9 String
getBuildDate = gets bsBuildDate

getBuildDir :: B9 FilePath
getBuildDir = gets bsBuildDir

getConfig :: B9 B9Config
getConfig = gets bsCfg

getExecEnvType :: B9 ExecEnvType
getExecEnvType = gets (_execEnvType . bsCfg)

getSelectedRemoteRepo :: B9 (Maybe RemoteRepo)
getSelectedRemoteRepo = gets bsSelectedRemoteRepo

getRemoteRepos :: B9 [RemoteRepo]
getRemoteRepos = gets (_remoteRepos . bsCfg)

getRepoCache :: B9 RepoCache
getRepoCache = gets bsRepoCache

cmd :: String -> B9 ()
cmd str = do
  inheritStdIn <- gets bsInheritStdIn
  if inheritStdIn then interactiveCmd str else nonInteractiveCmd str

interactiveCmd :: String -> B9 ()
interactiveCmd str = void (cmdWithStdIn True str :: B9 Inherited)

nonInteractiveCmd :: String -> B9 ()
-- TODO if we use 'ClosedStream' we get an error from 'virsh console'
-- complaining about a missing controlling tty. Original source line:
-- nonInteractiveCmd str = void (cmdWithStdIn False str :: B9 ClosedStream)
nonInteractiveCmd str = void (cmdWithStdIn False str :: B9 Inherited)

cmdWithStdIn :: (InputSource stdin) => Bool -> String -> B9 stdin
cmdWithStdIn toStdOut cmdStr = do
  traceL $ "COMMAND: " ++ cmdStr
  cmdLogger <- getCmdLogger
  let outPipe = if toStdOut then CL.mapM_ B.putStr else cmdLogger LogTrace
  (cpIn, cpOut, cpErr, cph) <- streamingProcess (shell cmdStr)
  e                         <-
    $  runConcurrently
    $  Concurrently (cpOut $$ outPipe)
    *> Concurrently (cpErr $$ cmdLogger LogInfo)
    *> Concurrently (waitForStreamingProcess cph)
  checkExitCode e
  return cpIn
  getCmdLogger = do
    lv  <- gets $ _verbosity . bsCfg
    lfh <- gets bsLogFileHandle
    return $ \level -> CL.mapM_ (logImpl lv lfh level . B.unpack)
  checkExitCode ExitSuccess =
    traceL $ printf "COMMAND '%s' exited with exit code: 0" cmdStr
  checkExitCode ec@(ExitFailure e) = do
    errorL $ printf "COMMAND '%s' exited with exit code: %i" cmdStr e
    liftIO $ exitWith ec

traceL :: String -> B9 ()
traceL = b9Log LogTrace

dbgL :: String -> B9 ()
dbgL = b9Log LogDebug

infoL :: String -> B9 ()
infoL = b9Log LogInfo

errorL :: String -> B9 ()
errorL = b9Log LogError

errorExitL :: String -> B9 a
errorExitL e = b9Log LogError e >> fail e

b9Log :: LogLevel -> String -> B9 ()
b9Log level msg = do
  lv  <- gets $ _verbosity . bsCfg
  lfh <- gets bsLogFileHandle
  B9 $ liftIO $ logImpl lv lfh level msg

logImpl :: Maybe LogLevel -> Maybe SysIO.Handle -> LogLevel -> String -> IO ()
logImpl minLevel mh level msg = do
  lm <- formatLogMsg level msg
  when (isJust minLevel && level >= fromJust minLevel) (putStr lm)
  when (isJust mh) $ do
    SysIO.hPutStr (fromJust mh) lm
    SysIO.hFlush (fromJust mh)

formatLogMsg :: LogLevel -> String -> IO String
formatLogMsg l msg = do
  utct <- getCurrentTime
  let time = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S" utct
  return $ unlines $ printf "[%s] %s - %s" (printLevel l) time <$> lines msg

printLevel :: LogLevel -> String
printLevel l = case l of
  LogNothing -> "NOTHING"
  LogError   -> " ERROR "
  LogInfo    -> " INFO  "
  LogDebug   -> " DEBUG "
  LogTrace   -> " TRACE "

newtype B9 a =
  B9 {runB9 :: StateT BuildState IO a}
  deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad,MonadState BuildState)

instance MonadIO B9 where
  liftIO m = B9 $ liftIO m