b9-0.5.51: A tool and library for building virtual machine images.

Safe HaskellNone



Static B9 configuration. Read, write and merge configurable properties. The properties are independent of specific build targets.



data B9ConfigOverride Source #

Override b9 configuration items and/or the path of the b9 configuration file. This is useful, i.e. when dealing with command line parameters.

noB9ConfigOverride :: B9ConfigOverride Source #

An empty default B9ConfigOverride value, that will neither apply any additional B9Config nor change the path of the configuration file.

data B9ConfigAction m a Source #

A monad that gives access to the (transient) B9Config to be used to _runtime_ with askRuntimeConfig or localRuntimeConfig, and that allows to write permanent B9Config changes back to the configuration file using modifyPermanentConfig. Execute a B9ConfigAction by invoking either invokeB9 (which is simple) or execB9ConfigAction.

Monad m => Monad (B9ConfigAction m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in B9.B9Config

Functor m => Functor (B9ConfigAction m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in B9.B9Config


fmap :: (a -> b) -> B9ConfigAction m a -> B9ConfigAction m b #

(<$) :: a -> B9ConfigAction m b -> B9ConfigAction m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (B9ConfigAction m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in B9.B9Config


pure :: a -> B9ConfigAction m a #

(<*>) :: B9ConfigAction m (a -> b) -> B9ConfigAction m a -> B9ConfigAction m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> B9ConfigAction m a -> B9ConfigAction m b -> B9ConfigAction m c #

(*>) :: B9ConfigAction m a -> B9ConfigAction m b -> B9ConfigAction m b #

(<*) :: B9ConfigAction m a -> B9ConfigAction m b -> B9ConfigAction m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (B9ConfigAction m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in B9.B9Config


liftIO :: IO a -> B9ConfigAction m a #

execB9ConfigAction :: MonadIO m => B9ConfigAction m a -> B9ConfigOverride -> m a Source #

Execute a B9ConfigAction. It will take a B9ConfigOverride as input. The B9Config in that value is treated as the _runtime_ configuration, and the _customConfigPath is used as the alternative location of the configuration file. The configuration file is read from either the path in _customB9ConfigPath or from defaultB9ConfigFile. Every modification done via modifyPermanentConfig is applied to the **contents** of the configuration file and written back to that file, note that these changes are ONLY reflected in the configuration file and **not** in the _runtime configuration_.

See also invokeB9, which does not need the B9ConfigOverride parameter.

invokeB9 :: MonadIO m => B9ConfigAction m a -> m a Source #

Run a B9ConfigAction using noB9ConfigOverride. See execB9ConfigAction for more details.

askRuntimeConfig :: Monad m => B9ConfigAction m B9Config Source #

Return the runtime configuration, that should be the configuration merged from all configuration sources. This is the configuration to be used during a VM image build.

localRuntimeConfig :: Monad m => (B9Config -> B9Config) -> B9ConfigAction m a -> B9ConfigAction m a Source #

Run an action with an updated runtime configuration.

modifyPermanentConfig :: Monad m => Endo B9Config -> B9ConfigAction m () Source #

Add a modification to the permanent configuration file.

overrideB9ConfigPath :: SystemPath -> B9ConfigOverride -> B9ConfigOverride Source #

Convenience utility to override the B9 configuration file path.

overrideB9Config :: (B9Config -> B9Config) -> B9ConfigOverride -> B9ConfigOverride Source #

Modify the runtime configuration.

overrideWorkingDirectory :: FilePath -> B9ConfigOverride -> B9ConfigOverride Source #

Define the current working directory to be used when building.

overrideVerbosity :: LogLevel -> B9ConfigOverride -> B9ConfigOverride Source #

Overwrite the verbosity settings in the configuration with those given.

overrideKeepBuildDirs :: Bool -> B9ConfigOverride -> B9ConfigOverride Source #

Overwrite the keepTempDirs flag in the configuration with those given.

openOrCreateB9Config :: MonadIO m => Maybe SystemPath -> m CPDocument Source #

Open the configuration file that contains the B9Config. If the configuration does not exist, write a default configuration file, and create a all missing directories.

writeB9CPDocument :: MonadIO m => Maybe SystemPath -> CPDocument -> m () Source #

Write the configuration in the CPDocument to either the user supplied configuration file path or to defaultB9ConfigFile. Create all missing (parent) directories.

appendPositionalArguments :: [String] -> B9Config -> B9Config Source #

If environment variables arg_1 .. arg_n are bound and a list of k additional values are passed to this function, store them with keys arg_(n+1) .. arg_(n+k).

modifyCPDocument :: CPDocument -> Endo B9Config -> Either CPError CPDocument Source #

Parse a B9Config, modify it, and merge it back to the given CPDocument.

b9ConfigToCPDocument :: B9Config -> Either CPError CPDocument Source #

Append a config file section for the B9Config to an empty CPDocument.