{-| Erlang term parser and pretty printer. -}
module B9.Artifact.Content.ErlTerms (parseErlTerm
                           ,arbitraryErlNameChar) where

import           Control.Parallel.Strategies
import           Data.Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Lazy
import           Data.Data
import           Data.Function
import           Data.Hashable
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
import           Test.QuickCheck
import           Text.Parsec
       ((<|>), many, spaces, char, option, between, string, choice,
        octDigit, hexDigit, many1, noneOf, try, digit, anyChar, alphaNum,
        lower, parse)
import           Text.Parsec.ByteString.Lazy
import           Text.Show.Pretty
import           Control.Monad
import           Text.Printf
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP

import           B9.QCUtil

-- | Simplified Erlang term representation.
data SimpleErlangTerm
    = ErlString String
    | ErlFloat Double
    | ErlNatural Integer
    | ErlAtom String
    | ErlChar Char
    | ErlBinary String
    | ErlList [SimpleErlangTerm]
    | ErlTuple [SimpleErlangTerm]
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

instance Hashable SimpleErlangTerm
instance Binary SimpleErlangTerm
instance NFData SimpleErlangTerm

-- | Parse a subset of valid Erlang terms. It parses no maps and binaries are
-- restricted to either empty binaries or binaries with a string. The input
-- encoding must be restricted to ascii compatible 8-bit characters
-- (e.g. latin-1 or UTF8).
parseErlTerm :: String -> Lazy.ByteString -> Either String SimpleErlangTerm
parseErlTerm src content =
  either (Left . ppShow) Right (parse erlTermParser src content)

-- | Convert an abstract Erlang term to a pretty byte string preserving the
-- encoding.
renderErlTerm :: SimpleErlangTerm -> Lazy.ByteString
renderErlTerm s = Lazy.pack (PP.render (prettyPrintErlTerm s PP.<> PP.char '.'))

prettyPrintErlTerm :: SimpleErlangTerm -> PP.Doc
prettyPrintErlTerm (ErlString str) = PP.doubleQuotes (PP.text (toErlStringString str))
prettyPrintErlTerm (ErlNatural n) = PP.integer n
prettyPrintErlTerm (ErlFloat f) = PP.double f
prettyPrintErlTerm (ErlChar c) = PP.text ("$" ++ toErlAtomChar c)
prettyPrintErlTerm (ErlAtom a) = PP.text quotedAtom
    quotedAtom =
      case toErlAtomString a of
        "" -> "''"
          | firstChar `elem` ['a' .. 'z'] &&
              all (`elem` atomCharsThatDontNeedQuoting) rest -> a'
        a' -> "'" ++ a' ++ "'"
    atomCharsThatDontNeedQuoting =
      ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9'] ++ "@_"

prettyPrintErlTerm (ErlBinary []) = PP.text "<<>>"
prettyPrintErlTerm (ErlBinary b) = PP.text ("<<\"" ++ toErlStringString b ++ "\">>")
prettyPrintErlTerm (ErlList xs) =
  PP.brackets (PP.sep (PP.punctuate PP.comma (prettyPrintErlTerm <$> xs)))
prettyPrintErlTerm (ErlTuple xs) =
  PP.braces (PP.sep (PP.punctuate PP.comma (prettyPrintErlTerm <$> xs)))

toErlStringString :: String -> String
toErlStringString = join . map toErlStringChar

toErlStringChar :: Char -> String
toErlStringChar = (table !!) . fromEnum
    table =
      [printf "\\x{%x}" c | c <- [0 .. (31 :: Int)]] ++
      (pure . toEnum <$> [32 .. 33]) ++
      ["\\\""] ++
      (pure . toEnum <$> [35 .. 91]) ++
      ["\\\\"] ++ (pure . toEnum <$> [93 .. 126]) ++ [printf "\\x{%x}" c | c <- [(127 :: Int) ..]]

toErlAtomString :: String -> String
toErlAtomString = join . map toErlAtomChar

toErlAtomChar :: Char -> String
toErlAtomChar = (table !!) . fromEnum
    table =
      [printf "\\x{%x}" c | c <- [0 .. (31 :: Int)]] ++
      (pure . toEnum <$> [32 .. 38]) ++
      ["\\'"] ++
      (pure . toEnum <$> [40 .. 91]) ++
      ["\\\\"] ++ (pure . toEnum <$> [93 .. 126]) ++ [printf "\\x{%x}" c | c <- [(127 :: Int) ..]]

instance Arbitrary SimpleErlangTerm where
  arbitrary = oneof [sized aErlString
                    ,sized aErlNatural
                    ,sized aErlFloat
                    ,sized aErlChar
                    ,sized aErlAtomUnquoted
                    ,sized aErlAtomQuoted
                    ,sized aErlBinary
                    ,sized aErlList
                    ,sized aErlTuple
      decrSize 0 = resize 0
      decrSize n = resize (n - 1)
      aErlString n =
        ErlString <$> decrSize n (listOf (choose (toEnum 0,toEnum 255)))
      aErlFloat n = do
        f <- decrSize n arbitrary :: Gen Float
        let d = fromRational (toRational f)
        return (ErlFloat d)
      aErlNatural n =
        ErlNatural <$> decrSize n arbitrary
      aErlChar n =
        ErlChar <$> decrSize n (choose (toEnum 0, toEnum 255))
      aErlAtomUnquoted n = do
        f <- choose ('a','z')
        rest <- decrSize n aErlNameString
        return (ErlAtom (f:rest))
      aErlAtomQuoted n = do
        cs <- decrSize n aParsableErlString
        return (ErlAtom ("'" ++ cs ++ "'"))
      aErlBinary n =
        ErlBinary <$> decrSize n (listOf (choose (toEnum 0,toEnum 255)))
      aParsableErlString = oneof [aErlNameString
      aErlNameString = listOf (elements (['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']++ ['0'..'9']++"@_"))
      aErlEscapedCharString = elements (("\\"++) . pure <$> "0bdefnrstv\\\"\'")
      aErlControlCharString = elements (("\\^"++) . pure <$> (['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']))
      aErlOctalCharString = do
        n <- choose (1,3)
        os <- vectorOf n (choose (0,7))
        return (join ("\\":(show <$> (os::[Int]))))
      aErlHexCharString =
        oneof [twoDigitHex,nDigitHex]
          twoDigitHex = do
            d1 <- choose (0,15) :: Gen Int
            d2 <- choose (0,15) :: Gen Int
            return (printf "\\x%x%X" d1 d2)
          nDigitHex = do
            zs <- listOf (elements "0")
            v <- choose (0,255) :: Gen Int
            return (printf "\\x{%s%x}" zs v)
      aErlList n =
        ErlList <$> resize (n `div` 2) (listOf arbitrary)
      aErlTuple n =
        ErlTuple <$> resize (n `div` 2) (listOf arbitrary)

erlTermParser :: Parser SimpleErlangTerm
erlTermParser = between spaces (char '.') erlExpressionParser

erlExpressionParser :: Parser SimpleErlangTerm
erlExpressionParser = erlAtomParser
                 <|> erlCharParser
                 <|> erlStringParser
                 <|> erlBinaryParser
                 <|> erlListParser
                 <|> erlTupleParser
                 <|> try erlFloatParser
                 <|> erlNaturalParser

erlAtomParser :: Parser SimpleErlangTerm
erlAtomParser =
  ErlAtom <$>
  (between (char '\'')
           (char '\'')
           (many (erlCharEscaped <|> noneOf "'"))
   ((:) <$> lower <*> many erlNameChar))

erlNameChar :: Parser Char
erlNameChar = alphaNum <|> char '@' <|> char '_'

erlCharParser :: Parser SimpleErlangTerm
erlCharParser = ErlChar <$> (char '$' >> (erlCharEscaped <|> anyChar))

erlFloatParser :: Parser SimpleErlangTerm
erlFloatParser = do
  -- Parse a float as string, then use read :: Double to 'parse' the floating
  -- point value. Calculating by hand is complicated because of precision
  -- issues.
  sign <- option "" ((char '-' >> return "-") <|> (char '+' >> return ""))
  s1 <- many digit
  char '.'
  s2 <- many1 digit
  e <- do expSym <- choice [char 'e', char 'E']
          expSign <- option "" ((char '-' >> return "-") <|> (char '+' >> return "+"))
          expAbs <- many1 digit
          return ([expSym] ++ expSign ++ expAbs)
      <|> return ""
  return (ErlFloat (read (sign ++ s1 ++ "." ++ s2 ++ e)))

erlNaturalParser :: Parser SimpleErlangTerm
erlNaturalParser = do
  sign <- signParser
  dec <- decimalLiteral
  return $ ErlNatural $ sign * dec

signParser :: Parser Integer
signParser =
  (char '-' >> return (-1))
  <|> (char '+' >> return 1)
  <|> return 1

decimalLiteral :: Parser Integer
decimalLiteral =
   foldr (\radix acc ->
            (try (string (show radix ++ "#"))
             >> calcBE (toInteger radix) <$> many1 (erlDigits radix))
            <|> acc)
         (calcBE 10 <$> many1 (erlDigits 10))
    calcBE a = foldl (\acc d -> a * acc + d) 0
    erlDigits k = choice (take k digitParsers)
    digitParsers =
      -- create parsers that consume/match '0' .. '9' and "aA" .. "zZ" and return 0 .. 35
      map (\(cs,v) -> choice (char <$> cs) >> return v)
          (((pure <$> ['0' .. '9']) ++ zipWith ((++) `on` pure)
                                               ['a' .. 'z']
                                               ['A' .. 'Z'])
           `zip` [0..])

erlStringParser :: Parser SimpleErlangTerm
erlStringParser = do
  char '"'
  str <- many (erlCharEscaped <|> noneOf "\"")
  char '"'
  return (ErlString str)

erlCharEscaped :: Parser Char
erlCharEscaped =
  char '\\'
  >> (do char '^'
         choice (zipWith escapedChar ccodes creplacements)

      do char 'x'
         do ds <- between (char '{') (char '}') (fmap hexVal <$> many1 hexDigit)
            let val = foldl (\acc v -> acc * 16 + v) 0 ds
            return (toEnum val)
          do x1 <- hexVal <$> hexDigit
             x2 <- hexVal <$> hexDigit;
             return (toEnum ((x1*16)+x2))

      do o1 <- octVal <$> octDigit
         do o2 <- octVal <$> octDigit
            do o3 <- octVal <$> octDigit
               return (toEnum ((((o1*8)+o2)*8)+o3))
              <|> return (toEnum ((o1*8)+o2))
          <|> return (toEnum o1)

      choice (zipWith escapedChar codes replacements))
    escapedChar code replacement = char code >> return replacement
    codes =
    replacements =
      "\NUL\b\DEL\ESC\f\n\r \t\v\\\"'"
    ccodes =
      ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']
    creplacements =
      cycle ['\^A' .. '\^Z']
    hexVal v | v `elem` ['a' .. 'z'] = 0xA + (fromEnum v - fromEnum 'a')
             | v `elem` ['A' .. 'Z'] = 0xA + (fromEnum v - fromEnum 'A')
             | otherwise = fromEnum v - fromEnum '0'
    octVal = hexVal

erlBinaryParser :: Parser SimpleErlangTerm
erlBinaryParser =
  do string "<<"
     ErlString str <- option (ErlString "") erlStringParser
     string ">>"
     return (ErlBinary str)

erlListParser :: Parser SimpleErlangTerm
erlListParser = ErlList <$> erlNestedParser (char '[') (char ']')

erlTupleParser :: Parser SimpleErlangTerm
erlTupleParser = ErlTuple <$> erlNestedParser (char '{') (char '}')

erlNestedParser :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [SimpleErlangTerm]
erlNestedParser open close =
    (open >> spaces)
    (close >> spaces)
    (commaSep erlExpressionParser)

commaSep :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
commaSep p = do r <- p
                rest <- option [] (char ',' >> spaces >> commaSep p)
                return (r:rest)
            <|> return []

arbitraryErlSimpleAtom :: Gen SimpleErlangTerm
arbitraryErlSimpleAtom = ErlAtom <$> ((:)
                                      <$> arbitraryLetterLower
                                      <*> listOf arbitraryErlNameChar)

arbitraryErlString :: Gen SimpleErlangTerm
arbitraryErlString = ErlString <$> listOf (oneof [arbitraryLetter

arbitraryErlNumber :: Gen SimpleErlangTerm
arbitraryErlNumber = oneof [arbitraryErlNatural, arbitraryErlFloat]

arbitraryErlNatural :: Gen SimpleErlangTerm
arbitraryErlNatural = ErlNatural <$> arbitrary

arbitraryErlFloat :: Gen SimpleErlangTerm
arbitraryErlFloat = ErlFloat <$> arbitrary

arbitraryErlNameChar :: Gen Char
arbitraryErlNameChar = oneof [arbitraryLetter
                             ,pure '_'
                             ,pure '@']