{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{-| Effectful functions that create and convert disk image files. -}
module B9.DiskImageBuilder
  ( materializeImageSource
  , substImageTarget
  , preferredDestImageTypes
  , preferredSourceImageTypes
  , resolveImageSource
  , createDestinationImage
  , resizeImage
  , importImage
  , exportImage
  , exportAndRemoveImage
  , convertImage
  , shareImage
  , ensureAbsoluteImageDirExists
  , pushSharedImageLatestVersion
  , lookupSharedImages
  , getSharedImages
  , getSharedImagesCacheDir
  , getSelectedRepos
  , pullRemoteRepos
  , pullLatestImage

import           B9.B9Config
import           B9.BuildInfo
import           B9.B9Exec
import           B9.B9Logging
import           B9.B9Error
import           B9.B9Monad
import           B9.Artifact.Content.StringTemplate
import           B9.DiskImages
import           B9.Environment
import qualified B9.PartitionTable             as P
import           B9.Repository
import           B9.RepositoryIO
import           Control.Eff
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Lens                   ( (^.) )
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Data.Function
import           Data.Generics.Aliases
import           Data.Generics.Schemes
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath
import           System.IO.B9Extras             ( consult
                                                , ensureDir
                                                , prettyPrintToFile
import           System.IO.Error                ( isDoesNotExistError )
import           Text.Printf                    ( printf )
import           Text.Show.Pretty               ( ppShow )

-- -- | Convert relative file paths of images, sources and mounted host directories
-- -- to absolute paths relative to '_projectRoot'.
-- makeImagePathsAbsoluteToBuildDirRoot :: ImageTarget -> B9 ImageTarget
-- makeImagePathsAbsoluteToBuildDirRoot img =
--   getConfig >>= maybe (return img) (return . go) . _projectRoot
--   where
--     go rootDir = everywhere mkAbs img
--       where mkAbs = mkT
-- | Replace $... variables inside an 'ImageTarget'
  :: forall e
   . (Member EnvironmentReader e, Member ExcB9 e)
  => ImageTarget
  -> Eff e ImageTarget
substImageTarget = everywhereM gsubst
  gsubst :: GenericM (Eff e)
  gsubst =
    mkM substMountPoint
      `extM` substImage
      `extM` substImageSource
      `extM` substDiskTarget
  substMountPoint NotMounted     = pure NotMounted
  substMountPoint (MountPoint x) = MountPoint <$> substStr x
  substImage (Image fp t fs) = Image <$> substStr fp <*> pure t <*> pure fs
  substImageSource (From n s) = From <$> substStr n <*> pure s
  substImageSource (EmptyImage l f t s) =
    EmptyImage <$> substStr l <*> pure f <*> pure t <*> pure s
  substImageSource s = pure s
  substDiskTarget (Share n t s) = Share <$> substStr n <*> pure t <*> pure s
  substDiskTarget (LiveInstallerImage name outDir resize) =
    LiveInstallerImage <$> substStr name <*> substStr outDir <*> pure resize
  substDiskTarget s = pure s

-- | Resolve an ImageSource to an 'Image'. The ImageSource might
-- not exist, as is the case for 'EmptyImage'.
resolveImageSource :: IsB9 e => ImageSource -> Eff e Image
resolveImageSource src = case src of
  (EmptyImage fsLabel fsType imgType _size) ->
    let img = Image fsLabel imgType fsType
    in  return (changeImageFormat imgType img)
  (SourceImage srcImg _part _resize) -> ensureAbsoluteImageDirExists srcImg
  (CopyOnWrite backingImg          ) -> ensureAbsoluteImageDirExists backingImg
  (From name _resize) ->
    getLatestImageByName (SharedImageName name)
      >>= maybe
              (printf "Nothing found for %s." (show (SharedImageName name)))

-- | Return all valid image types sorted by preference.
preferredDestImageTypes :: IsB9 e => ImageSource -> Eff e [ImageType]
preferredDestImageTypes src = case src of
  (CopyOnWrite (Image _file fmt _fs)) -> return [fmt]
  (EmptyImage _label NoFileSystem fmt _size) ->
    return (nub [fmt, Raw, QCow2, Vmdk])
  (EmptyImage _label _fs _fmt _size                       ) -> return [Raw]
  (SourceImage _img                  (Partition _) _resize) -> return [Raw]
  (SourceImage (Image _file fmt _fs) _pt           resize ) -> return
    (nub [fmt, Raw, QCow2, Vmdk] `intersect` allowedImageTypesForResize resize)
  (From name resize) -> getLatestImageByName (SharedImageName name) >>= maybe
    (errorExitL (printf "Nothing found for %s." (show (SharedImageName name))))
    (\sharedImg -> preferredDestImageTypes (SourceImage sharedImg NoPT resize))

-- | Return all supported source 'ImageType's compatible to a 'ImageDestinaion'
-- in the preferred order.
preferredSourceImageTypes :: ImageDestination -> [ImageType]
preferredSourceImageTypes dest = case dest of
  (Share _ fmt resize) ->
    nub [fmt, Raw, QCow2, Vmdk] `intersect` allowedImageTypesForResize resize
  (LocalFile (Image _ fmt _) resize) ->
    nub [fmt, Raw, QCow2, Vmdk] `intersect` allowedImageTypesForResize resize
  Transient -> [Raw, QCow2, Vmdk]
  (LiveInstallerImage _name _repo _imgResize) -> [Raw]

allowedImageTypesForResize :: ImageResize -> [ImageType]
allowedImageTypesForResize r = case r of
  Resize _        -> [Raw]
  ShrinkToMinimum -> [Raw]
  _               -> [Raw, QCow2, Vmdk]

-- | Create the parent directories for the file that contains the 'Image'.
-- If the path to the image file is relative, prepend '_projectRoot' from
-- the 'B9Config'.
ensureAbsoluteImageDirExists :: IsB9 e => Image -> Eff e Image
ensureAbsoluteImageDirExists img@(Image path _ _) = do
  b9cfg <- getConfig
  let dir =
        let dirRel = takeDirectory path
        in  if isRelative dirRel
                let prefix = fromMaybe "." (b9cfg ^. projectRoot)
                in  prefix </> dirRel
              else dirRel
  liftIO $ do
    createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
    dirAbs <- canonicalizePath dir
    return $ changeImageDirectory dirAbs img

-- | Create an image from an image source. The destination image must have a
-- compatible image type and filesystem. The directory of the image MUST be
-- present and the image file itself MUST NOT alredy exist.
materializeImageSource :: IsB9 e => ImageSource -> Image -> Eff e ()
materializeImageSource src dest = case src of
  (EmptyImage fsLabel fsType _imgType size) ->
    let (Image _ imgType _) = dest
    in  createEmptyImage fsLabel fsType imgType size dest
  (SourceImage srcImg part resize) ->
    createImageFromImage srcImg part resize dest
  (CopyOnWrite backingImg) -> createCOWImage backingImg dest
  (From name resize) -> getLatestImageByName (SharedImageName name) >>= maybe
    (errorExitL (printf "Nothing found for %s." (show (SharedImageName name))))
    (\sharedImg ->
      materializeImageSource (SourceImage sharedImg NoPT resize) dest

  :: IsB9 e => Image -> Partition -> ImageResize -> Image -> Eff e ()
createImageFromImage src part size out = do
  importImage src out
  extractPartition part out
  resizeImage size out
  extractPartition :: IsB9 e => Partition -> Image -> Eff e ()
  extractPartition NoPT                  _                     = return ()
  extractPartition (Partition partIndex) (Image outFile Raw _) = do
    (start, len, blockSize) <- liftIO (P.getPartition partIndex outFile)
    let tmpFile = outFile <.> "extracted"
    dbgL (printf "Extracting partition %i from '%s'" partIndex outFile)
      (printf "dd if='%s' of='%s' bs=%i skip=%i count=%i &> /dev/null"
    cmd (printf "mv '%s' '%s'" tmpFile outFile)
  extractPartition (Partition partIndex) (Image outFile fmt _) = error
    (printf "Extract partition %i from image '%s': Invalid format %s"
            (imageFileExtension fmt)

-- | Convert some 'Image', e.g. a temporary image used during the build phase
-- to the final destination.
createDestinationImage :: IsB9 e => Image -> ImageDestination -> Eff e ()
createDestinationImage buildImg dest = case dest of
  (Share name imgType imgResize) -> do
    resizeImage imgResize buildImg
    let shareableImg = changeImageFormat imgType buildImg
    exportAndRemoveImage buildImg shareableImg
    void (shareImage shareableImg (SharedImageName name))
  (LocalFile destImg imgResize) -> do
    resizeImage imgResize buildImg
    exportAndRemoveImage buildImg destImg
  (LiveInstallerImage name repo imgResize) -> do
    resizeImage imgResize buildImg
      destImg = Image destFile Raw buildImgFs
      (Image _ _ buildImgFs) = buildImg
      destFile = repo </> "machines" </> name </> "disks" </> "raw" </> "0.raw"
      sizeFile =
        repo </> "machines" </> name </> "disks" </> "raw" </> "0.size"
      versFile =
        repo </> "machines" </> name </> "disks" </> "raw" </> "VERSION"
    exportAndRemoveImage buildImg destImg
        "echo $(qemu-img info -f raw '%s' | gawk -e '/virtual size/ {print $4}' | tr -d '(') > '%s'"
    buildDate <- getBuildDate
    buildId   <- getBuildId
    liftIO (writeFile versFile (buildId ++ "-" ++ buildDate))
  Transient -> return ()

  :: IsB9 e
  => String
  -> FileSystem
  -> ImageType
  -> ImageSize
  -> Image
  -> Eff e ()
createEmptyImage fsLabel fsType imgType imgSize dest@(Image _ imgType' fsType')
  | fsType /= fsType' = error
      "Conflicting createEmptyImage parameters. Requested is file system %s but the destination image has %s."
      (show fsType)
      (show fsType')
  | imgType /= imgType' = error
      "Conflicting createEmptyImage parameters. Requested is image type %s but the destination image has type %s."
      (show imgType)
      (show imgType')
  | otherwise = do
    let (Image imgFile imgFmt imgFs) = dest
        qemuImgOpts                  = conversionOptions imgFmt
      (printf "Creating empty raw image '%s' with size %s and options %s"
              (toQemuSizeOptVal imgSize)
      (printf "qemu-img create -f %s %s '%s' '%s'"
              (imageFileExtension imgFmt)
              (toQemuSizeOptVal imgSize)
    case (imgFmt, imgFs) of
      (Raw, Ext4_64) -> do
        let fsCmd = "mkfs.ext4"
        dbgL (printf "Creating file system %s" (show imgFs))
        cmd (printf "%s -F -L '%s' -O 64bit -q '%s'" fsCmd fsLabel imgFile)
      (Raw, Ext4) -> do
        let fsCmd = "mkfs.ext4"
        dbgL (printf "Creating file system %s" (show imgFs))
        cmd (printf "%s -F -L '%s' -O ^64bit -q '%s'" fsCmd fsLabel imgFile)
      (it, fs) -> error
        (printf "Cannot create file system %s in image type %s"
                (show fs)
                (show it)

createCOWImage :: IsB9 e => Image -> Image -> Eff e ()
createCOWImage (Image backingFile _ _) (Image imgOut imgFmt _) = do
  dbgL (printf "Creating COW image '%s' backed by '%s'" imgOut backingFile)
    (printf "qemu-img create -f %s -o backing_file='%s' '%s'"
            (imageFileExtension imgFmt)

-- | Resize an image, including the file system inside the image.
resizeImage :: IsB9 e => ImageResize -> Image -> Eff e ()
resizeImage KeepSize _ = return ()
resizeImage (Resize newSize) (Image img Raw fs) | fs == Ext4 || fs == Ext4_64 =
    let sizeOpt = toQemuSizeOptVal newSize
    dbgL (printf "Resizing ext4 filesystem on raw image to %s" sizeOpt)
    cmd (printf "e2fsck -p '%s'" img)
    cmd (printf "resize2fs -f '%s' %s" img sizeOpt)
resizeImage (ResizeImage newSize) (Image img _ _) = do
  let sizeOpt = toQemuSizeOptVal newSize
  dbgL (printf "Resizing image to %s" sizeOpt)
  cmd (printf "qemu-img resize -q '%s' %s" img sizeOpt)
resizeImage ShrinkToMinimum (Image img Raw fs) | fs == Ext4 || fs == Ext4_64 =
    dbgL "Shrinking image to minimum size"
    cmd (printf "e2fsck -p '%s'" img)
    cmd (printf "resize2fs -f -M '%s'" img)
resizeImage _ img = error
  (printf "Invalid image type or filesystem, cannot resize image: %s" (show img)

-- | Import a disk image from some external source into the build directory
-- if necessary convert the image.
importImage :: IsB9 e => Image -> Image -> Eff e ()
importImage imgIn imgOut@(Image imgOutPath _ _) = do
  alreadyThere <- liftIO (doesFileExist imgOutPath)
  unless alreadyThere (convert False imgIn imgOut)

-- | Export a disk image from the build directory; if necessary convert the image.
exportImage :: IsB9 e => Image -> Image -> Eff e ()
exportImage = convert False

-- | Export a disk image from the build directory; if necessary convert the image.
exportAndRemoveImage :: IsB9 e => Image -> Image -> Eff e ()
exportAndRemoveImage = convert True

-- | Convert an image in the build directory to another format and return the new image.
convertImage :: IsB9 e => Image -> Image -> Eff e ()
convertImage imgIn imgOut@(Image imgOutPath _ _) = do
  alreadyThere <- liftIO (doesFileExist imgOutPath)
  unless alreadyThere (convert True imgIn imgOut)

-- | Convert/Copy/Move images
convert :: IsB9 e => Bool -> Image -> Image -> Eff e ()
convert doMove (Image imgIn fmtIn _) (Image imgOut fmtOut _)
  | imgIn == imgOut = do
    ensureDir imgOut
    dbgL (printf "No need to convert: '%s'" imgIn)
  | doMove && fmtIn == fmtOut = do
    ensureDir imgOut
    dbgL (printf "Moving '%s' to '%s'" imgIn imgOut)
    liftIO (renameFile imgIn imgOut)
  | otherwise = do
    ensureDir imgOut
      (printf "Converting %s to %s: '%s' to '%s'"
              (imageFileExtension fmtIn)
              (imageFileExtension fmtOut)
      (printf "qemu-img convert -q -f %s -O %s %s '%s' '%s'"
              (imageFileExtension fmtIn)
              (imageFileExtension fmtOut)
              (conversionOptions fmtOut)
    when doMove $ do
      dbgL (printf "Removing '%s'" imgIn)
      liftIO (removeFile imgIn)

conversionOptions :: ImageType -> String
conversionOptions Vmdk  = " -o adapter_type=lsilogic "
conversionOptions QCow2 = " -o compat=1.1,lazy_refcounts=on "
conversionOptions _     = " "

toQemuSizeOptVal :: ImageSize -> String
toQemuSizeOptVal (ImageSize amount u) = show amount ++ case u of
  GB -> "G"
  MB -> "M"
  KB -> "K"
  B  -> ""

-- | Publish an sharedImage made from an image and image meta data to the
-- configured repository
shareImage :: IsB9 e => Image -> SharedImageName -> Eff e SharedImage
shareImage buildImg sname@(SharedImageName name) = do
  sharedImage <- createSharedImageInCache buildImg sname
  infoL (printf "SHARED '%s'" name)
  pushToSelectedRepo sharedImage
  return sharedImage

-- | Return a 'SharedImage' with the current build data and build id from the
-- name and disk image.
  :: IsB9 e => SharedImageName -> Image -> Eff e SharedImage
getSharedImageFromImageInfo name (Image _ imgType imgFS) = do
  buildId <- getBuildId
  date    <- getBuildDate
    (SharedImage name
                 (SharedImageDate date)
                 (SharedImageBuildId buildId)

-- | Convert the disk image and serialize the base image data structure.
-- If the 'maxLocalSharedImageRevisions' configuration is set to @Just n@
-- also delete all but the @n - 1@ newest images from the local cache.
  :: IsB9 e => Image -> SharedImageName -> Eff e SharedImage
createSharedImageInCache img sname@(SharedImageName name) = do
  dbgL (printf "CREATING SHARED IMAGE: '%s' '%s'" (ppShow img) name)
  sharedImg <- getSharedImageFromImageInfo sname img
  dir       <- getSharedImagesCacheDir
  convertImage img (changeImageDirectory dir (sharedImageImage sharedImg))
  prettyPrintToFile (dir </> sharedImageFileName sharedImg) sharedImg
  dbgL (printf "CREATED SHARED IMAGE IN CACHE '%s'" (ppShow sharedImg))
  cleanOldSharedImageRevisionsFromCache sname
  return sharedImg

-- | Publish the latest version of a shared image identified by name to the
-- selected repository from the cache.
pushSharedImageLatestVersion :: IsB9 e => SharedImageName -> Eff e ()
pushSharedImageLatestVersion name@(SharedImageName imgName) =
  getLatestSharedImageByNameFromCache name >>= maybe
    (errorExitL (printf "Nothing found for %s." (show imgName)))
    (\sharedImage -> do
      dbgL (printf "PUSHING '%s'" (ppShow sharedImage))
      pushToSelectedRepo sharedImage
      infoL (printf "PUSHED '%s'" imgName)

-- | Upload a shared image from the cache to a selected remote repository
pushToSelectedRepo :: IsB9 e => SharedImage -> Eff e ()
pushToSelectedRepo i = do
  c                      <- getSharedImagesCacheDir
  MkSelectedRemoteRepo r <- getSelectedRemoteRepo
  when (isJust r) $ do
    let (Image imgFile' _imgType _imgFS) = sharedImageImage i
        cachedImgFile = c </> imgFile'
        cachedInfoFile = c </> sharedImageFileName i
        repoImgFile = sharedImagesRootDirectory </> imgFile'
        repoInfoFile = sharedImagesRootDirectory </> sharedImageFileName i
    pushToRepo (fromJust r) cachedImgFile  repoImgFile
    pushToRepo (fromJust r) cachedInfoFile repoInfoFile

-- | Pull metadata files from all remote repositories.
pullRemoteRepos :: IsB9 e => Eff e ()
pullRemoteRepos = do
  repos <- getSelectedRepos
  mapM_ dl repos
  dl =
    pullGlob sharedImagesRootDirectory (FileExtension sharedImageFileExtension)

-- | Pull the latest version of an image, either from the selected remote
-- repo or from the repo that has the latest version.
pullLatestImage :: IsB9 e => SharedImageName -> Eff e (Maybe SharedImageBuildId)
pullLatestImage name@(SharedImageName dbgName) = do
  repos <- getSelectedRepos
  let repoPredicate Cache           = False
      repoPredicate (Remote repoId) = repoId `elem` repoIds
      repoIds = map remoteRepoRepoId repos
      hasName sharedImage = name == sharedImageName sharedImage
  candidates <- lookupSharedImages repoPredicate hasName
  let (Remote repoId, image) = last candidates
  if null candidates
    then do
          "No shared image named '%s' on these remote repositories: '%s'"
          (ppShow repoIds)
      return Nothing
    else do
      dbgL (printf "PULLING SHARED IMAGE: '%s'" (ppShow image))
      cacheDir <- getSharedImagesCacheDir
        (Image imgFile' _imgType _fs) = sharedImageImage image
        cachedImgFile                 = cacheDir </> imgFile'
        cachedInfoFile                = cacheDir </> sharedImageFileName image
        repoImgFile                   = sharedImagesRootDirectory </> imgFile'
        repoInfoFile = sharedImagesRootDirectory </> sharedImageFileName image
        repo                          = fromJust (lookupRemoteRepo repos repoId)
      pullFromRepo repo repoImgFile  cachedImgFile
      pullFromRepo repo repoInfoFile cachedInfoFile
      infoL (printf "PULLED '%s' FROM '%s'" dbgName repoId)
      cleanOldSharedImageRevisionsFromCache name
      return (Just (sharedImageBuildId image))

-- | Return the 'Image' of the latest version of a shared image named 'name'
-- from the local cache.
getLatestImageByName :: IsB9 e => SharedImageName -> Eff e (Maybe Image)
getLatestImageByName name = do
  sharedImage <- getLatestSharedImageByNameFromCache name
  cacheDir    <- getSharedImagesCacheDir
  let image = changeImageDirectory cacheDir . sharedImageImage <$> sharedImage
  case image of
    Just i  -> dbgL (printf "USING SHARED SOURCE IMAGE '%s'" (show i))
    Nothing -> errorL (printf "SOURCE IMAGE '%s' NOT FOUND" (show name))
  return image

-- | Return the latest version of a shared image named 'name' from the local cache.
  :: IsB9 e => SharedImageName -> Eff e (Maybe SharedImage)
getLatestSharedImageByNameFromCache name@(SharedImageName dbgName) = do
  imgs <- lookupSharedImages (== Cache) ((== name) . sharedImageName)
  case reverse imgs of
    (Cache, sharedImage) : _rest -> return (Just sharedImage)
    _                            -> do
      errorL (printf "No image(s) named '%s' found." dbgName)
      return Nothing

-- | Return a list of all existing sharedImages from cached repositories.
getSharedImages :: IsB9 e => Eff e [(Repository, [SharedImage])]
getSharedImages = do
  reposAndFiles <- repoSearch sharedImagesRootDirectory
                              (FileExtension sharedImageFileExtension)
  mapM (\(repo, files) -> (repo, ) . catMaybes <$> mapM consult' files)
  consult' f = do
    r <- liftIO (try (consult f))
    case r of
      Left (e :: SomeException) -> do
          (printf "Failed to load shared image meta-data from '%s': '%s'"
                  (takeFileName f)
                  (show e)
        dbgL (printf "Removing bad meta-data file '%s'" f)
        liftIO (removeFile f)
        return Nothing
      Right c -> return (Just c)

-- | Find shared images and the associated repos from two predicates. The result
-- is the concatenated result of the sorted shared images satisfying 'imgPred'.
  :: IsB9 e
  => (Repository -> Bool)
  -> (SharedImage -> Bool)
  -> Eff e [(Repository, SharedImage)]
lookupSharedImages repoPred imgPred = do
  xs <- getSharedImages
  let rs           = [ (r, s) | (r, ss) <- xs, s <- ss ]
      matchingRepo = filter (repoPred . fst) rs
      matchingImg  = filter (imgPred . snd) matchingRepo
      sorted       = sortBy (compare `on` snd) matchingImg
  return (mconcat (pure <$> sorted))

-- | Return either all remote repos or just the single selected repo.
getSelectedRepos :: IsB9 e => Eff e [RemoteRepo]
getSelectedRepos = do
  allRepos                          <- getRemoteRepos
  MkSelectedRemoteRepo selectedRepo <- getSelectedRemoteRepo
  let repos = maybe allRepos return selectedRepo -- 'Maybe' a repo
  return repos

-- | Return the path to the sub directory in the cache that contains files of
-- shared images.
getSharedImagesCacheDir :: IsB9 e => Eff e FilePath
getSharedImagesCacheDir = do
  cacheDir <- localRepoDir <$> getRepoCache
  return (cacheDir </> sharedImagesRootDirectory)

-- | Depending on the 'maxLocalSharedImageRevisions' 'B9Config' settings either
-- do nothing or delete all but the configured number of most recent shared
-- images with the given name from the local cache.
cleanOldSharedImageRevisionsFromCache :: IsB9 e => SharedImageName -> Eff e ()
cleanOldSharedImageRevisionsFromCache sn = do
  b9Cfg <- getConfig
  forM_ (b9Cfg ^. maxLocalSharedImageRevisions) $ \maxRevisions -> do
    toDelete <- take maxRevisions <$> newestSharedImages
    imgDir   <- getSharedImagesCacheDir
    let filesToDelete = (imgDir </>) <$> (infoFiles ++ imgFiles)
        infoFiles     = sharedImageFileName <$> toDelete
        imgFiles      = imageFileName . sharedImageImage <$> toDelete
    unless (null filesToDelete) $ do
        (printf "DELETING %d OBSOLETE REVISIONS OF: %s"
                (length filesToDelete)
                (show sn)
      mapM_ traceL         filesToDelete
      mapM_ removeIfExists filesToDelete
  newestSharedImages :: IsB9 e => Eff e [SharedImage]
  newestSharedImages = reverse . map snd <$> lookupSharedImages
    (== Cache)
    ((sn ==) . sharedImageName)
  removeIfExists fileName = liftIO $ removeFile fileName `catch` handleExists
    handleExists e | isDoesNotExistError e = return ()
                   | otherwise             = throwIO e