{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns          #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Numeric.Backprop.Tuple
-- Copyright   : (c) Justin Le 2018
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : justin@jle.im
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Canonical strict tuples (and unit) with 'Num' instances for usage with
-- /backprop/. This is here to solve the problem of orphan instances in
-- libraries and potential mismatched tuple types.
-- If you are writing a library that needs to export 'BVar's of tuples,
-- consider using the tuples in this module so that your library can have
-- easy interoperability with other libraries using /backprop/.
-- Because of API decisions, 'backprop' and 'gradBP' only work with things
-- with 'Num' instances.  However, this disallows default 'Prelude' tuples
-- (without orphan instances from packages like
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/NumInstances NumInstances>).
-- Until tuples have 'Num' instances in /base/, this module is intended to
-- be a workaround for situations where:
-- This comes up often in cases where:
--     (1) A function wants to return more than one value (@'BVar' s ('T2'
--     a b)@
--     (2) You want to uncurry a 'BVar' function to use with 'backprop' and
--     'gradBP'.
--     (3) You want to use the useful 'Prism's automatically generated by
--     the lens library, which use tuples for multiple-constructor fields.
-- Only 2-tuples and 3-tuples are provided.  Any more and you should
-- probably be using your own custom product types, with instances
-- automatically generated from something like
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/one-liner-instances one-liner-instances>.
-- Lenses into the fields are provided, but they also work with '_1', '_2',
-- and '_3' from "Lens.Micro".  However, note that these are incompatible
-- with '_1', '_2', and '_3' from "Control.Lens".
-- You can "construct" a @'BVar' s ('T2' a b)@ with functions like
-- 'isoVar'.
-- @since

module Numeric.Backprop.Tuple (
  -- * Zero-tuples (unit)
  -- * Two-tuples
  , T2(..)
  -- ** Conversions
  -- $t2iso
  , t2Tup, tupT2
  -- ** Consumption
  , uncurryT2, curryT2
  -- ** Lenses
  , t2_1, t2_2
  -- * Three-tuples
  , T3(..)
  -- ** Conversions
  -- $t3iso
  , t3Tup, tupT3
  -- ** Lenses
  , t3_1, t3_2, t3_3
  -- ** Consumption
  , uncurryT3, curryT3
  -- * N-Tuples
  , T(..)
  , indexT
  -- ** Conversions
  -- $tiso
  , tOnly, onlyT, tSplit, tAppend, tProd, prodT
  -- ** Lenses
  , tIx, tHead, tTail, tTake, tDrop
  -- ** Internal Utility
  , constT, mapT, zipT
  ) where

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Data
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.Type.Combinator
import           Data.Type.Index
import           Data.Type.Length
import           Data.Type.Product
import           GHC.Generics               (Generic)
import           Lens.Micro
import           Lens.Micro.Internal hiding (Index)
import           Type.Class.Known
import           Type.Family.List
import qualified Data.Binary                as Bi

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import           Data.Semigroup

-- | Unit ('()') with 'Num', 'Fractional', and 'Floating' instances.
-- Be aware that the methods in its numerical instances are all non-strict:
-- @
-- _ + _ = 'T0'
-- 'negate' _ = 'T0'
-- 'fromIntegral' _ = 'T0'
-- @
-- @since
data T0 = T0
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data)

-- | Strict 2-tuple with 'Num', 'Fractional', and 'Floating' instances.
-- @since
data T2 a b   = T2 !a !b
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, Functor, Data, Typeable)

-- | Strict 3-tuple with a 'Num', 'Fractional', and 'Floating' instances.
-- @since
data T3 a b c = T3 !a !b !c
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, Functor, Data, Typeable)

-- | Strict inductive N-tuple with a 'Num', 'Fractional', and 'Floating'
-- instances.
-- It is basically "yet another HList", like the one found in
-- "Data.Type.Product" and many other locations on the haskell ecosystem.
-- Because it's inductively defined, it has O(n) random indexing, but is
-- efficient for zipping and mapping and other sequential consumption
-- patterns.
-- It is provided because of its 'Num' instance, making it useful for
-- /backproup/.  Will be obsolete when 'Data.Type.Product.Product' gets
-- numerical instances.
-- @since
data T :: [Type] -> Type where
    TNil :: T '[]
    (:&) :: !a -> !(T as) -> T (a ': as)

-- | @since
deriving instance ListC (Show <$> as) => Show (T as)
-- | @since
deriving instance ListC (Eq <$> as) => Eq (T as)
-- | @since
deriving instance (ListC (Eq <$> as), ListC (Ord <$> as)) => Ord (T as)
-- | @since
deriving instance Typeable (T as)

-- | @since
deriving instance Typeable T0
-- | @since
deriving instance Typeable (T2 a b)
-- | @since
deriving instance Typeable (T3 a b c)

instance NFData T0
instance (NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (T2 a b)
instance (NFData a, NFData b, NFData c) => NFData (T3 a b c)
instance ListC (NFData <$> as) => NFData (T as) where
    rnf = \case
      TNil    -> ()
      x :& xs -> rnf x `seq` rnf xs

-- TODO: optimize

-- | @since
instance Bi.Binary T0
-- | @since
instance (Bi.Binary a, Bi.Binary b) => Bi.Binary (T2 a b)
-- | @since
instance (Bi.Binary a, Bi.Binary b, Bi.Binary c) => Bi.Binary (T3 a b c)

instance Bifunctor T2 where
    bimap f g (T2 x y) = T2 (f x) (g y)

instance Bifunctor (T3 a) where
    bimap f g (T3 x y z) = T3 x (f y) (g z)

-- | Convert to a Haskell tuple.
-- Forms an isomorphism with 'tupT2'.
t2Tup :: T2 a b -> (a, b)
t2Tup (T2 x y) = (x, y)

-- | Convert from Haskell tuple.
-- Forms an isomorphism with 't2Tup'.
tupT2 :: (a, b) -> T2 a b
tupT2 (x, y) = T2 x y

-- | Convert to a Haskell tuple.
-- Forms an isomorphism with 'tupT3'.
t3Tup :: T3 a b c -> (a, b, c)
t3Tup (T3 x y z) = (x, y, z)

-- | Convert from Haskell tuple.
-- Forms an isomorphism with 't3Tup'.
tupT3 :: (a, b, c) -> T3 a b c
tupT3 (x, y, z) = T3 x y z

-- | A singleton 'T'
-- Forms an isomorphism with 'tOnly'
-- @since
onlyT :: a -> T '[a]
onlyT = (:& TNil)

-- | Extract a singleton 'T'
-- Forms an isomorphism with 'onlyT'
-- @since
tOnly :: T '[a] -> a
tOnly (x :& _) = x

-- | Uncurry a function to take in a 'T2' of its arguments
-- @since
uncurryT2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> T2 a b -> c
uncurryT2 f (T2 x y) = f x y

-- | Curry a function taking a 'T2' of its arguments
-- @since
curryT2 :: (T2 a b -> c) -> a -> b -> c
curryT2 f x y = f (T2 x y)

-- | Uncurry a function to take in a 'T3' of its arguments
-- @since
uncurryT3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> T3 a b c -> d
uncurryT3 f (T3 x y z) = f x y z

-- | Curry a function taking a 'T3' of its arguments
-- @since
curryT3 :: (T3 a b c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> d
curryT3 f x y z = f (T3 x y z)

instance Field1 (T2 a b) (T2 a' b) a a' where
    _1 = t2_1

instance Field2 (T2 a b) (T2 a b') b b' where
    _2 = t2_2

instance Field1 (T3 a b c) (T3 a' b c) a a' where
    _1 = t3_1

instance Field2 (T3 a b c) (T3 a b' c) b b' where
    _2 = t3_2

instance Field3 (T3 a b c) (T3 a b c') c c' where
    _3 = t3_3

instance Field1 (T (a ': as)) (T (a ': as)) a a where
    _1 = tIx IZ

instance Field2 (T (a ': b ': as)) (T (a ': b ': as)) b b where
    _2 = tIx (IS IZ)

instance Field3 (T (a ': b ': c ': as)) (T (a ': b ': c ': as)) c c where
    _3 = tIx (IS (IS IZ))

-- | Lens into the first field of a 'T2'.  Also exported as '_1' from
-- "Lens.Micro".
t2_1 :: Lens (T2 a b) (T2 a' b) a a'
t2_1 f (T2 x y) = (`T2` y) <$> f x

-- | Lens into the second field of a 'T2'.  Also exported as '_2' from
-- "Lens.Micro".
t2_2 :: Lens (T2 a b) (T2 a b') b b'
t2_2 f (T2 x y) = T2 x <$> f y

-- | Lens into the first field of a 'T3'.  Also exported as '_1' from
-- "Lens.Micro".
t3_1 :: Lens (T3 a b c) (T3 a' b c) a a'
t3_1 f (T3 x y z) = (\x' -> T3 x' y z) <$> f x

-- | Lens into the second field of a 'T3'.  Also exported as '_2' from
-- "Lens.Micro".
t3_2 :: Lens (T3 a b c) (T3 a b' c) b b'
t3_2 f (T3 x y z) = (\y' -> T3 x y' z) <$> f y

-- | Lens into the third field of a 'T3'.  Also exported as '_3' from
-- "Lens.Micro".
t3_3 :: Lens (T3 a b c) (T3 a b c') c c'
t3_3 f (T3 x y z) = T3 x y <$> f z

-- | Index into a 'T'.
-- /O(i)/
-- @since
indexT :: Index as a -> T as -> a
indexT = flip (^.) . tIx

-- | Lens into a given index of a 'T'.
-- @since
tIx :: Index as a -> Lens' (T as) a
tIx IZ     f (x :& xs) = (:& xs) <$> f x
tIx (IS i) f (x :& xs) = (x :&)  <$> tIx i f xs

-- | Lens into the head of a 'T'
-- @since
tHead :: Lens (T (a ': as)) (T (b ': as)) a b
tHead f (x :& xs) = (:& xs) <$> f x

-- | Lens into the tail of a 'T'
-- @since
tTail :: Lens (T (a ': as)) (T (a ': bs)) (T as) (T bs)
tTail f (x :& xs) = (x :&) <$> f xs

-- | Append two 'T's.
-- Forms an isomorphism with 'tSplit'.
-- @since
tAppend :: T as -> T bs -> T (as ++ bs)
tAppend TNil      ys = ys
tAppend (x :& xs) ys = x :& tAppend xs ys
infixr 5 `tAppend`

-- | Split a 'T'.  For splits known at compile-time, you can use 'known' to
-- derive the 'Length' automatically.
-- Forms an isomorphism with 'tAppend'.
-- @since
tSplit :: Length as -> T (as ++ bs) -> (T as, T bs)
tSplit LZ     xs        = (TNil, xs)
tSplit (LS l) (x :& xs) = first (x :&) . tSplit l $ xs

-- | Lens into the initial portion of a 'T'.  For splits known at
-- compile-time, you can use 'known' to derive the 'Length' automatically.
-- @since
tTake :: forall as bs cs. Length as -> Lens (T (as ++ bs)) (T (cs ++ bs)) (T as) (T cs)
tTake l f (tSplit l->(xs,ys)) = flip (tAppend @cs @bs) ys <$> f xs

-- | Lens into the ending portion of a 'T'.  For splits known at
-- compile-time, you can use 'known' to derive the 'Length' automatically.
-- @since
tDrop :: forall as bs cs. Length as -> Lens (T (as ++ bs)) (T (as ++ cs)) (T bs) (T cs)
tDrop l f (tSplit l->(xs,ys)) = tAppend xs <$> f ys

-- | Convert a 'T' to a 'Tuple'.
-- Forms an isomorphism with 'prodT'.
-- @since
tProd :: T as -> Tuple as
tProd TNil      = Ø
tProd (x :& xs) = x ::< tProd xs

-- | Convert a 'Tuple' to a 'T'.
-- Forms an isomorphism with 'tProd'.
-- @since
prodT :: Tuple as -> T as
prodT Ø           = TNil
prodT (I x :< xs) = x :& prodT xs

instance Num T0 where
    _ + _         = T0
    _ - _         = T0
    _ * _         = T0
    negate _      = T0
    abs    _      = T0
    signum _      = T0
    fromInteger _ = T0

instance Fractional T0 where
    _ / _          = T0
    recip _        = T0
    fromRational _ = T0

instance Floating T0 where
    pi          = T0
    _ ** _      = T0
    logBase _ _ = T0
    exp   _     = T0
    log   _     = T0
    sqrt  _     = T0
    sin   _     = T0
    cos   _     = T0
    asin  _     = T0
    acos  _     = T0
    atan  _     = T0
    sinh  _     = T0
    cosh  _     = T0
    asinh _     = T0
    acosh _     = T0
    atanh _     = T0

instance Semigroup T0 where
    _ <> _ = T0

instance Monoid T0 where
    mempty = T0
    mappend = (<>)

instance (Num a, Num b) => Num (T2 a b) where
    T2 x1 y1 + T2 x2 y2 = T2 (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2)
    T2 x1 y1 - T2 x2 y2 = T2 (x1 - x2) (y1 - y2)
    T2 x1 y1 * T2 x2 y2 = T2 (x1 * x2) (y1 * y2)
    negate (T2 x y)     = T2 (negate x) (negate y)
    abs    (T2 x y)     = T2 (abs    x) (abs    y)
    signum (T2 x y)     = T2 (signum x) (signum y)
    fromInteger x       = T2 (fromInteger x) (fromInteger x)

instance (Fractional a, Fractional b) => Fractional (T2 a b) where
    T2 x1 y1 / T2 x2 y2 = T2 (x1 / x2) (y1 / y2)
    recip (T2 x y)      = T2 (recip x) (recip y)
    fromRational x      = T2 (fromRational x) (fromRational x)

instance (Floating a, Floating b) => Floating (T2 a b) where
    pi                            = T2 pi pi
    T2 x1 y1 ** T2 x2 y2          = T2 (x1 ** x2) (y1 ** y2)
    logBase (T2 x1 y1) (T2 x2 y2) = T2 (logBase x1 x2) (logBase y1 y2)
    exp   (T2 x y)                = T2 (exp   x) (exp   y)
    log   (T2 x y)                = T2 (log   x) (log   y)
    sqrt  (T2 x y)                = T2 (sqrt  x) (sqrt  y)
    sin   (T2 x y)                = T2 (sin   x) (sin   y)
    cos   (T2 x y)                = T2 (cos   x) (cos   y)
    asin  (T2 x y)                = T2 (asin  x) (asin  y)
    acos  (T2 x y)                = T2 (acos  x) (acos  y)
    atan  (T2 x y)                = T2 (atan  x) (atan  y)
    sinh  (T2 x y)                = T2 (sinh  x) (sinh  y)
    cosh  (T2 x y)                = T2 (cosh  x) (cosh  y)
    asinh (T2 x y)                = T2 (asinh x) (asinh y)
    acosh (T2 x y)                = T2 (acosh x) (acosh y)
    atanh (T2 x y)                = T2 (atanh x) (atanh y)

instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (T2 a b) where
    T2 x1 y1 <> T2 x2 y2 = T2 (x1 <> x2) (y1 <> y2)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (T2 a b) where
instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (T2 a b) where
    mappend = (<>)
    mempty  = T2 mempty mempty

instance (Num a, Num b, Num c) => Num (T3 a b c) where
    T3 x1 y1 z1 + T3 x2 y2 z2 = T3 (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2) (z1 + z2)
    T3 x1 y1 z1 - T3 x2 y2 z2 = T3 (x1 - x2) (y1 - y2) (z1 + z2)
    T3 x1 y1 z1 * T3 x2 y2 z2 = T3 (x1 * x2) (y1 * y2) (z1 + z2)
    negate (T3 x y z)         = T3 (negate x) (negate y) (negate z)
    abs    (T3 x y z)         = T3 (abs    x) (abs    y) (abs    z)
    signum (T3 x y z)         = T3 (signum x) (signum y) (signum z)
    fromInteger x             = T3 (fromInteger x) (fromInteger x) (fromInteger x)

instance (Fractional a, Fractional b, Fractional c) => Fractional (T3 a b c) where
    T3 x1 y1 z1 / T3 x2 y2 z2 = T3 (x1 / x2) (y1 / y2) (z1 / z2)
    recip (T3 x y z)          = T3 (recip x) (recip y) (recip z)
    fromRational x            = T3 (fromRational x) (fromRational x) (fromRational x)

instance (Floating a, Floating b, Floating c) => Floating (T3 a b c) where
    pi                                  = T3 pi pi pi
    T3 x1 y1 z1 ** T3 x2 y2 z2          = T3 (x1 ** x2) (y1 ** y2) (z1 ** z2)
    logBase (T3 x1 y1 z1) (T3 x2 y2 z2) = T3 (logBase x1 x2) (logBase y1 y2) (logBase z1 z2)
    exp   (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (exp   x) (exp   y) (exp   z)
    log   (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (log   x) (log   y) (log   z)
    sqrt  (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (sqrt  x) (sqrt  y) (sqrt  z)
    sin   (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (sin   x) (sin   y) (sin   z)
    cos   (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (cos   x) (cos   y) (cos   z)
    asin  (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (asin  x) (asin  y) (asin  z)
    acos  (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (acos  x) (acos  y) (acos  z)
    atan  (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (atan  x) (atan  y) (atan  z)
    sinh  (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (sinh  x) (sinh  y) (sinh  z)
    cosh  (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (cosh  x) (cosh  y) (cosh  z)
    asinh (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (asinh x) (asinh y) (asinh z)
    acosh (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (acosh x) (acosh y) (acosh z)
    atanh (T3 x y z)                    = T3 (atanh x) (atanh y) (atanh z)

instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Semigroup c) => Semigroup (T3 a b c) where
    T3 x1 y1 z1 <> T3 x2 y2 z2 = T3 (x1 <> x2) (y1 <> y2) (z1 <> z2)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Monoid (T3 a b c) where
instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Semigroup c, Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Monoid (T3 a b c) where
    mappend = (<>)
    mempty  = T3 mempty mempty mempty

-- | Initialize a 'T' with a Rank-N value.  Mostly used internally, but
-- provided in case useful.
-- Must be used with /TypeApplications/ to provide the Rank-N constraint.
-- @since
    :: forall c as. ListC (c <$> as)
    => (forall a. c a => a)
    -> Length as
    -> T as
constT x = go
    go :: forall bs. ListC (c <$> bs) => Length bs -> T bs
    go LZ     = TNil
    go (LS l) = x :& go l

-- | Map over a 'T' with a Rank-N function.  Mostly used internally, but
-- provided in case useful.
-- Must be used with /TypeApplications/ to provide the Rank-N constraint.
-- @since
    :: forall c as. ListC (c <$> as)
    => (forall a. c a => a -> a)
    -> T as
    -> T as
mapT f = go
    go :: forall bs. ListC (c <$> bs) => T bs -> T bs
    go TNil      = TNil
    go (x :& xs) = f x :& go xs

-- | Map over a 'T' with a Rank-N function.  Mostly used internally, but
-- provided in case useful.
-- Must be used with /TypeApplications/ to provide the Rank-N constraint.
-- @since
    :: forall c as. ListC (c <$> as)
    => (forall a. c a => a -> a -> a)
    -> T as
    -> T as
    -> T as
zipT f = go
    go :: forall bs. ListC (c <$> bs) => T bs -> T bs -> T bs
    go TNil      TNil      = TNil
    go (x :& xs) (y :& ys) = f x y :& go xs ys

instance (Known Length as, ListC (Num <$> as)) => Num (T as) where
    (+)           = zipT @Num (+)
    (-)           = zipT @Num (-)
    (*)           = zipT @Num (*)
    negate        = mapT @Num negate
    abs           = mapT @Num abs
    signum        = mapT @Num signum
    fromInteger x = constT @Num (fromInteger x) known

instance (Known Length as, ListC (Num <$> as), ListC (Fractional <$> as)) => Fractional (T as) where
    (/)            = zipT @Fractional (/)
    recip          = mapT @Fractional recip
    fromRational x = constT @Fractional (fromRational x) known

instance (Known Length as, ListC (Num <$> as), ListC (Fractional <$> as), ListC (Floating <$> as))
        => Floating (T as) where
    pi      = constT @Floating pi known
    (**)    = zipT @Floating (**)
    logBase = zipT @Floating logBase
    exp     = mapT @Floating exp
    log     = mapT @Floating log
    sqrt    = mapT @Floating sqrt
    sin     = mapT @Floating sin
    cos     = mapT @Floating cos
    asin    = mapT @Floating asin
    acos    = mapT @Floating acos
    atan    = mapT @Floating atan
    sinh    = mapT @Floating sinh
    cosh    = mapT @Floating cosh
    asinh   = mapT @Floating asinh
    acosh   = mapT @Floating acosh
    atanh   = mapT @Floating atanh

instance ListC (Semigroup <$> as) => Semigroup (T as) where
    (<>) = zipT @Semigroup (<>)

instance (Known Length as, ListC (Semigroup <$> as), ListC (Monoid <$> as)) => Monoid (T as) where
    mempty  = constT @Monoid mempty known
    mappend = (<>)

-- | @since
instance (Known Length as, ListC (Bi.Binary <$> as)) => Bi.Binary (T as) where
    put = \case
      TNil -> pure ()
      x :& xs -> do
        Bi.put x
        Bi.put xs
    get = getT known

getT :: ListC (Bi.Binary <$> as) => Length as -> Bi.Get (T as)
getT = \case
    LZ   -> pure TNil
    LS l -> do
      x  <- Bi.get
      xs <- getT l
      pure (x :& xs)

-- $t2iso
-- If using /lens/, the two conversion functions can be chained with prisms
-- and traversals and other optics using:
-- @
-- 'iso' 'tupT2' 't2Tup' :: 'Iso'' (a, b) ('T2' a b)
-- @

-- $t3iso
-- If using /lens/, the two conversion functions can be chained with prisms
-- and traversals and other optics using:
-- @
-- 'iso' 'tupT3' 't2Tup' :: 'Iso'' (a, b, c) ('T3' a b c)
-- @

-- $tiso
-- If using /lens/, the two conversion functions can be chained with prisms
-- and traversals and other optics using:
-- @
-- 'iso' 'onlyT' 'tOnly' :: 'Iso'' a (T '[a])
-- @