{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
-- | Contains a schema for beam migration tools. Used by the CLI and
-- the managed migrations support here.
module Database.Beam.Migrate.Log where

import Database.Beam
import Database.Beam.Backend.SQL
import Database.Beam.Migrate
import Database.Beam.Migrate.Backend
import Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.Predicates (QualifiedName(..))

import Control.Monad (when)

import Data.Int
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (LocalTime)
import Data.UUID.Types (UUID)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail

data LogEntryT f
  = LogEntry
  { _logEntryId       :: C f Int32
  , _logEntryCommitId :: C f Text
  , _logEntryDate     :: C f LocalTime
  } deriving Generic

instance Beamable LogEntryT
type LogEntry = LogEntryT Identity
deriving instance Show LogEntry

instance Table LogEntryT where
  data PrimaryKey LogEntryT f = LogEntryKey (C f Int32)
    deriving Generic
  primaryKey = LogEntryKey <$> _logEntryId

instance Beamable (PrimaryKey LogEntryT)

type LogEntryKey = PrimaryKey LogEntryT Identity
deriving instance Show LogEntryKey

newtype BeamMigrateVersionT f
  = BeamMigrateVersion
  { _beamMigrateVersion :: C f Int32
  } deriving Generic

instance Beamable BeamMigrateVersionT
type BeamMigrateVersion = BeamMigrateVersionT Identity
deriving instance Show BeamMigrateVersion

instance Table BeamMigrateVersionT where
  data PrimaryKey BeamMigrateVersionT f = BeamMigrateVersionKey (C f Int32)
    deriving Generic
  primaryKey = BeamMigrateVersionKey <$> _beamMigrateVersion

instance Beamable (PrimaryKey BeamMigrateVersionT)

type BeamMigrateVersionKey = PrimaryKey BeamMigrateVersionT Identity
deriving instance Show BeamMigrateVersionKey

-- Database
data BeamMigrateDb entity
  = BeamMigrateDb
  { _beamMigrateVersionTbl :: entity (TableEntity BeamMigrateVersionT)
  , _beamMigrateLogEntries :: entity (TableEntity LogEntryT)
  } deriving Generic

instance Database be BeamMigrateDb

beamMigratableDb :: forall be m
                  . ( BeamMigrateSqlBackend be
                    , HasDataTypeCreatedCheck (BeamMigrateSqlBackendDataTypeSyntax be)
                    , MonadBeam be m )
                 => CheckedDatabaseSettings be BeamMigrateDb
beamMigratableDb = runMigrationSilenced $ beamMigrateDbMigration @be @m

beamMigrateDb :: forall be m
               . ( BeamMigrateSqlBackend be
                 , HasDataTypeCreatedCheck (BeamMigrateSqlBackendDataTypeSyntax be)
                 , MonadBeam be m )
               => DatabaseSettings be BeamMigrateDb
beamMigrateDb = unCheckDatabase $ beamMigratableDb @be @m

beamMigrateDbMigration ::  forall be m
                        . ( BeamMigrateSqlBackend be
                          , HasDataTypeCreatedCheck (BeamMigrateSqlBackendDataTypeSyntax be)
                          , MonadBeam be m )
                       => Migration be (CheckedDatabaseSettings be BeamMigrateDb)
beamMigrateDbMigration =
  BeamMigrateDb <$> createTable "beam_version"
                      (BeamMigrateVersion (field "version" int notNull))
                <*> createTable "beam_migration"
                      (LogEntry (field "id" int notNull) (field "commitId" (varchar Nothing) notNull)
                                (field "date" timestamp notNull))

beamMigrateSchemaVersion :: Int32
beamMigrateSchemaVersion = 1

getLatestLogEntry :: forall be m
                   . ( BeamMigrateSqlBackend be
                     , HasDataTypeCreatedCheck (BeamMigrateSqlBackendDataTypeSyntax be)
                     , BeamSqlBackendCanDeserialize be Int32
                     , BeamSqlBackendCanDeserialize be LocalTime
                     , BeamSqlBackendSupportsDataType be Text
                     , HasQBuilder be
                     , MonadBeam be m )
                  => m (Maybe LogEntry)
getLatestLogEntry =
  runSelectReturningOne (select $
                         limit_ 1 $
                         orderBy_ (desc_ . _logEntryId) $
                         all_ (_beamMigrateLogEntries (beamMigrateDb @be @m)))

updateSchemaToCurrent :: forall be m
                       . ( BeamMigrateSqlBackend be
                         , HasDataTypeCreatedCheck (BeamMigrateSqlBackendDataTypeSyntax be)
                         , BeamSqlBackendCanSerialize be Text
                         , MonadBeam be m )
                      => m ()
updateSchemaToCurrent =
  runInsert (insert (_beamMigrateVersionTbl (beamMigrateDb @be @m)) (insertValues [BeamMigrateVersion beamMigrateSchemaVersion]))

recordCommit :: forall be m
             . ( BeamMigrateSqlBackend be
               , HasDataTypeCreatedCheck (BeamMigrateSqlBackendDataTypeSyntax be)
               , BeamSqlBackendSupportsDataType be Text
               , BeamSqlBackendCanDeserialize be Int32
               , BeamSqlBackendCanDeserialize be LocalTime
               , HasQBuilder be
               , MonadBeam be m )
             => UUID -> m ()
recordCommit commitId = do
  let commitIdTxt = fromString (show commitId)

  logEntry <- getLatestLogEntry
  let nextLogEntryId = maybe 0 (succ . _logEntryId) logEntry

  runInsert (insert (_beamMigrateLogEntries (beamMigrateDb @be @m))
                     [ LogEntry (val_ nextLogEntryId)
                                (val_ commitIdTxt)

-- Ensure the backend tables exist
ensureBackendTables :: forall be m
                     . (BeamSqlBackendCanSerialize be Text, Fail.MonadFail m)
                    => BeamMigrationBackend be m
                    -> m ()
ensureBackendTables be@BeamMigrationBackend { backendGetDbConstraints = getCs } =
  do backendSchemaBuilt <- checkForBackendTables be
     if backendSchemaBuilt
       then continueMigrate
       else createSchema

    doStep cmd = runNoReturn cmd

    continueMigrate = do
      maxVersion <-
        runSelectReturningOne $ select $
        aggregate_ (\v -> max_ (_beamMigrateVersion v)) $
        all_ (_beamMigrateVersionTbl (beamMigrateDb @be @m))

      case maxVersion of
        Nothing -> cleanAndCreateSchema
        Just Nothing -> cleanAndCreateSchema
        Just (Just maxVersion')
          | maxVersion' > beamMigrateSchemaVersion ->
              fail "This database is being managed by a newer version of beam-migrate"
          | maxVersion' < beamMigrateSchemaVersion ->
              fail "This database is being managed by an older version of beam-migrate, but there are no older versions"
          | otherwise -> pure ()

    cleanAndCreateSchema = do
      cs <- getCs
      let migrationLogExists = any (== p (TableExistsPredicate (QualifiedName Nothing "beam_migration"))) cs

      when migrationLogExists $ do
        totalCnt <-
          fmap (fromMaybe 0) $ -- Should never return 'Nothing', but this prevents an irrefutable pattern match
          runSelectReturningOne $ select $
          aggregate_ (\_ -> as_ @Int32 countAll_) $
          all_ (_beamMigrateLogEntries (beamMigrateDb @be @m))
        when (totalCnt > 0) (fail "beam-migrate: No versioning information, but log entries present")
        runNoReturn (dropTableCmd (dropTableSyntax (tableName Nothing "beam_migration")))

      runNoReturn (dropTableCmd (dropTableSyntax (tableName Nothing "beam_version")))


    createSchema = do
      _ <- executeMigration doStep (beamMigrateDbMigration @be @m)

checkForBackendTables :: BeamMigrationBackend be m -> m Bool
checkForBackendTables BeamMigrationBackend { backendGetDbConstraints = getCs } =
  do cs <- getCs
     pure (any (== p (TableExistsPredicate (QualifiedName Nothing "beam_version"))) cs)