binary-parsers- Extends binary with parsec/attoparsec style parsing combinators.

CopyrightBryan O'Sullivan 2007-2015, Winterland 2016
Safe HaskellNone



Simple, efficient combinator parsing for ByteString strings.



peekMaybe :: Get (Maybe Word8) Source

Match any byte, to perform lookahead. Returns Nothing if end of input has been reached. Does not consume any input.

peek :: Get Word8 Source

Match any byte, to perform lookahead. Does not consume any input, but will fail if end of input has been reached.

satisfy :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Get Word8 Source

The parser satisfy p succeeds for any byte for which the predicate p returns True. Returns the byte that is actually parsed.

digit = satisfy isDigit
    where isDigit w = w >= 48 && w <= 57

satisfyWith :: (Word8 -> a) -> (a -> Bool) -> Get a Source

The parser satisfyWith f p transforms a byte, and succeeds if the predicate p returns True on the transformed value. The parser returns the transformed byte that was parsed.

word8 :: Word8 -> Get () Source

Match a specific byte.

anyWord8 :: Get Word8 Source

Match any byte.

skipWord8 :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Get () Source

The parser skipWord8 p succeeds for any byte for which the predicate p returns True.

skipN :: Int -> Get () Source

This is a faster version of skip for small N (smaller than chunk size).

takeTill :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Get ByteString Source

Consume input as long as the predicate returns False or reach the end of input, and return the consumed input.

takeWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Get ByteString Source

Consume input as long as the predicate returns True or reach the end of input, and return the consumed input.

takeWhile1 :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Get ByteString Source

Similar to takeWhile, but requires the predicate to succeed on at least one byte of input: it will fail if the predicate never returns True or reach the end of input

skipWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Get () Source

Skip past input for as long as the predicate returns True.

skipSpaces :: Get () Source

Skip over white space using isSpace.

string :: ByteString -> Get () Source

string s parses a sequence of bytes that identically match s.

scan :: s -> (s -> Word8 -> Maybe s) -> Get ByteString Source

A stateful scanner. The predicate consumes and transforms a state argument, and each transformed state is passed to successive invocations of the predicate on each byte of the input until one returns Nothing or the input ends.

This parser does not fail. It will return an empty string if the predicate returns Nothing on the first byte of input.

scanChunks :: s -> Consume s -> Get ByteString Source

Similar to scan, but working on ByteString chunks, The predicate consumes a ByteString chunk and transforms a state argument, and each transformed state is passed to successive invocations of the predicate on each chunk of the input until one chunk got splited to Right (ByteString, ByteString) or the input ends.

isSpace :: Word8 -> Bool Source

Fast Word8 predicate for matching ASCII space characters

isSpace w = w == 32 || w - 9 <= 4

isDigit :: Word8 -> Bool Source

Decimal digit predicate.

isHexDigit :: Word8 -> Bool Source

Hex digit predicate.

isHorizontalSpace :: Word8 -> Bool Source

A predicate that matches either a space ' ' or horizontal tab '\t' character.

isEndOfLine :: Word8 -> Bool Source

A predicate that matches either a carriage return '\r' or newline '\n' character.

endOfLine :: Get () Source

Match either a single newline byte '\n', or a carriage return followed by a newline byte "\r\n".