binary-strict- Binary deserialisation using strict ByteStrings

CopyrightLennart Kolmodin
LicenseBSD3-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerAdam Langley <>
Portabilityportable to Hugs and GHC.
Safe HaskellNone




This is a strict version of the Get monad from the binary package. It's pretty much just a copy and paste job from the original source code. The binary team are currently unsure about their future plans w.r.t. strictness, so this is a stop gap measure.

To use, write a function in the Get monad:

import Data.Binary.Strict.Get as BinStrict
import Data.ByteString as BS
parse :: BinStrict.Get
parse = getWord16be
main = print $ runGet parse $ BS.pack [1, 1]

This results in a tuple of (Right 257, "") (where the second element is just the remaining data after the parser has run)


The Get type

runGet :: Get a -> ByteString -> (Either String a, ByteString) Source

Run a parser on the given input and return the result (either an error string from a call to fail, or the parsing result) and the remainder of of the input.


lookAhead :: Get a -> Get a Source

Run ga, but return without consuming its input. Fails if ga fails.

lookAheadM :: Get (Maybe a) -> Get (Maybe a) Source

Like lookAhead, but consume the input if gma returns 'Just _'. Fails if gma fails.

lookAheadE :: Get (Either a b) -> Get (Either a b) Source

Like lookAhead, but consume the input if gea returns 'Right _'. Fails if gea fails.

plus :: Get a -> Get a -> Get a Source


skip :: Int -> Get () Source

Skip ahead n bytes. Fails if fewer than n bytes are available.

bytesRead :: Get Int Source

Get the total number of bytes read to this point.

remaining :: Get Int Source

Get the number of remaining unparsed bytes. Useful for checking whether all input has been consumed.

isEmpty :: Get Bool Source

Test whether all input has been consumed, i.e. there are no remaining unparsed bytes.

Parsing particular types


getByteString :: Int -> Get ByteString Source

An efficient get method for strict ByteStrings. Fails if fewer than n bytes are left in the input.

Big-endian reads

Little-endian reads

Host-endian, unaligned reads

Floating point