Portability | portable to Hugs and GHC. Requires Control.Exception.catch |
Stability | unstable |
Maintainer | Neil Mitchell <http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/> |
Binary serialisation of deferred values
class BinaryDefer a whereSource
bothDefer :: (Handle -> a -> IO [(Int, IO ())], Handle -> IO a)Source
BinaryDefer Bool | |
BinaryDefer Char | |
BinaryDefer Int | |
BinaryDefer a => BinaryDefer [a] | |
BinaryDefer a => BinaryDefer (Defer a) | |
BinaryDeferStatic a => BinaryDefer (ListDefer a) |
class BinaryDefer a => BinaryDeferStatic a whereSource
Show a => Show (Defer a) | |
BinaryDefer a => BinaryDeferStatic (Defer a) | |
BinaryDefer a => BinaryDefer (Defer a) |
(<<) :: BinaryDefer a => Pending (a -> b) p -> a -> Pending b PendingSomeSource
(<<~) :: BinaryDefer a => Pending (a -> b) p -> a -> Pending b PendingSomeSource