Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type RequireBiscuit = AuthProtect "biscuit"
- authHandler :: PublicKey -> AuthHandler Request (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified)
- genBiscuitCtx :: PublicKey -> Context '[AuthHandler Request (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified)]
- authHandlerWith :: BiscuitConfig e -> AuthHandler Request (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified)
- genBiscuitCtxWith :: BiscuitConfig e -> Context '[AuthHandler Request (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified)]
- data BiscuitConfig e = BiscuitConfig {
- parserConfig :: ParserConfig Handler
- extractSerializedBiscuit :: Request -> Either e ByteString
- onExtractionError :: forall a. e -> Handler a
- onParseError :: forall a. ParseError -> Handler a
- defaultBiscuitConfig :: PublicKey -> BiscuitConfig String
- checkBiscuit :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> Authorizer -> m a -> m a
- checkBiscuitM :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> m Authorizer -> m a -> m a
- checkBiscuitWith :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => (forall b. ExecutionError -> m b) -> Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> Authorizer -> ReaderT (AuthorizedBiscuit OpenOrSealed) m a -> m a
- checkBiscuitMWith :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => (forall b. ExecutionError -> m b) -> Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> m Authorizer -> ReaderT (AuthorizedBiscuit OpenOrSealed) m a -> m a
- data WithAuthorizer' (t :: Type) (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) = WithAuthorizer {
- handler_ :: ReaderT t m a
- authorizer_ :: m Authorizer
- type WithAuthorizer = WithAuthorizer' (AuthorizedBiscuit OpenOrSealed)
- handleBiscuit :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> WithAuthorizer m a -> m a
- handleBiscuitWith :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => (forall b. ExecutionError -> m b) -> Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> WithAuthorizer m a -> m a
- withAuthorizer :: Applicative m => Authorizer -> ReaderT t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a
- withAuthorizer_ :: Monad m => Authorizer -> m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a
- withAuthorizerM :: m Authorizer -> ReaderT t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a
- withAuthorizerM_ :: Monad m => m Authorizer -> m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a
- noAuthorizer :: Applicative m => ReaderT t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a
- noAuthorizer_ :: Monad m => m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a
- withFallbackAuthorizer :: Functor m => Authorizer -> WithAuthorizer' t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a
- withPriorityAuthorizer :: Functor m => Authorizer -> WithAuthorizer m a -> WithAuthorizer m a
- withFallbackAuthorizerM :: Applicative m => m Authorizer -> WithAuthorizer' t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a
- withPriorityAuthorizerM :: Applicative m => m Authorizer -> WithAuthorizer' t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a
- withTransformation :: Monad m => (t -> m t') -> WithAuthorizer' t' m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a
Protecting a servant API with biscuits
Biscuit are bearer tokens that can be used to protect API endpoints. This package provides utilities to protect servant endpoints with such tokens.
The token will be extracted from the Authorization
header, and must
be base64-encoded, prefixed with the Bearer
Annotating servant API types
To protect an endpoint (or a whole API tree), you can use RequireBiscuit
like so:
type API = RequireBiscuit :> ProtectedAPI type ProtectedAPI = "endpoint1" :> Get '[JSON] Int :<|> "endpoint2" :> Capture "int" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int :<|> "endpoint3" :> Get '[JSON] Int :<|> "endpoint4" :> Get '[JSON] Int app :: PublicKey -> Application app publicKey = -- servant needs access to the biscuit /public/ -- key to be able to check biscuit signatures. -- The public key can be read from the environment -- and parsed using 'parsePublicKeyHex' for instance. serveWithContext (Proxy :: Proxy API) (genBiscuitCtx publicKey) server -- server :: Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> Server ProtectedAPI server :: Server API server biscuit = … -- this will be detailed later
This will instruct servant to extract the biscuit from the requests and check its signature. It will not, however, run any datalog check (as the checks typically depend on the request contents).
type RequireBiscuit = AuthProtect "biscuit" Source #
Type used to protect an API tree, requiring a biscuit token
to be attached to requests. The associated auth handler will
only check the biscuit signature. Checking the datalog part
usually requires endpoint-specific information, and has to
be performed separately with either checkBiscuit
(for simple
use-cases) or handleBiscuit
(for more complex use-cases).
authHandler :: PublicKey -> AuthHandler Request (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified) Source #
Default servant authorization handler. This extracts the biscuit from the request,
checks its signature (but not the datalog part) and returns a Biscuit
upon success. If you need to customize token extraction or error handling, you can
use authHandlerWith
genBiscuitCtx :: PublicKey -> Context '[AuthHandler Request (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified)] Source #
Helper function generating a servant context containing the authorization
handler. The token will be read as a b64-url string (prefixed with Bearer
in the Authorization
If you need custom error handling or token parsing, you can use genBiscuitCtxWith
Custom parsing and error handling
authHandlerWith :: BiscuitConfig e -> AuthHandler Request (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified) Source #
Servant authorization handler. This extracts the biscuit from the request,
checks its signature (but not the datalog part) and returns a Biscuit
upon success. See BiscuitConfig
for configuration details.
genBiscuitCtxWith :: BiscuitConfig e -> Context '[AuthHandler Request (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified)] Source #
Helper function generating a servant context containing the authorization handler, with the provided configuration.
If you don't need custom error handling or token extraction, you can use
data BiscuitConfig e Source #
Configuration record for use with authHandlerWith
. If you don't care about details,
you should use authHandler
instead, which provides sensible defaults.
BiscuitConfig | |
defaultBiscuitConfig :: PublicKey -> BiscuitConfig String Source #
Default configuration used by authHandler
It assumes:
- the biscuit is b64-encoded
- prefixed with the
string - in the
It always uses the same public key and does not perform revocation checks. It returns text-based 401 errors.
Supplying a authorizer for a single endpoint
The corresponding Server API
value will be a Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> Server ProtectedAPI
The next step is to provide a Authorizer
so that the biscuit datalog can be
verified. For that, you can use checkBiscuit
(or checkBiscuitM
for effectful checks).
server :: Server API server biscuit = h1 biscuit :<|> h2 biscuit :<|> h3 biscuit h1 :: Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> Handler Int h1 biscuit = checkBiscuit biscuit [authorizer|allow if right("one");|] -- ^ only allow biscuits granting access to the endpoint tagged "one" (pure 1) h2 :: Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> Int -> Handler Int h2 biscuit value = let authorizer' = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime pure [authorizer| // provide the current time so that TTL checks embedded in // the biscuit can decide if it's still valid // this show how to run an effectful check with // checkBiscuitM (getting the current time is an effect) time(${now}); // only allow biscuits granting access to the endpoint tagged "two" // AND for the provided int value. This shows how the checks can depend // on the http request contents. allow if right("two", ${value}); |] checkBiscuitM biscuit authorizer (pure 2) h3 :: Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> Handler Int h3 biscuit = checkBiscuit biscuit [authorizer|deny if true;|] -- ^ reject every biscuit (pure 3)
checkBiscuit :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> Authorizer -> m a -> m a Source #
Given a biscuit (provided by the servant authorization mechanism),
verify its validity (with the provided Authorizer
If you need to perform effects in the verification phase (eg to get the current time,
or if you need to issue a DB query to retrieve extra information needed to check the token),
you can use checkBiscuitM
If you don't want to pass the biscuit manually to all the endpoints or want to
blanket apply authorizers on whole API trees, you can consider using withAuthorizer
(on endpoints), withFallbackAuthorizer
and withPriorityAuthorizer
(on API sub-trees)
and handleBiscuit
(on the whole API).
checkBiscuitM :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> m Authorizer -> m a -> m a Source #
Given a Biscuit
(provided by the servant authorization mechanism),
verify its validity (with the provided Authorizer
, which can be effectful).
If you don't need to run any effects in the verifying phase, you can use checkBiscuit
If you don't want to pass the biscuit manually to all the endpoints or want to blanket apply
authorizers on whole API trees, you can consider using withAuthorizer
(on endpoints),
and withPriorityAuthorizer
(on API sub-trees) and handleBiscuit
(on the whole API).
Custom parsing and error handling
checkBiscuitWith :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => (forall b. ExecutionError -> m b) -> Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> Authorizer -> ReaderT (AuthorizedBiscuit OpenOrSealed) m a -> m a Source #
Given a biscuit (provided by the servant authorization mechanism),
verify its validity (with the provided Authorizer
If the authorization fails, the provided error handler will be used to return
an error.
If you need to perform effects in the verification phase (eg to get the current time,
or if you need to issue a DB query to retrieve extra information needed to check the token),
you can use checkBiscuitMWith
If you don't want a custom error handler, you can use checkBiscuit
If you don't want to pass the biscuit manually to all the endpoints or want to
blanket apply authorizers on whole API trees, you can consider using withAuthorizer
(on endpoints), withFallbackAuthorizer
and withPriorityAuthorizer
(on API sub-trees)
and handleBiscuit
(on the whole API).
checkBiscuitMWith :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => (forall b. ExecutionError -> m b) -> Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> m Authorizer -> ReaderT (AuthorizedBiscuit OpenOrSealed) m a -> m a Source #
Given a Biscuit
(provided by the servant authorization mechanism),
verify its validity (with the provided Authorizer
, which can be effectful).
If the authorization fails, the provided error handler will be used to return
an error.
If you don't need to run any effects in the verifying phase, you can use checkBiscuitWith
If you don't want a custom error handler, you can use checkBiscuitM
If you don't want to pass the biscuit manually to all the endpoints or want to blanket apply
authorizers on whole API trees, you can consider using withAuthorizer
(on endpoints),
and withPriorityAuthorizer
(on API sub-trees) and handleBiscuit
(on the whole API).
Decorate regular handlers with composable authorizers
allows you to describe validation rules endpoint by endpoint. If your
application has a lot of endpoints with the same policies, it can become tedious to
'biscuit-servant' provides a way to apply authorizers on whole API trees,
in a composable way, thanks to hoistServer
. hoistServer
is a mechanism
provided by servant-server that lets apply a transformation function to whole
API trees.
-- 'withAuthorizer' wraps a 'Handler' and lets you attach a authorizer to a -- specific endoint. This authorizer may be combined with other authorizers -- attached to the whole API tree handler1 :: WithAuthorizer Handler Int handler1 = withAuthorizer [authorizer|allow if right("one");|] (pure 1) handler2 :: Int -> WithAuthorizer Handler Int handler2 value = withAuthorizer [authorizer|allow if right("two", ${value});|] (pure 2) handler3 :: WithAuthorizer Handler Int handler3 = withAuthorizer [authorizer|allow if right("three");|] (pure 3) server :: Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> Server ProtectedAPI server biscuit = let nowFact = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime pure [authorizer|time(${now});|] handleAuth :: WithAuthorizer Handler x -> Handler x handleAuth = handleBiscuit biscuit -- ^ this runs datalog checks on the biscuit, based on authorizers attached to -- the handlers . withPriorityAuthorizerM nowFact -- ^ this provides the current time to the verification context so that biscuits with -- a TTL can check if they are still valid. -- Authorizers can be provided in a monadic context (it has to be the same monad as -- the handlers themselves, so here it's 'Handler'). . withPriorityAuthorizer [authorizer|allow if right("admin");|] -- ^ this policy will be tried /before/ any endpoint policy, so `endpoint3` will be -- reachable with an admin biscuit . withFallbackAuthorizer [authorizer|allow if right("anon");|] -- ^ this policy will be tried /after/ the endpoints policies, so `endpoint3` will -- *not* be reachable with an anon macaroon. handlers = handler1 :<|> handler2 :<|> handler3 in hoistServer @ProtectedAPI Proxy handleAuth handlers -- ^ this will apply `handleAuth` on all 'ProtectedAPI' endpoints.
data WithAuthorizer' (t :: Type) (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) Source #
Wrapper for a servant handler, equipped with a biscuit Authorizer
that will be used to authorize the request. If the authorization
succeeds, the handler is ran.
The handler itself is given access to the authorized biscuit (or another
value derived from it) through a ReaderT
WithAuthorizer | |
type WithAuthorizer = WithAuthorizer' (AuthorizedBiscuit OpenOrSealed) Source #
Default wrapper giving access to the AuthorizedBiscuit
handleBiscuit :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> WithAuthorizer m a -> m a Source #
Given a handler wrapped in a WithAuthorizer
, use the attached Authorizer
verify the provided biscuit and return an error as needed.
For simpler use cases, consider using checkBiscuit
instead, which works on regular
servant handlers.
handleBiscuitWith :: (MonadIO m, MonadError ServerError m) => (forall b. ExecutionError -> m b) -> Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified -> WithAuthorizer m a -> m a Source #
Given a handler wrapped in a WithAuthorizer
, use the attached Authorizer
verify the provided biscuit and return an error as needed, with the provided error
If you don't want to provide the error handler, you can use handleBiscuit
uses a default error handler
For simpler use cases, consider using checkBiscuitWith
instead, which works on regular
servant handlers.
withAuthorizer :: Applicative m => Authorizer -> ReaderT t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a Source #
Wraps an existing handler block, attaching a Authorizer
. The handler has
to be a @ReaderT (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified)' to be able to access the token.
If you don't need to access the token from the handler block, you can use
If you need to perform effects to compute the authorizer (eg. to get the current date,
or to query a database), you can use withAuthorizerM
withAuthorizer_ :: Monad m => Authorizer -> m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a Source #
Wraps an existing handler block, attaching a Authorizer
. The handler can be
any monad, but won't be able to access the biscuit. If you want to read the biscuit
token from the handler block, you can use withAuthorizer
If you need to perform effects to compute the authorizer (eg. to get the current date,
or to query a database), you can use withAuthorizerM_
withAuthorizerM :: m Authorizer -> ReaderT t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a Source #
Wraps an existing handler block, attaching a Authorizer
. The handler has
to be a ReaderT (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified)
to be able to access the token.
If you don't need to access the token from the handler block, you can use
Here, the Authorizer
can be computed effectfully. If you don't need to perform effects,
you can use withAuthorizer
withAuthorizerM_ :: Monad m => m Authorizer -> m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a Source #
Wraps an existing handler block, attaching a Authorizer
. The handler can be
any monad, but won't be able to access the Biscuit
If you want to read the biscuit token from the handler block, you can use withAuthorizer
Here, the Authorizer
can be computed effectfully. If you don't need to perform effects,
you can use withAuthorizer_
noAuthorizer :: Applicative m => ReaderT t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a Source #
Wraps an existing handler block, attaching an empty Authorizer
. The handler has
to be a ReaderT (Biscuit OpenOrSealed Verified)
to be able to access the token. If you don't need
to access the token from the handler block, you can use noAuthorizer_
This function is useful when the endpoint does not have any specific authorizer
context, and the authorizer context is applied on the whole API tree through
or withPriorityAuthorizer
to apply policies on several
handlers at the same time (with hoistServer
for instance).
noAuthorizer_ :: Monad m => m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a Source #
Wraps an existing handler block, attaching an empty Authorizer
. The handler can be
any monad, but won't be able to access the biscuit. If you want to read the
biscuit token from the handler block, you can use noAuthorizer
This function is useful when the endpoint does not have any specific authorizer
context, and the authorizer context is applied on the whole API tree through
or withPriorityAuthorizer
to apply policies on several
handlers at the same time (with hoistServer
for instance).
withFallbackAuthorizer :: Functor m => Authorizer -> WithAuthorizer' t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a Source #
Combines the provided Authorizer
to the Authorizer
attached to the wrapped
handler. facts, rules and checks are unordered, but policies have a
specific order. withFallbackAuthorizer
puts the provided policies at the bottom
of the list (ie as fallback policies): these policies will be tried after
the policies declared through withPriorityAuthorizer
and after the policies
declared by the endpoints.
If you want the policies to be tried before the ones of the wrapped handler, you
can use withPriorityAuthorizer
If you need to perform effects to compute the authorizer (eg. to get the current date,
or to query a database), you can use withFallbackAuthorizerM
withPriorityAuthorizer :: Functor m => Authorizer -> WithAuthorizer m a -> WithAuthorizer m a Source #
Combines the provided Authorizer
to the Authorizer
attached to the wrapped
handler. facts, rules and checks are unordered, but policies have a
specific order. withFallbackAuthorizer
puts the provided policies at the top
of the list (ie as priority policies): these policies will be tried after
the policies declared through withPriorityAuthorizer
and after the policies
declared by the endpoints.
If you want the policies to be tried after the ones of the wrapped handler, you
can use withFallbackAuthorizer
If you need to perform effects to compute the authorizer (eg. to get the current date,
or to query a database), you can use withPriorityAuthorizerM
withFallbackAuthorizerM :: Applicative m => m Authorizer -> WithAuthorizer' t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a Source #
Combines the provided Authorizer
to the Authorizer
attached to the wrapped
handler. facts, rules and checks are unordered, but policies have a
specific order. withFallbackAuthorizer
puts the provided policies at the bottom
of the list (ie as fallback policies): these policies will be tried after
the policies declared through withPriorityAuthorizer
and after the policies
declared by the endpoints.
If you want the policies to be tried before the ones of the wrapped handler, you
can use withPriorityAuthorizer
Here, the Authorizer
can be computed effectfully. If you don't need to perform effects,
you can use withFallbackAuthorizer
withPriorityAuthorizerM :: Applicative m => m Authorizer -> WithAuthorizer' t m a -> WithAuthorizer' t m a Source #
Combines the provided Authorizer
to the Authorizer
attached to the wrapped
handler. facts, rules and checks are unordered, but policies have a
specific order. withFallbackAuthorizer
puts the provided policies at the top
of the list (ie as priority policies): these policies will be tried after
the policies declared through withPriorityAuthorizer
and after the policies
declared by the endpoints.
If you want the policies to be tried after the ones of the wrapped handler, you
can use withFallbackAuthorizer
Here, the Authorizer
can be computed effectfully. If you don't need to perform effects,
you can use withFallbackAuthorizer
Extract information from an authorized token
By default, an AuthorizedBiscuit
value is available through MonadReader
in all
handlers. In many cases, a post-processing step is needed to extract
meaningful information from the token (for instance extracting a user id and then fetching
user information from the database). In order to avoid repeating this operation in every
endpoint, withTransformation
allows to do it for whole API trees.
handler4 :: WithAuthorizer Handler Int handler4 = withTransformation extractUserId $ withAuthorizer [authorizer|allow if user($user_id); |] $ do userId <- ask -- we can access the extracted user id directly pure userId -- given a @AuthorizedBiscuit OpenOrSealed@, we can extract information from -- the token. This step can perform effects (for instance `IO`, or `MonadError`). extractUserId :: AuthorizedBiscuit OpenOrSealed -> Handler Int extractUserId AuthorizedBiscuit{authorizationSuccess} = do let b = bindings $ matchedAllowQuery authorizationSuccess in maybe (throwError err403) pure $ getSingleVariableValue b "user_id"
:: Monad m | |
=> (t -> m t') | context transformation function. |
-> WithAuthorizer' t' m a | wrapped handler with reader access to a |
-> WithAuthorizer' t m a | wrapped handler with reader access to a |
Transform the context provided by WithAuthorizer'
in an effectful way.
This is useful to turn an AuthorizedBiscuit
into a custom type.
Transformations can be chained within an API tree as long as the outermost value
is a WithAuthorizer
, that can be handled by handleBiscuit