	Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This file is part of BishBosh.

	BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with BishBosh.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward


	Builds a rose-tree from a /PGN Database/,
	each node of which contains a move qualified by a move-type, & possibly also the ultimate result & the game's identifier.

module BishBosh.ContextualNotation.QualifiedMoveForest(
-- * Types
-- ** Type-synonyms
--	QualifiedMoveTree,
-- ** Data-types
--		MkQualifiedMoveForest,
-- * Functions
--	drawForest,
-- ** Constructors
-- ** Mutators
 ) where

import                  Control.Applicative((<|>))
import                  Control.Arrow((&&&), (***))
import qualified        BishBosh.Attribute.MoveType                     as Attribute.MoveType
import qualified        BishBosh.Component.Move                         as Component.Move
import qualified        BishBosh.Component.Piece                        as Component.Piece
import qualified        BishBosh.Component.QualifiedMove                as Component.QualifiedMove
import qualified        BishBosh.Component.Turn                         as Component.Turn
import qualified        BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PGN                 as ContextualNotation.PGN
import qualified        BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PGNDatabase         as ContextualNotation.PGNDatabase
import qualified        BishBosh.Data.RoseTree                          as Data.RoseTree
import qualified        BishBosh.Model.Game                             as Model.Game
import qualified        BishBosh.Model.GameTerminationReason            as Model.GameTerminationReason
import qualified        BishBosh.Model.GameTree                         as Model.GameTree
import qualified        BishBosh.Model.Result                           as Model.Result
import qualified        BishBosh.Notation.MoveNotation                  as Notation.MoveNotation
import qualified        BishBosh.Property.Empty                         as Property.Empty
import qualified        BishBosh.Property.Null                          as Property.Null
import qualified        BishBosh.State.Board                            as State.Board
import qualified        BishBosh.Text.ShowList                          as Text.ShowList
import qualified        BishBosh.Types                                  as T
import qualified        Control.Arrow
import qualified        Data.Default
import qualified        Data.List
import qualified        Data.Maybe
import qualified        Data.Tree

-- | Each /game/ has a name.
type Name       = String

-- | The name of a /game/, & it's /result/.
type OnymousResult      = (Name, Model.Result.Result)

{- |
	* Terminal nodes contain the unique name of the /move/-sequence leading to them, from which other information can be found as required, from the original database.

	* N.B.: non-terminal nodes would only need to be labelled with a /name/, if a /game/ exists in the database which is a truncated version of other /game/s in the database.

	* N.B.: provided there are no duplicate /game/s with different /name/s, there's no requirement for more than one /name/ at a node.

	* CAVEAT: since zero moves have been made in the default initial game, the move-tree for the whole game of chess has no apex, so a forest is a more natural structure; though sub-trees can exist.
type QualifiedMoveTree x y      = Data.Tree.Tree (Component.QualifiedMove.QualifiedMove x y, Maybe OnymousResult)

{- |
	* A representation of a PGN-database, where initial /move/s shared between /game/s are merged into the trunk of a tree from which they each branch.

	* Many /game/s will share standard opening /move/s, & a tree-structure (cf. a list) uses this to increase both time & space efficiency.

	* Since there are many different initial moves, the structure is a flat-topped /forest/ rather than a single apex /tree/.
newtype QualifiedMoveForest x y = MkQualifiedMoveForest {
        deconstruct     :: [QualifiedMoveTree x y]
} deriving (
        Show    -- CAVEAT: required by QuickCheck, but shouldn't actually be called.

instance Property.Empty.Empty (QualifiedMoveForest x y) where
        empty   = MkQualifiedMoveForest []

instance Property.Null.Null (QualifiedMoveForest x y) where
        isNull MkQualifiedMoveForest { deconstruct = [] }       = True
        isNull _                                                = False

instance (Enum x, Enum y) => Notation.MoveNotation.ShowNotation (QualifiedMoveForest x y) where
        showsNotation moveNotation MkQualifiedMoveForest { deconstruct = forest }       = showString $ Data.RoseTree.drawForest (
                \(qualifiedMove, maybeOnymousResult)    -> Notation.MoveNotation.showsNotation moveNotation qualifiedMove $ Data.Maybe.maybe id (
                        \onymousResult -> showChar ' ' . shows onymousResult
                ) maybeOnymousResult ""
         ) forest

-- | Show a list of the names of archived games.
        :: Maybe Int
        -> [Name]
        -> ShowS
showsNames maybeMaximumPGNNames names   = Text.ShowList.showsUnterminatedList . map (
        \name -> showString "\n\t" . showString name
 ) $ Data.Maybe.maybe id (
        \maximumPGNNames -> (
                if maximumPGNNames < length names'
                        then (++ ["..."])
                        else id
        ) . take maximumPGNNames
 ) maybeMaximumPGNNames names' where
        names'  = Data.List.nub $ Data.List.sort names

-- | Include the specified PGN-database into the /forest/.
        :: (Eq x, Eq y)
        => ContextualNotation.PGNDatabase.PGNDatabase x y
        -> QualifiedMoveForest x y
        -> QualifiedMoveForest x y
mergePGNDatabase pgnDatabase MkQualifiedMoveForest { deconstruct = initialForest }      = MkQualifiedMoveForest $ foldr (
        \pgn -> merge (
                mkCompositeIdentifier &&& Data.Maybe.maybe (
                        Model.Result.mkResult Nothing   -- The game is still in progress.
                ) Model.GameTerminationReason.toResult . Model.Game.getMaybeTerminationReason . ContextualNotation.PGN.getGame $ pgn    -- Construct an onymous result.
        ) (
                map Component.Turn.getQualifiedMove . Model.Game.listTurnsChronologically $ ContextualNotation.PGN.getGame pgn  -- Extract the list of qualified moves defining this game.
 ) initialForest pgnDatabase where
        mkCompositeIdentifier :: ContextualNotation.PGN.PGN x y -> Name
        mkCompositeIdentifier   = unwords . map snd {-value-} . ContextualNotation.PGN.getIdentificationTagPairs

                :: (Eq x, Eq y)
                => OnymousResult                                -- ^ The name of this move-sequence, & the result.
                -> [Component.QualifiedMove.QualifiedMove x y]  -- ^ A chronological sequence of /qualified move/s.
                -> [QualifiedMoveTree x y]
                -> [QualifiedMoveTree x y]
        merge onymousResult qualifiedMoves@(qualifiedMove : remainingQualifiedMoves) forest     = case span (
                \Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.rootLabel = (qualifiedMove', _) } -> Component.QualifiedMove.getMove qualifiedMove /= Component.QualifiedMove.getMove qualifiedMove'
         ) forest of
                (unmatchedForest, matchingTree : remainingForest)       -> unmatchedForest ++ (
                        if null remainingQualifiedMoves -- i.e. the terminal move in this game.
                                then matchingTree {
                                        Data.Tree.rootLabel     = Control.Arrow.second (
                                                <|> Just onymousResult  -- CAVEAT: in the event of identical move-sequences, arbitrarily preserve the incumbant (whose result may differ if decided by resignation).
                                        ) $ Data.Tree.rootLabel matchingTree
                                else matchingTree {
                                        Data.Tree.subForest     = merge onymousResult remainingQualifiedMoves $ Data.Tree.subForest matchingTree        -- Recurse.
                 ) : remainingForest
                _ {-no match-}                                          -> mkLinkedList onymousResult qualifiedMoves : forest
        merge _ [] forest                                       = forest

        mkLinkedList :: OnymousResult -> [Component.QualifiedMove.QualifiedMove x y] -> QualifiedMoveTree x y
        mkLinkedList onymousResult ~(qualifiedMove : remainingQualifiedMoves)
                | null remainingQualifiedMoves  = Data.Tree.Node {
                        Data.Tree.rootLabel     = (qualifiedMove, Just onymousResult),
                        Data.Tree.subForest     = []
                } -- The terminal node.
                | otherwise     = Data.Tree.Node {
                        Data.Tree.rootLabel     = (qualifiedMove, Nothing),
                        Data.Tree.subForest     = [mkLinkedList onymousResult remainingQualifiedMoves {-recurse-}]

-- | Constructor.
fromPGNDatabase :: (Eq x, Eq y) => ContextualNotation.PGNDatabase.PGNDatabase x y -> QualifiedMoveForest x y
fromPGNDatabase = (`mergePGNDatabase` Property.Empty.empty {-QualifiedMoveForest-})

-- | Find the minimum number of /piece/s in any of the recorded /game/s.
findMinimumPieces :: QualifiedMoveForest x y -> Component.Piece.NPieces
findMinimumPieces       = slave (
        State.Board.getNPieces (
                Data.Default.def        :: State.Board.Board T.X T.Y    -- CAVEAT: this assumes the game to which the moves in the forest refer.
 ) . deconstruct where
        slave nPieces []        = nPieces
        slave nPieces forest    = minimum $ map (
                \Data.Tree.Node {
                        Data.Tree.rootLabel     = (qualifiedMove, _),
                        Data.Tree.subForest     = subForest
                } -> slave (
                        Attribute.MoveType.nPiecesMutator (Component.QualifiedMove.getMoveType qualifiedMove) nPieces
                ) subForest     -- Recurse.
         ) forest

-- | Count the number of /game/s & /move/s.
count :: QualifiedMoveForest x y -> (Model.Game.NGames, Component.Move.NMoves)
count   = slave . deconstruct where
        slave   = Data.List.foldl' (
                \(nGames, nMoves) Data.Tree.Node {
                        Data.Tree.rootLabel     = (_, maybeOnymousResult),
                        Data.Tree.subForest     = forest
                } -> let
                        acc@(nGames', nMoves')  = (
                                (+ nGames) . (
                                        if Data.Maybe.isJust maybeOnymousResult
                                                then succ
                                                else id
                                ) *** (+ nMoves) . succ
                         ) $ slave forest {-recurse-}
                in nGames' `seq` nMoves' `seq` acc
         ) (0, 0)

{- |
	* Convert the specified /qualified-move forest/ to a /game-tree/.

	* To construct a tree from the specified forest, the default initial /game/ is included at the apex.
toGameTree :: (
        Enum    x,
        Enum    y,
        Ord     x,
        Ord     y,
        Show    x,
        Show    y
 ) => QualifiedMoveForest x y -> Model.GameTree.GameTree x y
{-# SPECIALISE toGameTree :: QualifiedMoveForest T.X T.Y -> Model.GameTree.GameTree T.X T.Y #-}
toGameTree MkQualifiedMoveForest { deconstruct = qualifiedMoveForest }  = Model.GameTree.fromBareGameTree Data.Tree.Node {
        Data.Tree.rootLabel     = initialGame,
        Data.Tree.subForest     = map (slave initialGame) qualifiedMoveForest
} where
        initialGame     = Data.Default.def

        slave game Data.Tree.Node {
                Data.Tree.rootLabel     = (qualifiedMove, _),
                Data.Tree.subForest     = qualifiedMoveForest'
        } = Data.Tree.Node {
                Data.Tree.rootLabel     = game',
                Data.Tree.subForest     = map (slave game') qualifiedMoveForest'        -- Recurse.
        } where
                game'   = Model.Game.applyQualifiedMove qualifiedMove game