	Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This file is part of BishBosh.

	BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with BishBosh.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward

 [@DESCRIPTION@]	Categorises /move/s, & provides ancillary information as required.

module BishBosh.Attribute.MoveType(
-- * Types
-- ** Type-synonyms
--	IsShort,
-- ** Data-types
-- * Constants
-- * Functions
-- ** Constructors
-- ** Predicates
--	isNormal,
-- ** Query
) where

import qualified        BishBosh.Attribute.Rank as Attribute.Rank
import qualified        BishBosh.Text.ShowList  as Text.ShowList
import qualified        Control.Arrow
import qualified        Control.DeepSeq
import qualified        Control.Exception
import qualified        Data.Default
import qualified        Data.List.Extra
import qualified        Data.Maybe

-- | Used to qualify output.
tag :: String
tag     = "moveType"

-- | Self-documentation.
type IsShort    = Bool

-- | Constant value required to denote a /short castle/.
shortCastle :: MoveType
shortCastle     = Castle True

-- | Constant value required to denote a /long castle/.
longCastle :: MoveType
longCastle      = Castle False

-- | Constant.
enPassant :: MoveType
enPassant       = EnPassant

-- | Classifies the distinct types of /move/.
data MoveType
        = Castle IsShort        -- ^ Castling between the @King@ & one of its @Rook@s.
        | EnPassant             -- ^ Capture by a @Pawn@ of a @Pawn@ as it advanced two squares.
        | Normal {
                _getMaybeTakenRank      :: Maybe Attribute.Rank.Rank,   -- ^ The /rank/ of any opposing /piece/ which was just taken.
                _getMaybePromotionRank  :: Maybe Attribute.Rank.Rank    -- ^ The /rank/ of any /piece/ to which a @Pawn@ was just promoted.
        deriving Eq

instance Show MoveType where
        showsPrec _ (Castle isShort)                            = showString "Castle (short" . Text.ShowList.showsAssociation . shows isShort . showChar ')'
        showsPrec _ EnPassant                                   = showString "En-passant"
        showsPrec _ (Normal maybeTakenRank maybePromotionRank)  = Text.ShowList.showsAssociationList' $ Data.Maybe.catMaybes [
                fmap ((,) "takenRank" . shows) maybeTakenRank,
                fmap ((,) "promotionRank" . shows) maybePromotionRank

instance Read MoveType where
        readsPrec _ s   = case Data.List.Extra.trimStart s of
                'C' : 'a' : 's' : 't' : 'l' : 'e' : s1  -> [
                        (Castle isShort, remainder) |
                                ("(", s2)               <- lex s1,
                                ("short", s3)           <- lex s2,
                                ("=", s4)               <- lex s3,
                                (isShort, s5)           <- reads s4,
                                (")", remainder)        <- lex s5
                 ] -- List-comprehension.
                'E' : 'n' : '-' : 'p' : 'a' : 's' : 's' : 'a' : 'n' : 't' : remainder   -> [(EnPassant, remainder)]
                _ -> [
                        (normalMoveType, remainder) |
                                ("{", s1)                       <- lex s,
                                (maybeTakenRank, s2)            <- case [
                                        pair |
                                                ("takenRank", s11)      <- lex s1,
                                                ("=", s12)              <- lex s11,
                                                pair                    <- reads s12
                                ] of
                                        []      -> [(Nothing, s1)]      -- Infer that nothing was taken.
                                        parsed  -> map (Control.Arrow.first Just) parsed,
                                s3      <- return $ case lex s2 of
                                        [(",", s21)]    -> s21
                                        _               -> s2,
                                (maybePromotionRank, s4)        <- case [
                                        pair |
                                                ("promotionRank", s31)  <- lex s3,
                                                ("=", s32)              <- lex s31,
                                                pair                    <- reads s32
                                ] of
                                        []      -> [(Nothing, s3)]      -- Infer that there was no promotion.
                                        parsed  -> map (Control.Arrow.first Just) parsed,
                                ("}", remainder)                <- lex s4,
                                normalMoveType                  <- Data.Maybe.maybeToList $ mkMaybeNormalMoveType maybeTakenRank maybePromotionRank
                 ] -- List-comprehension.

instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData MoveType where
        rnf (Castle isShort)    = Control.DeepSeq.rnf isShort
        rnf (Normal t p)        = Control.DeepSeq.rnf (t, p)
        rnf _                   = ()

instance Data.Default.Default MoveType where
        def     = Normal Nothing Nothing

instance Attribute.Rank.Promotable MoveType where
        getMaybePromotionRank (Normal _ maybePromotionRank)     = maybePromotionRank
        getMaybePromotionRank _                                 = Nothing

-- | Smart-constructor for normal move-types.
        :: Maybe Attribute.Rank.Rank    -- ^ The /rank/ of any opposing /piece/ which was just taken.
        -> Maybe Attribute.Rank.Rank    -- ^ The /rank/ to which a @Pawn@ was just promoted.
        -> Maybe MoveType               -- ^ Maybe the required /move-type/.
mkMaybeNormalMoveType maybeTakenRank maybePromotionRank
        | maybeTakenRank /= Just Attribute.Rank.King
        , Data.Maybe.maybe True {-nothing promoted-} (
                `elem` Attribute.Rank.promotionProspects
        ) maybePromotionRank    = Just $ Normal maybeTakenRank maybePromotionRank
        | otherwise             = Nothing

-- | Smart-constructor for normal move-types.
        :: Maybe Attribute.Rank.Rank    -- ^ The /rank/ of any opposing /piece/ which is to be taken.
        -> Maybe Attribute.Rank.Rank    -- ^ The /rank/ to which a @Pawn@ is to be promoted.
        -> MoveType
mkNormalMoveType maybeTakenRank maybePromotionRank      = Control.Exception.assert (
        maybeTakenRank /= Just Attribute.Rank.King && Data.Maybe.maybe True {-nothing promoted-} (
                `elem` Attribute.Rank.promotionProspects
        ) maybePromotionRank
 ) $ Normal maybeTakenRank maybePromotionRank

-- | Predicate.
isCastle :: MoveType -> Bool
isCastle (Castle _)     = True
isCastle _              = False

-- | Predicate.
isEnPassant :: MoveType -> Bool
isEnPassant EnPassant   = True
isEnPassant _           = False

-- | Whether the /move/ was neither @EnPassant@ nor @Castle@.
isNormal :: MoveType -> Bool
isNormal (Normal _ _)   = True
isNormal _              = False

-- | Whether a piece was captured, including @Pawn@s taken En-passant.
isCapture :: MoveType -> Bool
{-# INLINE isCapture #-}
isCapture (Normal (Just _) _)   = True
isCapture moveType              = isEnPassant moveType

-- | Whether the /move/ includes @Pawn@-promotion.
isPromotion :: MoveType -> Bool
isPromotion (Normal _ (Just _)) = True
isPromotion _                   = False

-- | <https://chessprogramming.wikispaces.com/Quiet+Moves>.
isQuiet :: MoveType -> Bool
isQuiet (Normal Nothing Nothing)        = True
isQuiet moveType                        = isCastle moveType

{- |
	* Whether the /move/ can't be a member of a repeated cycle.

	* CAVEAT: one can't infer from a negative result that the move can be repeated, since the mover may have been a @Pawn@.
isAcyclic :: MoveType -> Bool
isAcyclic (Normal Nothing Nothing)      = False
isAcyclic _                             = True

-- | Query whether a /piece/ was explicitly taken, excluding @Pawn@s taken En-passant.
getMaybeExplicitlyTakenRank :: MoveType -> Maybe Attribute.Rank.Rank
getMaybeExplicitlyTakenRank (Normal maybeTakenRank _)   = maybeTakenRank
getMaybeExplicitlyTakenRank _                           = Nothing

-- | Query whether a /piece/ was taken either explicitly, or implicitly during En-passant.
getMaybeImplicitlyTakenRank :: MoveType -> Maybe Attribute.Rank.Rank
getMaybeImplicitlyTakenRank EnPassant   = Just Attribute.Rank.Pawn
getMaybeImplicitlyTakenRank moveType    = getMaybeExplicitlyTakenRank moveType

-- | Returns the mutator required to adjust the number of pieces after a move.
nPiecesMutator :: Enum nPieces => MoveType -> (nPieces -> nPieces)
{-# INLINE nPiecesMutator #-}
nPiecesMutator moveType
        | isCapture moveType    = pred
        | otherwise             = id