	Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This file is part of BishBosh.

	BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with BishBosh.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward

 [@DESCRIPTION@]	Defines configurable options.

module BishBosh.Input.Options(
-- * Types
-- ** Type-synonyms
--	Transformation,
-- ** Data-types
--		MkOptions,
-- * Constants
-- * Functions
-- ** Constructor
-- ** Mutators
) where

import                  BishBosh.Data.Bool()            -- For 'HXT.xpickle'.
import                  BishBosh.Data.Integral()        -- For 'HXT.XmlPickler NMoves'.
import qualified        BishBosh.Component.Move                 as Component.Move
import qualified        BishBosh.Data.Exception                 as Data.Exception
import qualified        BishBosh.Input.EvaluationOptions        as Input.EvaluationOptions
import qualified        BishBosh.Input.IOOptions                as Input.IOOptions
import qualified        BishBosh.Input.SearchOptions            as Input.SearchOptions
import qualified        BishBosh.Input.UIOptions                as Input.UIOptions
import qualified        BishBosh.Property.ShowFloat             as Property.ShowFloat
import qualified        BishBosh.Property.Tree                  as Property.Tree
import qualified        BishBosh.Text.ShowList                  as Text.ShowList
import qualified        Control.DeepSeq
import qualified        Control.Exception
import qualified        Data.Default
import qualified        Data.Maybe
import qualified        Distribution.Verbosity
import qualified        System.FilePath
import qualified        Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle               as HXT

-- | Used to qualify XML.
tag :: String
tag                     = "options"

-- | Used to qualify XML.
maximumPliesTag :: String
maximumPliesTag         = "maximumPlies"

-- | Used to qualify XML.
randomSeedTag :: String
randomSeedTag           = "randomSeed"

-- | A seed from which to construct a pseudo-random number-generator.
type RandomSeed = Int

-- | Defines the application's options.
data Options column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y  = MkOptions {
        getMaybeMaximumPlies    :: Maybe Component.Move.NMoves,                                                                 -- ^ The maximum number of plies before the game is terminated; required for profiling the application.
        getMaybeRandomSeed      :: Maybe RandomSeed,                                                                            -- ^ Optionally seed the pseudo-random number-generator to produce a repeatable sequence.
        getEvaluationOptions    :: Input.EvaluationOptions.EvaluationOptions criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue x y,    -- ^ The options by which to automatically evaluate /move/s.
        getSearchOptions        :: Input.SearchOptions.SearchOptions,                                                           -- ^ The options by which to automatically select /move/s.
        getIOOptions            :: Input.IOOptions.IOOptions row column                                                         -- ^ The /ioOptions/ by which to receive commands & present results.
} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance (
        Control.DeepSeq.NFData  column,
        Control.DeepSeq.NFData  criterionWeight,
        Control.DeepSeq.NFData  pieceSquareValue,
        Control.DeepSeq.NFData  rankValue,
        Control.DeepSeq.NFData  row,
        Control.DeepSeq.NFData  x,
        Control.DeepSeq.NFData  y
 ) => Control.DeepSeq.NFData (Options column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y) where
        rnf MkOptions {
                getMaybeMaximumPlies    = maybeMaximumPlies,
                getMaybeRandomSeed      = maybeRandomSeed,
                getEvaluationOptions    = evaluationOptions,
                getSearchOptions        = searchOptions,
                getIOOptions            = ioOptions
        } = Control.DeepSeq.rnf (maybeMaximumPlies, maybeRandomSeed, evaluationOptions, searchOptions, ioOptions)

instance (
        Enum    x,
        Enum    y,
        Ord     x,
        Ord     y,
        Real    criterionWeight,
        Real    pieceSquareValue,
        Real    rankValue,
        Show    column,
        Show    pieceSquareValue,
        Show    row
 ) => Property.ShowFloat.ShowFloat (Options column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y) where
        showsFloat fromDouble MkOptions {
                getMaybeMaximumPlies    = maybeMaximumPlies,
                getMaybeRandomSeed      = maybeRandomSeed,
                getEvaluationOptions    = evaluationOptions,
                getSearchOptions        = searchOptions,
                getIOOptions            = ioOptions
        } = Text.ShowList.showsAssociationList' . Data.Maybe.maybe id (
                (:) . (,) maximumPliesTag . shows
         ) maybeMaximumPlies $ Data.Maybe.maybe id (
                (:) . (,) randomSeedTag . shows
         ) maybeRandomSeed [
                        Property.ShowFloat.showsFloat fromDouble evaluationOptions
                ), (
                        shows searchOptions
                ), (
                        shows ioOptions

instance (
        Fractional      rankValue,
        Num             criterionWeight,
        Num             column,
        Num             row,
        Ord             rankValue,
        Show            rankValue
 ) => Data.Default.Default (Options column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y) where
        def = MkOptions {
                getMaybeMaximumPlies    = Nothing,
                getMaybeRandomSeed      = Nothing,
                getEvaluationOptions    = Data.Default.def,
                getSearchOptions        = Data.Default.def,
                getIOOptions            = Data.Default.def

instance (
        Enum            x,
        Enum            y,
        Fractional      pieceSquareValue,
        Fractional      rankValue,
        HXT.XmlPickler  column,
        HXT.XmlPickler  criterionWeight,
        HXT.XmlPickler  rankValue,
        HXT.XmlPickler  row,
        Integral        column,
        Integral        row,
        Num             criterionWeight,
        Ord             pieceSquareValue,
        Ord             rankValue,
        Ord             x,
        Ord             y,
        Real            criterionWeight,
        Real            pieceSquareValue,
        Show            column,
        Show            criterionWeight,
        Show            pieceSquareValue,
        Show            rankValue,
        Show            row
 ) => HXT.XmlPickler (Options column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y) where
        xpickle = HXT.xpElem tag . HXT.xpWrap (
                \(a, b, c, d, e) -> mkOptions a b c d e,        -- Construct.
                \MkOptions {
                        getMaybeMaximumPlies    = maybeMaximumPlies,
                        getMaybeRandomSeed      = maybeRandomSeed,
                        getEvaluationOptions    = evaluationOptions,
                        getSearchOptions        = searchOptions,
                        getIOOptions            = ioOptions
                } -> (
                ) -- Deconstruct.
         ) $ HXT.xp5Tuple (
                HXT.xpAttrImplied maximumPliesTag HXT.xpInt {-NMoves-}
         ) (
                HXT.xpAttrImplied randomSeedTag HXT.xpInt
         ) HXT.xpickle {-EvaluationOptions-} HXT.xpickle {-SearchOptions-} HXT.xpickle {-IOOptions-}

-- | Smart constructor.
        :: Maybe Component.Move.NMoves  -- ^ The maximum number of plies before the game is terminated; required for profiling the application.
        -> Maybe RandomSeed             -- ^ Optionally seed the pseudo-random number-generator to produce a repeatable sequence.
        -> Input.EvaluationOptions.EvaluationOptions criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue x y
        -> Input.SearchOptions.SearchOptions
        -> Input.IOOptions.IOOptions row column
        -> Options column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y
mkOptions maybeMaximumPlies maybeRandomSeed evaluationOptions searchOptions ioOptions
        | Just maximumPlies     <- maybeMaximumPlies
        , maximumPlies <= 0     = Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkOutOfBounds . showString "BishBosh.Input.Options.mkOptions:\t" . showString maximumPliesTag . Text.ShowList.showsAssociation $ shows maximumPlies " must exceed zero."
        | otherwise     = MkOptions {
                getMaybeMaximumPlies    = maybeMaximumPlies,
                getMaybeRandomSeed      = maybeRandomSeed,
                getEvaluationOptions    = evaluationOptions,
                getSearchOptions        = searchOptions,
                getIOOptions            = ioOptions

-- | The type of a function used to transform 'Options'.
type Transformation column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y   = Options column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y -> Options column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y

-- | Mutator.
setMaybeOutputConfigFilePath :: Maybe System.FilePath.FilePath -> Transformation column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y
setMaybeOutputConfigFilePath maybeOutputConfigFilePath options@MkOptions { getIOOptions = ioOptions }   = options {
        getIOOptions    = Input.IOOptions.setMaybeOutputConfigFilePath maybeOutputConfigFilePath ioOptions

-- | Mutator.
setMaybeRandomSeed :: Maybe RandomSeed -> Transformation column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y
setMaybeRandomSeed maybeRandomSeed options      = options {
        getMaybeRandomSeed      = maybeRandomSeed

-- | Mutator.
setMaybePersistence :: Maybe (System.FilePath.FilePath, Bool) -> Transformation column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y
setMaybePersistence maybePersistence options@MkOptions { getIOOptions = ioOptions }     = options {
        getIOOptions    = ioOptions {
                Input.IOOptions.getMaybePersistence     = maybePersistence

-- | Mutator.
setVerbosity :: Distribution.Verbosity.Verbosity -> Transformation column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y
setVerbosity verbosity options@MkOptions { getIOOptions = ioOptions }   = options {
        getIOOptions    = Input.IOOptions.setVerbosity verbosity ioOptions

-- | Mutator.
setEitherNativeUIOrCECPOptions :: Input.UIOptions.EitherNativeUIOrCECPOptions row column -> Transformation column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y
setEitherNativeUIOrCECPOptions eitherNativeUIOrCECPOptions options@MkOptions { getIOOptions = ioOptions }       = options {
        getIOOptions    = Input.IOOptions.setEitherNativeUIOrCECPOptions eitherNativeUIOrCECPOptions ioOptions

-- | Mutator.
setMaybePrintMoveTree :: Maybe Property.Tree.Depth -> Transformation column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y
setMaybePrintMoveTree maybePrintMoveTree options@MkOptions { getIOOptions = ioOptions } = options {
        getIOOptions    = Input.IOOptions.setMaybePrintMoveTree maybePrintMoveTree ioOptions

-- | Mutator.
swapSearchDepth :: Transformation column criterionWeight pieceSquareValue rankValue row x y
swapSearchDepth options@MkOptions { getSearchOptions = searchOptions }  = options {
        getSearchOptions        = Input.SearchOptions.swapSearchDepth searchOptions