	Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This file is part of BishBosh.

	BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward


	* <https://chessprogramming.wikispaces.com/Algebraic+Chess+Notation#Pure coordinate notation>.

	* CAVEAT: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_notation> defined a variant of this notation.

	* N.B.: used for communication via /CECP/ with /xboard/.

module BishBosh.Notation.Coordinate(
-- * Types
-- ** Data-types
--		MkCoordinate,
--		getMaybePromotionRank
-- * Constants
--	xOrigin,
--	yOrigin,
-- * Functions
--	encode,
-- ** Constructors
) where

import                  Control.Arrow((&&&))
import qualified        BishBosh.Attribute.Rank         as Attribute.Rank
import qualified        BishBosh.Cartesian.Abscissa     as Cartesian.Abscissa
import qualified        BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates  as Cartesian.Coordinates
import qualified        BishBosh.Cartesian.Ordinate     as Cartesian.Ordinate
import qualified        BishBosh.Component.Move         as Component.Move
import qualified        BishBosh.Data.Exception         as Data.Exception
import qualified        Control.Arrow
import qualified        Control.Exception
import qualified        Data.Char
import qualified        Data.List.Extra
import qualified        Data.Maybe

-- | The /x/-origin.
xOrigin :: Int
xOrigin = Data.Char.ord 'a'

-- | The /y/-origin.
yOrigin :: Int
yOrigin = Data.Char.ord '1'

-- | The origin.
origin :: (Int, Int)
origin  = (xOrigin, yOrigin)

-- | Defines using a regex, the required syntax.
regexSyntax :: String
regexSyntax     = showString "([a-h][1-8]){2}[" $ showString (
        concatMap show Attribute.Rank.promotionProspects
 ) "]?"

-- | Defines a /move/, to enable i/o in /Coordinate/-notation.
data Coordinate x y     = MkCoordinate {
        getMove                 :: Component.Move.Move x y,
        getMaybePromotionRank   :: Maybe Attribute.Rank.Rank
} deriving Eq

-- | Smart constructor.
mkCoordinate :: Component.Move.Move x y -> Maybe Attribute.Rank.Rank -> Coordinate x y
mkCoordinate move maybePromotionRank
        | Just rank     <- maybePromotionRank
        , rank `notElem` Attribute.Rank.promotionProspects      = Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Notation.Coordinate.Coordinate:\tcan't promote to a " $ shows rank "."
        | otherwise                                             = MkCoordinate {
                getMove                 = move,
                getMaybePromotionRank   = maybePromotionRank

-- | Smart constructor.
mkCoordinate' :: Attribute.Rank.Promotable promotable => Component.Move.Move x y -> promotable -> Coordinate x y
mkCoordinate' move      = mkCoordinate move . Attribute.Rank.getMaybePromotionRank

-- | Encodes the ordinate & abscissa.
encode :: (Enum x, Enum y) => Cartesian.Coordinates.Coordinates x y -> (ShowS, ShowS)
encode  = showChar . Data.Char.chr . (+ (xOrigin - Cartesian.Abscissa.xOrigin)) . fromEnum . Cartesian.Coordinates.getX &&& showChar . Data.Char.chr . (+ (yOrigin - Cartesian.Ordinate.yOrigin)) . fromEnum . Cartesian.Coordinates.getY

-- | Shows the specified /coordinates/.
showsCoordinates :: (Enum x, Enum y) => Cartesian.Coordinates.Coordinates x y -> ShowS
showsCoordinates        = uncurry (.) . encode

instance (Enum x, Enum y) => Show (Coordinate x y) where
        showsPrec _ MkCoordinate {
                getMove                 = move,
                getMaybePromotionRank   = maybePromotionRank
        } = showsCoordinates (
                Component.Move.getSource move
         ) . showsCoordinates (
                Component.Move.getDestination move
         ) . Data.Maybe.maybe id shows maybePromotionRank

-- N.B. this merely validates the syntax, leaving any semantic errors to 'Model.Game.validate'.
instance (
        Enum    x,
        Enum    y,
        Ord     x,
        Ord     y
 ) => Read (Coordinate x y) where
        readsPrec _ s   = case Data.List.Extra.trimStart s of
                x : y : x' : y' : remainder     -> let
                        translate x'' y''       = Cartesian.Coordinates.mkMaybeCoordinates (
                                toEnum $ Data.Char.ord x'' + (Cartesian.Abscissa.xOrigin - xOrigin)
                         ) (
                                toEnum $ Data.Char.ord y'' + (Cartesian.Ordinate.yOrigin - yOrigin)
                 in [
                        Control.Arrow.first (
                                mkCoordinate $ Component.Move.mkMove source destination
                        ) (
                                case reads $ take 1 remainder of
                                        [(rank, "")]    -> if rank `elem` Attribute.Rank.promotionProspects
                                                then (Just rank, tail remainder)
                                                else (Nothing, remainder)
                                        _       -> (Nothing, remainder)
                        ) |
                                source          <- Data.Maybe.maybeToList $ translate x y,
                                destination     <- Data.Maybe.maybeToList $ translate x' y',
                                source /= destination
                 ] -- List-comprehension.
                _                                       -> []   -- No parse.

instance Attribute.Rank.Promotable (Coordinate x y) where
        getMaybePromotionRank   = getMaybePromotionRank