{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Bitcoin.Compare where

import Bitcoin.SpendCond.Cond
import Bitcoin.Internal.Util

import           Data.Word                      (Word32)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty             as NE
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Transaction    as HT
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto         as HC
import GHC.Generics       (Generic)

import Debug.Trace

newtype DiffInfo = DiffInfo [(HC.Address,ValDiff)]

data ValDiff =
    Increase BtcAmount
  | Decrease BtcAmount
  | NoChange
        deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, ToJSON, FromJSON, Serialize)

data TxMismatch r =
    TxVersionMismatch Word32 Word32
  | TxLocktimeMismatch (Maybe LockTimeDate) (Maybe LockTimeDate)
  | TxInMismatch (InMismatch r)
  | TxOutMisMatch OutMismatch
        deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, ToJSON, FromJSON, Serialize)

data InMismatch r =
    InPrevOutMismatch HT.OutPoint HT.OutPoint
  | InRdmScrMismatch r r
  | InSequenceMismatch Word32 Word32
        deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, ToJSON, FromJSON, Serialize)

data OutMismatch =
    OutAddressMismatch HC.Address HC.Address
        deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, ToJSON, FromJSON, Serialize)

-- | Compare two transactions, ignoring output amounts and signature data, and return either
--    a) mismatch error
--    b) the difference in value for each output, between the two transactions.
--   Eg. "valueDiff tx1 tx2", where tx1 pays 100000 satoshi to a single address "adr" and tx2
--     is the same except the value paid is 90000 satoshi, will return "DiffInfo [adr, Decrease 10000]
valueDiff :: forall r t a. (Eq r) =>
    BtcTx t r a -> BtcTx t r a -> Either (TxMismatch r) DiffInfo
valueDiff oldTx newTx =
       compareProp oldTx newTx btcVer TxVersionMismatch
    >> compareProp oldTx newTx btcLock TxLocktimeMismatch
    >>              getFirstErr TxInMismatch compareIns
    >> DiffInfo <$> getFirstErr TxOutMisMatch compareOuts

    getFirstErr mkErr eL = if not $ null (lefts eL) then Left $ mkErr (head $ lefts eL) else Right (rights eL)
    compareIns = zipWith inputDiff (NE.toList $ btcIns oldTx) (NE.toList $ btcIns newTx)
    compareOuts = zipWith outputDiff (btcOuts oldTx) (btcOuts newTx)

inputDiff :: (Eq r) => InputG t r a -> InputG t r a -> Either (InMismatch r) ()
inputDiff oldIn newIn =
       compareProp oldIn newIn btcPrevOut   InPrevOutMismatch
    >> compareProp oldIn newIn btcCondScr   InRdmScrMismatch
    >> compareProp oldIn newIn btcSequence  InSequenceMismatch
    >> return ()

outputDiff :: BtcOut -> BtcOut -> Either OutMismatch (HC.Address,ValDiff)
outputDiff oldOut newOut =
    compareProp oldOut newOut btcAddress OutAddressMismatch
    >>= \addr -> Right (addr,valDiff)
    newAmount = nonDusty (btcAmount newOut)
    oldAmount = nonDusty (btcAmount oldOut)
        | newAmount == oldAmount = NoChange
        | newAmount > oldAmount  = Increase (newAmount - oldAmount)
        | otherwise              = Decrease (oldAmount - newAmount)

-- Check everything is equal except: 1) signature data (sig hash flag IS checked)
--  2) output amounts
eqIgnoreOutVal :: Eq r =>
    IgnoreSigData (BtcTx t r BtcSig) -> IgnoreSigData (BtcTx t r BtcSig) -> Bool
eqIgnoreOutVal tx1 tx2 = tx1 =~= tx2
    a =~= b = fmap txClearOutVal a == fmap txClearOutVal b
    txClearOutVal  tx  = tx { btcOuts = map outputValClear (btcOuts tx) }
    outputValClear out = out { btcAmount = nullAmount }

-- Util
compareProp :: Eq prop => a -> a -> (a -> prop) -> (prop -> prop -> e) -> Either e prop
compareProp old new getProp mkErr =
    if getProp old == getProp new
        then Right (getProp new)
        else Left $ mkErr (getProp old) (getProp new)