{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Bitcoin.SpendCond.Util
( getPrevIns
, singlePrevIn
, PickOutError(..)
, module Bitcoin.Util

import           Bitcoin.Internal.Util
import           Bitcoin.SpendCond.Cond
import           Bitcoin.Util
import           Data.Word                   (Word32)
import           Debug.Trace
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Transaction as HT

-- | Create inputs that redeem outputs paying to the given (P2SH) redeemScript
getPrevIns :: SpendCondition r =>
    -> r
    -> [InputG P2SH r ()]
getPrevIns tx rdmScr =
    map mkInput . catMaybes . checkOuts $ libCheckOut
    mkInput (idx,val) = mkNoSigTxIn (mkPrevOut idx) (fromIntegral val) rdmScr
    mkPrevOut = HT.OutPoint (HT.txHash tx)
    checkOuts f = zipWith f [0..] (HT.txOut tx)
    -- implementation: Bitcoin.SpendCond
    libCheckOut idx out =
        if HT.scriptOutput out == encode (asScript (scriptPubKey rdmScr :: TxOutputScript P2SH))
            then Just (idx, HT.outValue out)
            else Nothing
    -- implementation: Network.Haskoin
    haskoinCheckOut idx out =
            either (const Nothing) (_checkMatch idx)
                (decodeScriptHash (HT.scriptOutput out) >>= \sh -> Right (sh, HT.outValue out))
    _checkMatch idx (hash,val) = if hash == _scrHash then Just (idx,val) else Nothing
    _scrHash = hash160 $ conditionScript rdmScr

singlePrevIn ::
    ( Show r
    , SpendCondition r
    => HT.Tx
    -> r
    -> Word32
    -> Either (PickOutError r) (InputG P2SH r ())
singlePrevIn tx scr i =
    let inputOfInterest = (== i) . HT.outPointIndex . btcPrevOut
        pickOut =
            case filter inputOfInterest $ getPrevIns tx scr of
                []    -> Left $ IrrelevantOutput i (HT.txHash tx) scr
                [inp] -> Right inp
                x     -> error $ "getPrevIns: multiple inputs with same prevOutIndex: " ++ show x
        if i >= fromIntegral (length $ HT.txOut tx)
            then Left $ NoSuchOutput i (HT.txHash tx)
            else pickOut

data PickOutError r
  = NoSuchOutput Word32 HT.TxHash
  | IrrelevantOutput Word32 HT.TxHash r
      deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData, ToJSON, FromJSON, Serialize)

instance SpendCondition r => Show (PickOutError r) where
    show (NoSuchOutput i h) = unwords
        [ "no such output:"
        , showOut h i
    show (IrrelevantOutput i h scr) = unwords
        [ showOut h i
        , "doesn't pay to spendCondition"
        , show scr

showOut h i = show i ++ ":" ++ cs (encode h)