  , CPP
  , FlexibleContexts
  , FlexibleInstances
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , UndecidableInstances
  , UnicodeSyntax
-- | Fast, packed, lazy bit streams (i.e. list of 'Bool's) with
-- semi-automatic stream fusion.
-- This module is intended to be imported @qualified@, to avoid name
-- clashes with "Prelude" functions. e.g.
-- > import qualified Data.Bitstream.Lazy as LS
-- Lazy 'Bitstream's are made of possibly infinite list of strict
-- 'SB.Bitstream's as chunks, and each chunks have at least 1 bit.
module Data.Bitstream.Lazy
    ( -- * Data types
    , Left
    , Right

      -- * Introducing and eliminating 'Bitstream's
    , empty
    , ()
    , singleton
    , pack
    , unpack
    , fromChunks
    , toChunks

      -- ** Converting from\/to lazy 'LS.ByteString's
    , fromByteString
    , toByteString

    -- ** Converting from\/to 'Bits''
    , fromBits
    , fromNBits
    , toBits

      -- ** Converting from\/to 'S.Stream's
    , stream
    , unstream

      -- * Changing bit order in octets
    , directionLToR
    , directionRToL

      -- * Basic interface
    , cons
    , cons'
    , snoc
    , append
    , ()
    , head
    , last
    , tail
    , init
    , null
    , length

      -- * Transforming 'Bitstream's
    , map
    , reverse

      -- * Reducing 'Bitstream's
    , foldl
    , foldl'
    , foldl1
    , foldl1'
    , foldr
    , foldr1

      -- ** Special folds
    , concat
    , concatMap
    , and
    , or
    , any
    , all

      -- * Building 'Bitstream's
      -- ** Scans
    , scanl
    , scanl1
    , scanr
    , scanr1

      -- ** Replications
    , iterate
    , repeat
    , replicate
    , cycle

      -- ** Unfolding
    , unfoldr
    , unfoldrN

      -- * Substreams
    , take
    , drop
    , takeWhile
    , dropWhile
    , span
    , break

      -- * Searching streams
      -- ** Searching by equality
    , elem
    , ()
    , ()
    , notElem
    , ()
    , ()

      -- ** Searching with a predicate
    , find
    , filter
    , partition

      -- ** Indexing streams
    , (!!)
    , elemIndex
    , elemIndices
    , findIndex
    , findIndices

      -- * Zipping and unzipping streams
    , zip
    , zip3
    , zip4
    , zip5
    , zip6
    , zipWith
    , zipWith3
    , zipWith4
    , zipWith5
    , zipWith6
    , unzip
    , unzip3
    , unzip4
    , unzip5
    , unzip6

    -- * I/O with 'Bitstream's
    -- ** Standard input and output
    , getContents
    , putBits
    , interact

    -- ** Files
    , readFile
    , writeFile
    , appendFile

    -- ** I/O with 'Handle's
    , hGetContents
    , hGet
    , hGetNonBlocking
    , hPut
import qualified Data.Bitstream as SB
import Data.Bitstream.Generic hiding (Bitstream)
import qualified Data.Bitstream.Generic as G
import Data.Bitstream.Internal
import Data.Bitstream.Packet
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LS
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Monoid
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle as S
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Monadic as B
import Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle (Bundle)
import Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Size
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream as S
import Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Size
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import Prelude (Semigroup(..))
import Prelude (seq)
import Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic (Stream(..), Step(..))
import Data.Vector.Fusion.Util
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as GV
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.New as New
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as MVector
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV
import Prelude ( Bool(..), Eq(..), Int, Integral, Maybe(..)
               , Monad(..), Num(..), Ord(..), Show(..)
               , ($), div, error, fmap, otherwise
import Prelude.Unicode hiding ((), (), ())
import System.IO (FilePath, Handle, IO)

-- 32 KiB * sizeOf (Packet d) == 64 KiB
chunkSize  Num α  α
chunkSize = fromInteger (32  1024)
{-# INLINE chunkSize #-}

chunkBits  Num α  α
chunkBits = chunkSize  8

-- | A space-efficient representation of a 'Bool' vector, supporting
-- many efficient operations. 'Bitstream's have an idea of
-- /directions/ controlling how octets are interpreted as bits. There
-- are two types of concrete 'Bitstream's: @'Bitstream' 'Left'@ and
-- @'Bitstream' 'Right'@.
data Bitstream d
    = Empty
    | Chunk {-# UNPACK #-} !(SB.Bitstream d) (Bitstream d)

instance Show (Packet d)  Show (Bitstream d) where
    {-# INLINEABLE show #-}
    show ch
        = L.concat
          [ "[L: "
          , L.concat (L.intersperse " " (L.map show (toChunks ch)))
          , " ]"

instance G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)  Eq (Bitstream d) where
    {-# INLINE (==) #-}
    x == y = stream x  stream y

-- | 'Bitstream's are lexicographically ordered.
-- @
-- let x = 'pack' ['True' , 'False', 'False']
--     y = 'pack' ['False', 'True' , 'False']
--     z = 'pack' ['False']
-- in
--   [ 'compare' x y -- 'GT'
--   , 'compare' z y -- 'LT'
--   ]
-- @
instance G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)  Ord (Bitstream d) where
    {-# INLINE compare #-}
    x `compare` y = stream x `compare` stream y

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
-- | 'Bitstream' forms 'Semigroup' in the same way as ordinary lists:
-- @
-- '(<>)' = 'append'
-- @
instance G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)  Semigroup (Bitstream d) where
    (<>) = ()

-- | 'Bitstream' forms 'Monoid' in the same way as ordinary lists:
-- @
-- 'mempty'  = 'empty'
-- 'mappend' = 'append'
-- 'mconcat' = 'concat'
-- @
instance G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)  Monoid (Bitstream d) where
    mempty  = ()
    mappend = ()
    mconcat = concat

instance G.Bitstream (Bitstream Left) where
    {-# INLINE basicStream #-}
    basicStream = lazyStream

    {-# INLINE basicUnstream #-}
    basicUnstream = lazyUnstream

    {-# INLINE basicCons #-}
    basicCons = lazyCons

    {-# INLINE basicCons' #-}
    basicCons' = lazyCons'

    {-# INLINE basicSnoc #-}
    basicSnoc = lazySnoc

    {-# INLINE basicAppend #-}
    basicAppend = lazyAppend

    {-# INLINE basicTail #-}
    basicTail = lazyTail

    {-# INLINE basicInit #-}
    basicInit = lazyInit

    {-# INLINE basicMap #-}
    basicMap = lazyMap

    {-# INLINE basicReverse #-}
    basicReverse = lazyReverse

    {-# INLINE basicConcat #-}
    basicConcat = lazyConcat

    {-# INLINE basicScanl #-}
    basicScanl = lazyScanl

    {-# INLINE basicTake #-}
    basicTake = lazyTake

    {-# INLINE basicDrop #-}
    basicDrop = lazyDrop

    {-# INLINE basicTakeWhile #-}
    basicTakeWhile = lazyTakeWhile

    {-# INLINE basicDropWhile #-}
    basicDropWhile = lazyDropWhile

    {-# INLINE basicFilter #-}
    basicFilter = lazyFilter

    {-# INLINE basicFromNBits #-}
        = ((unId  unstreamChunks  packChunks) )  lePacketsFromNBits

    {-# INLINE basicToBits #-}
    basicToBits = unId  lePacketsToBits  unpackChunks  streamChunks

instance G.Bitstream (Bitstream Right) where
    {-# INLINE basicStream #-}
    basicStream = lazyStream

    {-# INLINE basicUnstream #-}
    basicUnstream = lazyUnstream

    {-# INLINE basicCons #-}
    basicCons = lazyCons

    {-# INLINE basicCons' #-}
    basicCons' = lazyCons'

    {-# INLINE basicSnoc #-}
    basicSnoc = lazySnoc

    {-# INLINE basicAppend #-}
    basicAppend = lazyAppend

    {-# INLINE basicTail #-}
    basicTail = lazyTail

    {-# INLINE basicInit #-}
    basicInit = lazyInit

    {-# INLINE basicMap #-}
    basicMap = lazyMap

    {-# INLINE basicReverse #-}
    basicReverse = lazyReverse

    {-# INLINE basicConcat #-}
    basicConcat = lazyConcat

    {-# INLINE basicScanl #-}
    basicScanl = lazyScanl

    {-# INLINE basicTake #-}
    basicTake = lazyTake

    {-# INLINE basicDrop #-}
    basicDrop = lazyDrop

    {-# INLINE basicTakeWhile #-}
    basicTakeWhile = lazyTakeWhile

    {-# INLINE basicDropWhile #-}
    basicDropWhile = lazyDropWhile

    {-# INLINE basicFilter #-}
    basicFilter = lazyFilter

    {-# INLINE basicFromNBits #-}
        = ((unId  unstreamChunks  packChunks) )  bePacketsFromNBits

    {-# INLINE basicToBits #-}
    basicToBits = unId  bePacketsToBits  unpackChunks  streamChunks

{-# INLINE lazyStream #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
lazyStream  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d  Bundle SV.Vector Bool
lazyStream  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d  S.Stream Bool
    = {-# CORE "Lazy Bitstream stream" #-}
      S.concatMap stream  streamChunks

{-# INLINE lazyUnstream #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
lazyUnstream  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
               , G.Bitstream (Packet d)
              Bundle v Bool
              Bitstream d
lazyUnstream  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
               , G.Bitstream (Packet d)
              S.Stream Bool
              Bitstream d
    = {-# CORE "Lazy Bitstream unstream" #-}
      unId  unstreamChunks  packChunks  packPackets

lazyCons  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bool  Bitstream d  Bitstream d
{-# INLINE lazyCons #-}
lazyCons = Chunk  singleton

lazyCons'  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bool  Bitstream d  Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazyCons' #-}
lazyCons' b Empty
    = Chunk (SB.singleton b) Empty
lazyCons' b (Chunk x xs)
    | length x < (chunkBits  Int)
        = Chunk (b `cons` x) xs
    | otherwise
        = Chunk (singleton b) (Chunk x xs)

lazySnoc  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
           , G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)
          Bitstream d
          Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazySnoc #-}
lazySnoc Empty b
    = Chunk (SB.singleton b) Empty
lazySnoc (Chunk x Empty) b
    | length x < (chunkBits  Int)
        = Chunk (x `snoc` b) Empty
    | otherwise
        = Chunk x (Chunk (singleton b) Empty)
lazySnoc (Chunk x xs) b
    = Chunk x (xs `snoc` b)

lazyAppend  G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)  Bitstream d  Bitstream d  Bitstream d
{-# INLINE lazyAppend #-}
lazyAppend Empty ch        = ch
lazyAppend (Chunk x xs) ch = Chunk x (append xs ch)

lazyTail  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d  Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazyTail #-}
lazyTail Empty        = emptyStream
lazyTail (Chunk x xs) = case tail x of
                          x' | null x'    xs
                             | otherwise  Chunk x' xs

lazyInit  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
           , G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)
          Bitstream d
          Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazyInit #-}
lazyInit Empty           = emptyStream
lazyInit (Chunk x Empty) = case init x of
                             x' | null x'    Empty
                                | otherwise  Chunk x' Empty
lazyInit (Chunk x xs   ) = Chunk x (init xs)

lazyMap  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
          , G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)
         (Bool  Bool)
         Bitstream d
         Bitstream d
{-# INLINE lazyMap #-}
lazyMap _ Empty        = Empty
lazyMap f (Chunk x xs) = Chunk (map f x) (map f xs)

lazyReverse  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d  Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazyReverse #-}
lazyReverse ch0 = go ch0 Empty
      {-# INLINE go #-}
      go Empty        ch = ch
      go (Chunk x xs) ch = go xs (Chunk (reverse x) ch)

lazyConcat  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  [Bitstream d]  Bitstream d
{-# INLINE lazyConcat #-}
lazyConcat = fromChunks  L.concatMap toChunks

lazyScanl  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
            , G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)
           (Bool  Bool  Bool)
           Bitstream d
           Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazyScanl #-}
lazyScanl f b ch
    = Chunk (singleton b)
            (case ch of
               Empty       Empty
               Chunk x xs  let h   = head x
                                x'  = scanl f (f b h) (tail x)
                                l   = last x'
                                x'' = init x'
                                xs' = scanl f l xs
                              if null x''
                              then xs'
                              else Chunk x'' xs')

lazyTake  ( Integral n
           , G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
           , G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)
          Bitstream d
          Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazyTake #-}
lazyTake _ Empty        = Empty
lazyTake n (Chunk x xs)
    | n  0              = Empty
    | n  length x       = Chunk x (take (n - length x) xs)
    | otherwise          = Chunk (take n x) Empty

lazyDrop  ( Integral n
           , G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
           , G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)
          Bitstream d
          Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazyDrop #-}
lazyDrop _ Empty        = Empty
lazyDrop n (Chunk x xs)
    | n  0              = Chunk x xs
    | n  length x       = drop (n - length x) xs
    | otherwise          = Chunk (drop n x) xs

lazyTakeWhile  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
                , G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)
               (Bool  Bool)
               Bitstream d
               Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazyTakeWhile #-}
lazyTakeWhile _ Empty        = Empty
lazyTakeWhile f (Chunk x xs) = case takeWhile f x of
                                 x' | x  x'     Chunk x' (takeWhile f xs)
                                    | otherwise  Chunk x' Empty

lazyDropWhile  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
                , G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)
               (Bool  Bool)
               Bitstream d
               Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazyDropWhile #-}
lazyDropWhile _ Empty        = Empty
lazyDropWhile f (Chunk x xs) = case dropWhile f x of
                                 x' | null x'    dropWhile f xs
                                    | otherwise  Chunk x' xs

lazyFilter  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
             , G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)
            (Bool  Bool)
            Bitstream d
            Bitstream d
{-# INLINEABLE lazyFilter #-}
lazyFilter _ Empty        = Empty
lazyFilter f (Chunk x xs) = case filter f x of
                              x' | null x'    filter f xs
                                 | otherwise  Chunk x' (filter f xs)

lazyHead  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d  Bool
{-# RULES "head → lazyHead" [1]
    (v  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d).
    head v = lazyHead v #-}
{-# INLINE lazyHead #-}
lazyHead Empty       = emptyStream
lazyHead (Chunk x _) = head x

lazyLast  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d  Bool
{-# RULES "last → lazyLast" [1]
    (v  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d).
    last v = lazyLast v #-}
{-# INLINE lazyLast #-}
lazyLast Empty           = emptyStream
lazyLast (Chunk x Empty) = last x
lazyLast (Chunk _ xs   ) = lazyLast xs

lazyNull  Bitstream d  Bool
{-# RULES "null → lazyNull" [1] null = lazyNull #-}
{-# INLINE lazyNull #-}
lazyNull Empty = True
lazyNull _     = False

lazyLength  (G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d), Num n)  Bitstream d  n
{-# RULES "length → lazyLength" [1]
    (v  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d).
    length v = lazyLength v #-}
{-# INLINE lazyLength #-}
lazyLength = go 0
      {-# INLINE go #-}
      go !soFar Empty        = soFar
      go !soFar (Chunk x xs) = go (soFar + length x) xs

lazyAnd  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d  Bool
{-# RULES "and → lazyAnd" [1]
    (v  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d).
    and v = lazyAnd v #-}
{-# INLINEABLE lazyAnd #-}
lazyAnd Empty        = False
lazyAnd (Chunk x xs)
    | and x          = lazyAnd xs
    | otherwise      = False

lazyOr  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d  Bool
{-# RULES "or → lazyOr" [1]
    (v  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d).
    or v = lazyOr v #-}
{-# INLINEABLE lazyOr #-}
lazyOr Empty        = True
lazyOr (Chunk x xs)
    | or x          = True
    | otherwise     = lazyOr xs

lazyIndex  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
            , Integral n
            , Show n
           Bitstream d
{-# RULES "(!!) → lazyIndex" [1]
    (v  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Bitstream d) n.
    v !! n = lazyIndex v n #-}
{-# INLINEABLE lazyIndex #-}
lazyIndex ch0 i0
    | i0 < 0    = indexOutOfRange i0
    | otherwise = go ch0 i0
      {-# INLINE go #-}
      go Empty        _  = indexOutOfRange i0
      go (Chunk x xs) i
          | i < length x = x !! i
          | otherwise    = go xs (i - length x)

emptyStream  α
    = error "Data.Bitstream.Lazy: empty stream"

{-# INLINE indexOutOfRange #-}
indexOutOfRange  (Integral n, Show n)  n  α
indexOutOfRange n = error ("Data.Bitstream.Lazy: index out of range: " L.++ show n)

-- | /O(n)/ Convert a list of chunks, strict 'SB.Bitstream's, into a
-- lazy 'Bitstream'.
fromChunks  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  [SB.Bitstream d]  Bitstream d
{-# INLINE fromChunks #-}
fromChunks []     = Empty
fromChunks (x:xs)
    | null x      = fromChunks xs
    | otherwise   = Chunk x (fromChunks xs)

-- | /O(n)/ Convert a lazy 'Bitstream' into a list of chunks, strict
-- 'SB.Bitstream's.
toChunks  Bitstream d  [SB.Bitstream d]
{-# INLINE toChunks #-}
toChunks Empty        = []
toChunks (Chunk x xs) = x : toChunks xs

-- | /O(n)/ Convert a lazy 'LS.ByteString' into a lazy 'Bitstream'.
fromByteString  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  LS.ByteString  Bitstream d
{-# INLINE fromByteString #-}
fromByteString = fromChunks  L.map SB.fromByteString  LS.toChunks

-- | /O(n)/ @'toByteString' bits@ converts a lazy 'Bitstream' @bits@
-- into a lazy 'LS.ByteString'. The resulting octets will be padded
-- with zeroes if @bs@ is finite and its 'length' is not multiple of
-- 8.
toByteString  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
               , G.Bitstream (Packet d)
              Bitstream d
{-# INLINE toByteString #-}
toByteString = LS.fromChunks  L.map SB.toByteString  toChunks

{-# NOINLINE streamChunks #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
streamChunks  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
               , Monad m
              Bitstream d
              B.Bundle m v (SB.Bitstream d)
streamChunks ch0 = B.fromStream (Stream step ch0) Unknown
streamChunks  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
               , Monad m
              Bitstream d
              Stream m (SB.Bitstream d)
streamChunks ch0 = Stream step ch0 Unknown
      {-# INLINE step #-}
      step Empty        = return Done
      step (Chunk x xs) = return $ Yield x xs

{-# NOINLINE unstreamChunks #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
unstreamChunks  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
                 , Monad m
                B.Bundle m v (SB.Bitstream d)
                m (Bitstream d)
unstreamChunks (B.Bundle (Stream step s0) _ _ _) = go s0
unstreamChunks  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
                 , Monad m
                Stream m (SB.Bitstream d)
                m (Bitstream d)
unstreamChunks (Stream step s0 _) = go s0
      {-# INLINE go #-}
      go s = do r  step s
                case r of
                  Yield x s'  do xs  go s'
                                  if null x
                                     then return xs
                                     else return $ Chunk x xs
                  Skip    s'  go s'
                  Done        return Empty

"Lazy Bitstream streamChunks/unstreamChunks fusion"
    s. streamChunks (unId (unstreamChunks s)) = s
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
"Lazy Bitstream unstreamChunks/streamChunks fusion"
    v. unId (unstreamChunks (streamChunks v)) = v

#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
inplace :: Monad m => (Stream m a -> Stream m b)
        -> (Size -> Size) -> B.Bundle m v a -> B.Bundle m v b
inplace f g b = b `seq` B.fromStream (f (B.elements b)) (g (B.size b))

-- Awful implementation to gain speed...
{-# INLINEABLE packChunks #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
packChunks  d m v . (G.Bitstream (Packet d), Monad m)
            B.Bundle m v (Packet d)
            B.Bundle m v (SB.Bitstream d)
packChunks = inplace (\(Stream st s0)
    -> Stream (step' st) (emptyChunk, 0, 0, Just s0)) sz'
packChunks  d m. (G.Bitstream (Packet d), Monad m)
            Stream m (Packet d)
            Stream m (SB.Bitstream d)
packChunks (Stream st s0 sz)
    = Stream (step' st) (emptyChunk, 0, 0, Just s0) (sz' sz)
      emptyChunk  New.New SV.Vector (Packet d)
      {-# INLINE emptyChunk #-}
          = New.create (MVector.unsafeNew chunkSize)

      singletonChunk  Packet d  New.New SV.Vector (Packet d)
      {-# INLINE singletonChunk #-}
      singletonChunk = writePacket emptyChunk 0

      writePacket  New.New SV.Vector (Packet d)
                   Packet d
                   New.New SV.Vector (Packet d)
      {-# INLINE writePacket #-}
      writePacket ch len p
          = New.modify (\mv  MVector.write mv len p) ch

      newChunk  G.Bitstream (Packet d)
                New.New SV.Vector (Packet d)
                SB.Bitstream d
      {-# INLINE newChunk #-}
      newChunk ch cLen bLen
          = SB.unsafeFromPackets bLen
            $ GV.new
            $ New.apply (MVector.take cLen) ch

      sz'  Size -> Size
      {-# INLINE sz' #-}
      sz' v = case v of
              Exact n  Exact ((n + chunkSize - 1) `div` chunkSize)
              Max   n  Max   ((n + chunkSize - 1) `div` chunkSize)
              Unknown  Unknown

      {-# INLINE step' #-}
      step' step (ch, cLen, bLen, Just s)
          = do r  step s
               case r of
                 Yield p s'
                     | cLen  chunkSize
                            return $ Yield (newChunk ch cLen bLen)
                                            (singletonChunk p, 1, length p, Just s')
                     | otherwise
                            return $ Skip  (writePacket ch cLen p, cLen+1, bLen + length p, Just s')
                 Skip s'    return $ Skip  (ch                   , cLen  , bLen           , Just s')
                     | cLen  0
                            return Done
                     | otherwise
                            return $ Yield (newChunk ch cLen bLen)
                                            ((), (), (), Nothing)
      step' _ (_, _, _, Nothing)
          = return Done

{-# INLINE unpackChunks #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
unpackChunks  Bundle SV.Vector (SB.Bitstream d)  Bundle SV.Vector (Packet d)
unpackChunks  S.Stream (SB.Bitstream d)  S.Stream (Packet d)
unpackChunks = S.concatMap SB.streamPackets

-- | /O(n)/ Convert a @'Bitstream' 'Left'@ into a @'Bitstream'
-- 'Right'@. Bit directions only affect octet-based operations such as
-- 'toByteString'.
directionLToR  Bitstream Left  Bitstream Right
{-# INLINE directionLToR #-}
directionLToR Empty        = Empty
directionLToR (Chunk x xs) = Chunk (SB.directionLToR x) (directionLToR xs)

-- | /O(n)/ Convert a @'Bitstream' 'Right'@ into a @'Bitstream'
-- 'Left'@. Bit directions only affect octet-based operations such as
-- 'toByteString'.
directionRToL  Bitstream Right  Bitstream Left
{-# INLINE directionRToL #-}
directionRToL Empty        = Empty
directionRToL (Chunk x xs) = Chunk (SB.directionRToL x) (directionRToL xs)

{- There are only 4 functions of the type Bool → Bool.

   * iterate id b            == [b    , b    , b    , b    , ...]
   * iterate (const True ) _ == [True , True , True , True , ...]
   * iterate (const False) _ == [False, False, False, False, ...]
   * iterate not True        == [True , False, True , False, ...]
   * iterate not False       == [False, True , False, True , ...]

   As seen above, all of them are cyclic so we just replicate the
   first 8 bits i.e. a single Packet. Dunno when the given function
   involves unsafeInlineIO and produces random bits.
-- | /O(n)/ 'iterate' @f x@ returns an infinite 'Bitstream' of
-- repeated applications of @f@ to @x@:
-- @
-- 'iterate' f x == [x, f x, f (f x), ...]
-- @
iterate  G.Bitstream (Packet d)  (Bool  Bool)  Bool  Bitstream d
{-# INLINE iterate #-}
iterate f b = xs
      xs = Chunk x xs
      x  = SB.fromPackets (SV.replicate chunkSize p)
      p  = pack (L.take 8 (L.iterate f b))

-- | /O(n)/ 'repeat' @x@ is an infinite 'Bitstream', with @x@ the
-- value of every bits.
repeat  G.Bitstream (Packet d)  Bool  Bitstream d
{-# INLINE repeat #-}
repeat b = xs
      xs = Chunk x xs
      x  = SB.fromPackets (SV.replicate chunkSize p)
      p  = pack (L.replicate 8 b)

-- | /O(n)/ 'cycle' ties a finite 'Bitstream' into a circular one, or
-- equivalently, the infinite repetition of the original 'Bitstream'.
-- It is the identity on infinite 'Bitstream's.
cycle  G.Bitstream (Bitstream d)  Bitstream d  Bitstream d
{-# INLINE cycle #-}
cycle Empty = emptyStream
cycle ch    = ch  cycle ch

-- | /O(n)/ 'getContents' is equivalent to 'hGetContents'
-- @stdin@. Will read /lazily/.
getContents  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  IO (Bitstream d)
{-# INLINE getContents #-}
getContents = fmap fromByteString LS.getContents

-- | /O(n)/ Write a 'Bitstream' to @stdout@, equivalent to 'hPut'
-- @stdout@.
putBits  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
          , G.Bitstream (Packet d)
         Bitstream d
         IO ()
{-# INLINE putBits #-}
putBits = LS.putStr  toByteString

-- | The 'interact' function takes a function of type @'Bitstream' d
-- -> 'Bitstream' d@ as its argument. The entire input from the stdin
-- is lazily passed to this function as its argument, and the
-- resulting 'Bitstream' is output on the stdout.
interact  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
           , G.Bitstream (Packet d)
          (Bitstream d  Bitstream d)
          IO ()
{-# INLINE interact #-}
interact = LS.interact  lift'
      {-# INLINE lift' #-}
      lift' f = toByteString  f  fromByteString

-- | /O(n)/ Read an entire file lazily into a 'Bitstream'.
readFile  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  FilePath  IO (Bitstream d)
{-# INLINE readFile #-}
readFile = fmap fromByteString  LS.readFile

-- | /O(n)/ Write a 'Bitstream' to a file.
writeFile  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
            , G.Bitstream (Packet d)
           Bitstream d
           IO ()
{-# INLINE writeFile #-}
writeFile = ( toByteString)  LS.writeFile

-- | /O(n)/ Append a 'Bitstream' to a file.
appendFile  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
             , G.Bitstream (Packet d)
            Bitstream d
            IO ()
{-# INLINE appendFile #-}
appendFile = ( toByteString)  LS.appendFile

-- | /O(n)/ Read entire handle contents /lazily/ into a
-- 'Bitstream'. Chunks are read on demand, using the default chunk
-- size.
-- Once EOF is encountered, the 'Handle' is closed.
hGetContents  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Handle  IO (Bitstream d)
{-# INLINE hGetContents #-}
hGetContents = fmap fromByteString  LS.hGetContents

-- |@'hGet' h n@ reads a 'Bitstream' directly from the specified
-- 'Handle' @h@. First argument @h@ is the 'Handle' to read from, and
-- the second @n@ is the number of /octets/ to read, not /bits/. It
-- returns the octets read, up to @n@, or null if EOF has been
-- reached.
-- If the handle is a pipe or socket, and the writing end is closed,
-- 'hGet' will behave as if EOF was reached.
{-# INLINE hGet #-}
hGet  G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)  Handle  Int  IO (Bitstream d)
hGet = (fmap fromByteString )  LS.hGet

-- | /O(n)/ 'hGetNonBlocking' is similar to 'hGet', except that it
-- will never block waiting for data to become available, instead it
-- returns only whatever data is available.
{-# INLINE hGetNonBlocking #-}
hGetNonBlocking  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
                  , G.Bitstream (Packet d)
                 IO (Bitstream d)
hGetNonBlocking = (fmap fromByteString )  LS.hGetNonBlocking

-- | /O(n)/ Write a 'Bitstream' to the given 'Handle'.
hPut  ( G.Bitstream (SB.Bitstream d)
       , G.Bitstream (Packet d)
      Bitstream d
      IO ()
{-# INLINE hPut #-}
hPut = ( toByteString)  LS.hPut