blas-0.7.6: Bindings to the BLAS library

MaintainerPatrick Perry <>




Immutable dense vectors.


The Vector type

data Vector n e Source

Immutable dense vectors. The type arguments are as follows:

  • n: a phantom type for the dimension of the vector
  • e: the element type of the vector. Only certain element types are supported.


Shaped Vector Int 
Elem e => BaseVector Vector e 
BLAS1 e => ITensor Vector Int e 
BLAS1 e => ReadVector Vector e IO 
(BLAS1 e, Monad m) => ReadTensor Vector Int e m 
BLAS1 e => ReadVector Vector e (ST s) 
BLAS1 e => Eq (Vector n e) 
(BLAS1 e, Floating e) => Floating (Vector n e) 
BLAS1 e => Fractional (Vector n e) 
BLAS1 e => Num (Vector n e) 
(Elem e, Show e) => Show (Vector n e) 
BLAS1 e => AEq (Vector n e) 

Overloaded interface for vectors

class (Shaped x Int, Elem e) => BaseVector x e whereSource

Common functionality for all vector types.


dim :: x n e -> IntSource

Get the dimension (length) of the vector.

isConj :: x n e -> BoolSource

Indicate whether or not internally the vector stores the complex conjugates of its elements.

conjEnum :: x n e -> ConjEnumSource

Get the storage type.

conj :: x n e -> x n eSource

Get a view into the complex conjugate of a vector.

coerceVector :: x n e -> x n' eSource

Cast the shape type of the vector.


Creating new vectors

vector :: BLAS1 e => Int -> [(Int, e)] -> Vector n eSource

Create a vector with the given dimension and elements. The elements given in the association list must all have unique indices, otherwise the result is undefined.

listVector :: BLAS1 e => Int -> [e] -> Vector n eSource

Create a vector of the given dimension with elements initialized to the values from the list. listVector n es is equivalent to vector n (zip [0..(n-1)] es), except that the result is undefined if length es is less than n.

Special vectors

zeroVector :: BLAS1 e => Int -> Vector n eSource

zeroVector n creates a vector of dimension n with all values set to zero.

constantVector :: BLAS1 e => Int -> e -> Vector n eSource

constantVector n e creates a vector of dimension n with all values set to e.

basisVector :: BLAS1 e => Int -> Int -> Vector n eSource

basisVector n i creates a vector of dimension n with zeros everywhere but position i, where there is a one.

Overloaded interface for reading vector elements

Vector views

subvector :: BLAS1 e => Vector n e -> Int -> Int -> Vector n' eSource

subvector x o n creates a subvector of x starting at index o and having length n.

subvectorWithStride :: BLAS1 e => Int -> Vector n e -> Int -> Int -> Vector n' eSource

subvectorWithStride s x o n creates a subvector of x starting at index o, having length n and stride s.

Vector properties

sumAbs :: BLAS1 e => Vector n e -> DoubleSource

Compute the sum of absolute values of entries in the vector.

norm2 :: BLAS1 e => Vector n e -> DoubleSource

Compute the 2-norm of a vector.

whichMaxAbs :: BLAS1 e => Vector n e -> (Int, e)Source

Get the index and norm of the element with absulte value. Not valid if any of the vector entries are NaN. Raises an exception if the vector has length 0.

(<.>) :: BLAS1 e => Vector n e -> Vector n e -> eSource

Compute the dot product of two vectors.