bloomfilter-1.0: Pure and impure Bloom Filter implementations.Source codeContentsIndex
MaintainerBryan O'Sullivan <>
Ease of use
Immutable Bloom filters
Mutable Bloom filters
The underlying representation

A fast, space efficient Bloom filter implementation. A Bloom filter is a set-like data structure that provides a probabilistic membership test.

  • Queries do not give false negatives. When an element is added to a filter, a subsequent membership test will definitely return True.
  • False negatives are possible. If an element has not been added to a filter, a membership test may nevertheless indicate that the element is present.

This module provides low-level control. For an easier to use interface, see the Data.BloomFilter.Easy module.

type Hash = Word32
data Bloom a
data MBloom s a
unfoldB :: (a -> [Hash]) -> Int -> (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> Bloom a
fromListB :: (a -> [Hash]) -> Int -> [a] -> Bloom a
createB :: (a -> [Hash]) -> Int -> (forall s. MBloom s a -> ST s z) -> Bloom a
lengthB :: Bloom a -> Int
elemB :: a -> Bloom a -> Bool
newMB :: (a -> [Hash]) -> Int -> ST s (MBloom s a)
unsafeFreezeMB :: MBloom s a -> ST s (Bloom a)
thawMB :: Bloom a -> ST s (MBloom s a)
lengthMB :: MBloom s a -> Int
elemMB :: a -> MBloom s a -> ST s Bool
insertMB :: MBloom s a -> a -> ST s ()
bitArrayB :: Bloom a -> UArray Int Hash
bitArrayMB :: MBloom s a -> STUArray s Int Hash

Each of the functions for creating Bloom filters accepts two parameters:

  • The number of bits that should be used for the filter. Note that a filter is fixed in size; it cannot be resized after creation.
  • A function that accepts a value, and should return a fixed-size list of hashes of that value. To keep the false positive rate low, the hashes computes should, as far as possible, be independent.

By choosing these parameters with care, it is possible to tune for a particular false positive rate. The suggestSizing function in the Data.BloomFilter.Easy module calculates useful estimates for these parameters.

Ease of use

This module provides both mutable and immutable interfaces for creating and querying a Bloom filter. It is most useful as a low-level way to create a Bloom filter with a custom set of characteristics, perhaps in combination with the hashing functions in Hash.

For a higher-level interface that is easy to use, see the Data.BloomFilter.Easy module.


The implementation has been carefully tuned for high performance and low space consumption.

For efficiency, the number of bits requested when creating a Bloom filter is rounded up to the nearest power of two. This lets the implementation use bitwise operations internally, instead of much more expensive multiplication, division, and modulus operations.

type Hash = Word32Source
A hash value is 32 bits wide. This limits the maximum size of a filter to about four billion elements, or 512 megabytes of memory.
data Bloom a Source
An immutable Bloom filter, suitable for querying from pure code.
show/hide Instances
data MBloom s a Source
A mutable Bloom filter, for use within the ST monad.
show/hide Instances
Show (MBloom s a)
Immutable Bloom filters
=> a -> [Hash]family of hash functions to use
-> Intnumber of bits in filter
-> b -> Maybe (a, b)seeding function
-> binitial seed
-> Bloom a

Build an immutable Bloom filter from a seed value. The seeding function populates the filter as follows.

  • If it returns Nothing, it is finished producing values to insert into the filter.
  • If it returns Just (a,b), a is added to the filter and b is used as a new seed.
=> a -> [Hash]family of hash functions to use
-> Intnumber of bits in filter
-> [a]values to populate with
-> Bloom a

Create an immutable Bloom filter, populating it from a list of values.

Here is an example that uses the cheapHashes function from the Data.BloomFilter.Hash module to create a hash function that returns three hashes.

import Data.BloomFilter.Hash (cheapHashes)

filt = fromListB (cheapHashes 3) 1024 ["foo", "bar", "quux"]
=> a -> [Hash]family of hash functions to use
-> Intnumber of bits in filter
-> forall s. MBloom s a -> ST s zsetup function (result is discarded)
-> Bloom a

Create an immutable Bloom filter, using the given setup function which executes in the ST monad.


import Data.BloomFilter.Hash (cheapHashes)

filter = createB (cheapHashes 3) 1024 $ mf -> do
           insertMB mf "foo"
           insertMB mf "bar"

Note that the result of the setup function is not used.

lengthB :: Bloom a -> IntSource
Return the size of an immutable Bloom filter, in bits.
elemB :: a -> Bloom a -> BoolSource
Query an immutable Bloom filter for membership. If the value is present, return True. If the value is not present, there is still some possibility that True will be returned.
Mutable Bloom filters
=> a -> [Hash]family of hash functions to use
-> Intnumber of bits in filter
-> ST s (MBloom s a)

Create a new mutable Bloom filter. For efficiency, the number of bits used may be larger than the number requested. It is always rounded up to the nearest higher power of two.

For a safer creation interface, use createB. To convert a mutable filter to an immutable filter for use in pure code, use unsafeFreezeMB.

unsafeFreezeMB :: MBloom s a -> ST s (Bloom a)Source
Create an immutable Bloom filter from a mutable one. The mutable filter must not be modified afterwards, or a runtime crash may occur. For a safer creation interface, use createB.
thawMB :: Bloom a -> ST s (MBloom s a)Source
Copy an immutable Bloom filter to create a mutable one. There is no non-copying equivalent.
lengthMB :: MBloom s a -> IntSource
Return the size of a mutable Bloom filter, in bits.
elemMB :: a -> MBloom s a -> ST s BoolSource
Query a mutable Bloom filter for membership. If the value is present, return True. If the value is not present, there is still some possibility that True will be returned.
insertMB :: MBloom s a -> a -> ST s ()Source
Insert a value into a mutable Bloom filter. Afterwards, a membership query for the same value is guaranteed to return True.
The underlying representation
If you serialize the raw bit arrays below to disk, do not expect them to be portable to systems with different conventions for endianness or word size.
The raw bit array used by the immutable Bloom type.
bitArrayB :: Bloom a -> UArray Int HashSource
The raw bit array used by the immutable MBloom type.
bitArrayMB :: MBloom s a -> STUArray s Int HashSource
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