{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

-- | A csv process based on attoparsec and the box library
module Box.Csv
  ( CsvConfig (..),
    Header (..),

    -- * parsers

import Box
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import Data.Generics.Labels ()
import Data.Scientific
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import NumHask.Prelude

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings

-- | csv file configuration
data CsvConfig
  = CsvConfig
      { -- | file name stem
        name :: Text,
        -- | file suffix
        suffix :: Text,
        -- | directory
        dir :: Text,
        -- | field separator
        fsep :: Char,
        -- | nature of header row(s)
        header :: Header
  deriving (Show, Generic, Eq)

-- | default csv file details
-- >>> defaultCsvConfig
-- CsvConfig {name = "time_series_covid19_deaths_global_narrow", suffix = ".csv", dir = "./other", fsep = ',', header = HasHXL}
-- test data from https://data.humdata.org/dataset/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-cases
defaultCsvConfig :: CsvConfig
defaultCsvConfig =

-- | filepath for the config.
-- >>> file defaultCsvConfig
-- "./other/time_series_covid19_deaths_global_narrow.csv"
file :: CsvConfig -> FilePath
file cfg =
  cfg ^. #dir
    <> "/"
    <> cfg ^. #name
    <> cfg ^. #suffix
      & unpack

-- | Type of header rows.  Note the modern propensity for multiple header rows.
data Header = HasHeader | HasHXL | NoHeader deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | A continuation emitter of parsed csv rows from a CsvConfig, returning the original text on failure
-- >>> rowEmitter defaultCsvConfig fields `with` emit
-- Just (Right ["Province/State","Country/Region","Lat","Long","Date","Value","ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3-Codes","Region Code","Sub-region Code","Intermediate Region Code\r"])
rowEmitter :: CsvConfig -> (Char -> A.Parser a) -> Cont IO (Emitter IO (Either Text a))
rowEmitter cfg p = parseE (p (view #fsep cfg)) <$> fileE (file cfg)

-- | commits printed csv rows
-- >>> let testConfig = CsvConfig "test" ".csv" "./test" ',' NoHeader
-- >>> let ctest = rowCommitter testConfig (fmap (Text.intercalate "," . fmap show))
-- >>> ctest `with` (\c -> commit c [[1..10::Int]])
-- True
-- >>> rowEmitter testConfig ints `with` emit
-- Just (Right [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
rowCommitter :: CsvConfig -> (a -> [Text]) -> Cont IO (Committer IO a)
rowCommitter cfg f = contramap (Text.intercalate (Text.singleton $ view #fsep cfg) . f) <$> fileWriteC (file cfg)

-- | Run a parser across all lines of a file.
-- >>> r1 <- runCsv defaultCsvConfig fields
-- >>> length r1
-- 42562
-- >>> length [x | (Left x) <- r1]
-- 0
-- >>> take 2 $ drop 2 [x | (Right x) <- r1]
-- [["","Afghanistan","33.0","65.0","2020-06-29","733","AFG","142","34","\r"],["","Afghanistan","33.0","65.0","2020-06-28","721","AFG","142","34","\r"]]
runCsv :: CsvConfig -> (Char -> A.Parser a) -> IO [Either Text a]
runCsv cfg p = with (rowEmitter cfg p) toListE

-- * low-level generic csv parser helpers

-- | Most parsing and building routines implicity assume a character acting as a separator of fields, and newlines separating rows.
-- >>> A.parse (sep ',') ",ok"
-- Done "ok" ()
sep :: Char -> A.Parser ()
sep c = void (A.char c)

-- * single field parsers

-- | an unquoted field
-- Does not consume the separator token
-- >>> A.parse (field_ ',') "field,ok"
-- Done ",ok" "field"
field_ :: Char -> A.Parser Text
field_ c = A.takeWhile (/= c)

-- | an unquoted field
-- Consume the separator token
-- >>> A.parse (field ',') "field,ok"
-- Done "ok" "field"
field :: Char -> A.Parser Text
field c = A.takeWhile (/= c) <* A.char c

-- | skipping a field
-- >>> A.parse (skipField_ ',') "field,ok"
-- Done ",ok" ()
skipField_ :: Char -> A.Parser ()
skipField_ c = A.skipWhile (/= c)

-- | skipping a field
-- >>> A.parse (skipField ',') "field,ok"
-- Done "ok" ()
skipField :: Char -> A.Parser ()
skipField c = A.skipWhile (/= c) <* A.char ','

-- | int parser
-- >>> A.parse int "234,ok"
-- Done ",ok" 234
int :: A.Parser Int
int = A.decimal

-- | int parser, consumes separator
-- >>> A.parse (int' ',') "234,ok"
-- Done "ok" 234
int' :: Char -> A.Parser Int
int' c = A.decimal <* A.char c

-- | double parser, consumes separator
-- >>> A.parse (double' ',') "234.000,ok"
-- Done "ok" 234.0
double' :: Char -> A.Parser Double
double' c = A.double <* A.char c

-- * Block list parsers
-- | Parser for a csv row of [Text].
-- TODO: deal with potential for an extra '\r'
-- >>> A.parseOnly (fields ',') "field1,field2\r"
-- Right ["field1","field2\r"]
fields :: Char -> A.Parser [Text]
fields c =
  field_ c `A.sepBy1` (sep c)

-- | parser for a csv row of [Scientific]
-- >>> A.parseOnly (scis ',') "1,2.2,3.3"
-- Right [1.0,2.2,3.3]
scis :: Char -> A.Parser [Scientific]
scis c = A.scientific `A.sepBy1` sep c

-- | parser for a csv row of [Double]
-- >>> A.parseOnly (doubles ',') "1,2,3"
-- Right [1.0,2.0,3.0]
doubles :: Char -> A.Parser [Double]
doubles c = A.double `A.sepBy1` sep c

-- | parser for a csv row of [Int]
-- >>> A.parseOnly (ints ',') "1,2,3"
-- Right [1,2,3]
ints :: Char -> A.Parser [Int]
ints c = A.signed A.decimal `A.sepBy1` sep c