{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

module Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Backend
  ( layoutBriDocM

#include "prelude.inc"

import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint as ExactPrint
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Annotate as ExactPrint.Annotate
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types as ExactPrint.Types
import           Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types ( AnnKey, Annotation )

import GHC ( AnnKeywordId (..) )

import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.LayouterBasics
import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.BackendUtils
import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Utils
import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config.Types
import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Types

import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Text.Builder

import           Data.HList.ContainsType

import           Control.Monad.Extra ( whenM )

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as WriterS

type ColIndex  = Int

data ColumnSpacing
  = ColumnSpacingLeaf Int
  | ColumnSpacingRef Int Int

type ColumnBlock  a = [a]
type ColumnBlocks a = Seq [a]
type ColMap1 = IntMapL.IntMap {- ColIndex -} (Bool, ColumnBlocks ColumnSpacing)
type ColMap2 = IntMapL.IntMap {- ColIndex -} (Float, ColumnBlock Int, ColumnBlocks Int)
                                          -- (ratio of hasSpace, maximum, raw)

data ColInfo
  = ColInfoStart -- start value to begin the mapAccumL.
  | ColInfoNo BriDoc
  | ColInfo ColIndex ColSig [(Int, ColInfo)]

instance Show ColInfo where
  show ColInfoStart = "ColInfoStart"
  show (ColInfoNo bd) = "ColInfoNo " ++ show (take 30 (show (briDocToDoc bd)) ++ "..")
  show (ColInfo ind sig list) = "ColInfo " ++ show ind ++ " " ++ show sig ++ " " ++ show list

data ColBuildState = ColBuildState
  { _cbs_map :: ColMap1
  , _cbs_index :: ColIndex

type LayoutConstraints m = ( MonadMultiReader Config m
                           , MonadMultiReader ExactPrint.Types.Anns m
                           , MonadMultiWriter Text.Builder.Builder m
                           , MonadMultiWriter (Seq String) m
                           , MonadMultiState LayoutState m

layoutBriDocM :: forall m . LayoutConstraints m => BriDoc -> m ()
layoutBriDocM = \case
  BDEmpty -> do
    return () -- can it be that simple
  BDLit t -> do
    layoutWriteAppend t
  BDSeq list -> do
    list `forM_` layoutBriDocM
  -- in this situation, there is nothing to do about cols.
  -- i think this one does not happen anymore with the current simplifications.
  -- BDCols cSig list | BDPar sameLine lines <- List.last list ->
  --   alignColsPar $ BDCols cSig (List.init list ++ [sameLine]) : lines
  BDCols _ list -> do
    list `forM_` layoutBriDocM
  BDSeparator -> do
  BDAddBaseY indent bd -> do
    let indentF = case indent of
          BrIndentNone      -> id
          BrIndentRegular   -> layoutWithAddBaseCol
          BrIndentSpecial i -> layoutWithAddBaseColN i
    indentF $ layoutBriDocM bd
  BDBaseYPushCur bd -> do
    layoutBriDocM bd
  BDBaseYPop bd -> do
    layoutBriDocM bd
  BDIndentLevelPushCur bd -> do
    layoutBriDocM bd
  BDIndentLevelPop bd -> do
    layoutBriDocM bd
  BDEnsureIndent indent bd -> do
    let indentF = case indent of
          BrIndentNone      -> id
          BrIndentRegular   -> layoutWithAddBaseCol
          BrIndentSpecial i -> layoutWithAddBaseColN i
    indentF $ do
      layoutBriDocM bd
  BDPar indent sameLine indented -> do
    layoutBriDocM sameLine
    let indentF = case indent of
          BrIndentNone      -> id
          BrIndentRegular   -> layoutWithAddBaseCol
          BrIndentSpecial i -> layoutWithAddBaseColN i
    indentF $ do
      layoutBriDocM indented
  BDLines           lines                      -> alignColsLines lines
  BDAlt             []                         -> error "empty BDAlt"
  BDAlt             (alt:_)                    -> layoutBriDocM alt
  BDForceMultiline  bd                         -> layoutBriDocM bd
  BDForceSingleline bd                         -> layoutBriDocM bd
  BDForwardLineMode bd                         -> layoutBriDocM bd
  BDExternal annKey subKeys shouldAddComment t -> do
    let tlines     = Text.lines $ t <> Text.pack "\n"
        tlineCount = length tlines
    anns :: ExactPrint.Anns <- mAsk
    when shouldAddComment $ do
        $  Text.pack
        $  "{-"
        ++ show (annKey, Map.lookup annKey anns)
        ++ "-}"
    zip [1 ..] tlines `forM_` \(i, l) -> do
      layoutWriteAppend $ l
      unless (i == tlineCount) layoutWriteNewlineBlock
      state <- mGet
      let filterF k _ = not $ k `Set.member` subKeys
      mSet $ state
        { _lstate_comments = Map.filterWithKey filterF $ _lstate_comments state
  BDPlain t -> do
    layoutWriteAppend t
  BDAnnotationPrior annKey bd -> do
    state <- mGet
    let m = _lstate_comments state
    let allowMTEL = Data.Either.isRight (_lstate_curYOrAddNewline state)
    mAnn <- do
      let mAnn = ExactPrint.annPriorComments <$> Map.lookup annKey m
      mSet $ state
        { _lstate_comments = Map.adjust
          (\ann -> ann { ExactPrint.annPriorComments = [] })
      return mAnn
    case mAnn of
      Nothing     -> when allowMTEL $ moveToExactAnn annKey
      Just []     -> when allowMTEL $ moveToExactAnn annKey
      Just priors -> do
        -- layoutResetSepSpace
          `forM_` \(ExactPrint.Types.Comment comment _ _, ExactPrint.Types.DP (y, x)) ->
                    when (not $ comment == "(" || comment == ")") $ do
                      case comment of
                        ('#':_) -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y (-999)
                                   --  ^ evil hack for CPP
                        _       -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y x
                      -- fixedX <- fixMoveToLineByIsNewline x
                      -- replicateM_ fixedX layoutWriteNewline
                      -- layoutMoveToIndentCol y
                      layoutWriteAppendMultiline $ Text.pack $ comment
          -- mModify $ \s -> s { _lstate_curYOrAddNewline = Right 0 }
        when allowMTEL $ moveToExactAnn annKey
    layoutBriDocM bd
  BDAnnotationKW annKey keyword bd -> do
    layoutBriDocM bd
    mComments <- do
      state <- mGet
      let m    = _lstate_comments state
      let mAnn = ExactPrint.annsDP <$> Map.lookup annKey m
      let mToSpan = case mAnn of
            Just anns | keyword == Nothing -> Just anns
            Just ((ExactPrint.Types.G kw1, _):annR) | keyword == Just kw1 -> Just
            _ -> Nothing
      case mToSpan of
        Just anns -> do
          let (comments, rest) = flip spanMaybe anns $ \case
                (ExactPrint.Types.AnnComment x, dp) -> Just (x, dp)
                _ -> Nothing
          mSet $ state
            { _lstate_comments = Map.adjust
              (\ann -> ann { ExactPrint.annsDP = rest })
          return $ nonEmpty comments
        _ -> return Nothing
    case mComments of
      Nothing -> pure ()
      Just comments -> do
        comments `forM_` \(ExactPrint.Types.Comment comment _ _, ExactPrint.Types.DP (y, x)) ->
          when (not $ comment == "(" || comment == ")") $ do
            -- evil hack for CPP:
            case comment of
              ('#':_) -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y (-999)
              _       -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y x
            -- fixedX <- fixMoveToLineByIsNewline x
            -- replicateM_ fixedX layoutWriteNewline
            -- layoutMoveToIndentCol y
            layoutWriteAppendMultiline $ Text.pack $ comment
      -- mModify $ \s -> s { _lstate_curYOrAddNewline = Right 0 }
  BDAnnotationRest annKey bd -> do
    layoutBriDocM bd
    mComments <- do
      state <- mGet
      let m    = _lstate_comments state
      let mComments = nonEmpty =<< extractAllComments <$> Map.lookup annKey m
      mSet $ state
        { _lstate_comments = Map.adjust
          ( \ann -> ann { ExactPrint.annFollowingComments = []
                        , ExactPrint.annPriorComments     = []
                        , ExactPrint.annsDP               =
                          flip filter (ExactPrint.annsDP ann) $ \case
                            (ExactPrint.Types.AnnComment{}, _) -> False
                            _                                  -> True
      return mComments
    case mComments of
      Nothing -> pure ()
      Just comments -> do
        comments `forM_` \(ExactPrint.Types.Comment comment _ _, ExactPrint.Types.DP (y, x)) ->
          when (not $ comment == "(" || comment == ")") $ do
            case comment of
              ('#':_) -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y (-999)
                         --  ^ evil hack for CPP
              ")"     -> pure ()
                         --  ^ fixes the formatting of parens
                         --    on the lhs of type alias defs
              _       -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y x
            -- fixedX <- fixMoveToLineByIsNewline x
            -- replicateM_ fixedX layoutWriteNewline
            -- layoutMoveToIndentCol y
            layoutWriteAppendMultiline $ Text.pack $ comment
      -- mModify $ \s -> s { _lstate_curYOrAddNewline = Right 0 }
  BDMoveToKWDP annKey keyword shouldRestoreIndent bd -> do
    mDP <- do
      state <- mGet
      let m    = _lstate_comments state
      let mAnn = ExactPrint.annsDP <$> Map.lookup annKey m
      let relevant = [ dp
                     | Just ann <- [mAnn]
                     , (ExactPrint.Types.G kw1, dp) <- ann
                     , keyword == kw1
      -- mTell $ Seq.fromList ["KWDP: " ++ show annKey ++ " " ++ show mAnn]
      pure $ case relevant of
        [] -> Nothing
        (dp:_) -> Just dp
    case mDP of
      Nothing -> pure ()
      Just (ExactPrint.Types.DP (y, x)) ->
        layoutMoveToCommentPos y (if shouldRestoreIndent then x else 0)
    layoutBriDocM bd
  BDNonBottomSpacing bd -> layoutBriDocM bd
  BDSetParSpacing    bd -> layoutBriDocM bd
  BDForceParSpacing  bd -> layoutBriDocM bd
  BDDebug s bd -> do
    mTell $ Text.Builder.fromText $ Text.pack $ "{-" ++ s ++ "-}"
    layoutBriDocM bd

briDocLineLength :: BriDoc -> Int
briDocLineLength briDoc = flip StateS.evalState False $ rec briDoc
                          -- the state encodes whether a separator was already
                          -- appended at the current position.
  rec = \case
    BDEmpty                 -> return $ 0
    BDLit t                 -> StateS.put False $> Text.length t
    BDSeq bds               -> sum <$> rec `mapM` bds
    BDCols _ bds            -> sum <$> rec `mapM` bds
    BDSeparator -> StateS.get >>= \b -> StateS.put True $> if b then 0 else 1
    BDAddBaseY _ bd         -> rec bd
    BDBaseYPushCur       bd -> rec bd
    BDBaseYPop           bd -> rec bd
    BDIndentLevelPushCur bd -> rec bd
    BDIndentLevelPop     bd -> rec bd
    BDPar _ line _          -> rec line
    BDAlt{}                 -> error "briDocLineLength BDAlt"
    BDForceMultiline  bd    -> rec bd
    BDForceSingleline bd    -> rec bd
    BDForwardLineMode bd    -> rec bd
    BDExternal _ _ _ t      -> return $ Text.length t
    BDPlain t               -> return $ Text.length t
    BDAnnotationPrior _ bd  -> rec bd
    BDAnnotationKW _ _ bd   -> rec bd
    BDAnnotationRest _ bd   -> rec bd
    BDMoveToKWDP _ _ _ bd   -> rec bd
    BDLines ls@(_:_)        -> do
      x <- StateS.get
      return $ maximum $ ls <&> \l -> StateS.evalState (rec l) x
    BDLines []            -> error "briDocLineLength BDLines []"
    BDEnsureIndent _ bd   -> rec bd
    BDSetParSpacing    bd -> rec bd
    BDForceParSpacing  bd -> rec bd
    BDNonBottomSpacing bd -> rec bd
    BDDebug _ bd          -> rec bd

briDocIsMultiLine :: BriDoc -> Bool
briDocIsMultiLine briDoc = rec briDoc
  rec :: BriDoc -> Bool
  rec = \case
    BDEmpty                                  -> False
    BDLit _                                  -> False
    BDSeq bds                                -> any rec bds
    BDCols _ bds                             -> any rec bds
    BDSeparator                              -> False
    BDAddBaseY _ bd                          -> rec bd
    BDBaseYPushCur       bd                  -> rec bd
    BDBaseYPop           bd                  -> rec bd
    BDIndentLevelPushCur bd                  -> rec bd
    BDIndentLevelPop     bd                  -> rec bd
    BDPar _ _ _                              -> True
    BDAlt{}                                  -> error "briDocIsMultiLine BDAlt"
    BDForceMultiline  _                      -> True
    BDForceSingleline bd                     -> rec bd
    BDForwardLineMode bd                     -> rec bd
    BDExternal _ _ _ t | [_] <- Text.lines t -> False
    BDExternal _ _ _ _                       -> True
    BDPlain t | [_] <- Text.lines t          -> False
    BDPlain _                                -> True
    BDAnnotationPrior _ bd                   -> rec bd
    BDAnnotationKW _ _ bd                    -> rec bd
    BDAnnotationRest _ bd                    -> rec bd
    BDMoveToKWDP _ _ _ bd                    -> rec bd
    BDLines (_ : _ : _)                      -> True
    BDLines [_        ]                      -> False
    BDLines [] -> error "briDocIsMultiLine BDLines []"
    BDEnsureIndent _ bd                      -> rec bd
    BDSetParSpacing    bd                    -> rec bd
    BDForceParSpacing  bd                    -> rec bd
    BDNonBottomSpacing bd                    -> rec bd
    BDDebug _ bd                             -> rec bd

-- In theory
-- =========

-- .. this algorithm works roughly in these steps:
-- 1. For each line, get the (nested) column info, descending as far as
--    BDCols nodes go. The column info is a (rose) tree where the leafs
--    are arbitrary (non-BDCols) BriDocs.
-- 2. Walk through the lines and compare its column info with that of its
--    predecessor. If both are non-leafs and the column "signatures" align
--    (they don't align e.g. when they are totally different syntactical
--    structures or the number of children differs), mark these parts of
--    the two tree structures as connected and recurse to its children
--    (i.e. again comparing the children in this line with the children in
--    the previous line).
-- 3. What we now have is one tree per line, and connections between "same"
--    nodes between lines. These connection can span multiple lines.
--    We next look at spacing information. This is available at the leafs,
--    but in this step we aggregate _over connections_. At the top level, this
--    gives us one piece of data: How long would each line be, if we fully
--    aligned everything (kept all connections "active"). In contrast to
--    just taking the sum of all leafs for each tree, this line length includes
--    the spaces used for alignment.
-- 4. Treat those lines where alignment would result in overflowing of the
--    column limit. This "treatment" is currently configurable, and can e.g.
--    mean:
--    a) we stop alignment alltogether,
--    b) we remove alignment just from the overflowing lines,
--    c) we reduce the number of spaces inserted in overflowing lines using
--       some technique to make them not overflow, but without reducing the
--       space insertion to zero,
--    d) don't do anything
-- 5. Actually print the lines, walking over each tree and inserting spaces
--    according to the info and decisions gathered in the previous steps.
-- Possible improvements
-- =====================
-- - If alignment is disabled for specific lines, the aggregated per-connection
--   info of those lines is still retained and not recalculated. This can
--   result in spaces being inserted to create alignment with a line that
--   would overflow and thus gets disabled entirely.
--   An better approach would be to repeat step 3 after marking overflowing
--   lines as such, and not include the overflowing spacings as references
--   for non-overflowing ones. In the simplest case one additional iteration
--   would suffice, e.g. 1-2-3-4-3-5, but it would also be possible to refine
--   this and first remove alignment in the deepest parts of the tree for
--   overflowing lines, repeating and moving upwards until no lines are
--   anymore overflowing.
--   Further, it may make sense to break up connections when overflowing would
--   occur.
-- - It may also make sense to not filter all overflowing lines, but remove
--   them one-by-one and in each step recalculate the aggregated connection
--   spacing info. Because removing one overflowing line from the calculation
--   may very well cause another previously overflowing line to not overflow
--   any longer.
--   There is also a nasty optimization problem hiding in there (find the
--   minimal amount of alignment disabling that results in no overflows)
--   but that is overkill.
--   (with both these improvements there would be quite some repetition between
--   steps 3 and 4, but it should be possible to ensure termination. Still,
--   performance might become an issue as such an approach is not necessarily
--   linear in bridoc size any more.)
-- In practice
-- ===========
-- .. the current implementation is somewhat sloppy. Steps 1 and 2
-- are executed in one step, step 3 already applies one strategy that disables
-- certain connections (see `_lconfig_alignmentLimit`) and step 4 does some
-- of the calculations one might expect to occur in step 3. Steps 4 and 5
-- are executed in the same recursion, too.
-- Also, _lconfig_alignmentLimit really is itself a hack that hides the issue
-- mentioned in the first "possible improvement".
alignColsLines :: LayoutConstraints m => [BriDoc] -> m ()
alignColsLines bridocs = do -- colInfos `forM_` \colInfo -> do
  -- tellDebugMess ("alignColsLines: at " ++ take 100 (show $ briDocToDoc $ head bridocs))
  curX <- do
    state <- mGet
    return $ either id (const 0) (_lstate_curYOrAddNewline state) + fromMaybe
      (_lstate_addSepSpace state)
  colMax     <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_cols .> confUnpack
  alignMax   <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_alignmentLimit .> confUnpack
  alignBreak <-
    mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_alignmentBreakOnMultiline .> confUnpack
  case () of
    _ -> do
      -- tellDebugMess ("processedMap: " ++ show processedMap)
        $   List.intersperse layoutWriteEnsureNewlineBlock
        $   colInfos
        <&> processInfo colMax processedMap
      (colInfos, finalState) =
        StateS.runState (mergeBriDocs bridocs) (ColBuildState IntMapS.empty 0)
      -- maxZipper :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
      -- maxZipper [] ys = ys
      -- maxZipper xs [] = xs
      -- maxZipper (x:xr) (y:yr) = max x y : maxZipper xr yr
      colAggregation :: [Int] -> Int
      colAggregation [] = 0 -- this probably cannot happen the way we call
                            -- this function, because _cbs_map only ever
                            -- contains nonempty Seqs.
      colAggregation xs = maximum [ x | x <- xs, x <= minimum xs + alignMax' ]
        where alignMax' = max 0 alignMax

      processedMap :: ColMap2
      processedMap =
        fix $ \result -> _cbs_map finalState <&> \(lastFlag, colSpacingss) ->
            colss = colSpacingss <&> \spss -> case reverse spss of
              [] -> []
              (xN:xR) ->
                reverse $ (if lastFlag then fLast else fInit) xN : fmap fInit xR
              fLast (ColumnSpacingLeaf len ) = len
              fLast (ColumnSpacingRef len _) = len
              fInit (ColumnSpacingLeaf len) = len
              fInit (ColumnSpacingRef _ i ) = case IntMapL.lookup i result of
                Nothing           -> 0
                Just (_, maxs, _) -> sum maxs
            maxCols = {-Foldable.foldl1 maxZipper-}
              fmap colAggregation $ transpose $ Foldable.toList colss
            (_, posXs) = -- trace ("colss=" ++ show colss ++ ", maxCols=" ++ show maxCols ++ " for " ++ take 100 (show $ briDocToDoc $ head bridocs)) $
                         mapAccumL (\acc x -> (acc + x, acc)) curX maxCols
            counter count l = if List.last posXs + List.last l <= colMax
              then count + 1
              else count
            ratio = fromIntegral (foldl counter (0 :: Int) colss)
              / fromIntegral (length colss)
            (ratio, maxCols, colss)

      mergeBriDocs :: [BriDoc] -> StateS.State ColBuildState [ColInfo]
      mergeBriDocs bds = mergeBriDocsW ColInfoStart bds

        :: ColInfo -> [BriDoc] -> StateS.State ColBuildState [ColInfo]
      mergeBriDocsW _        []       = return []
      mergeBriDocsW lastInfo (bd:bdr) = do
        info  <- mergeInfoBriDoc True lastInfo bd
        infor <- mergeBriDocsW
          -- (if alignBreak && briDocIsMultiLine bd then ColInfoStart else info)
          (if shouldBreakAfter bd then ColInfoStart else info)
        return $ info : infor

      -- even with alignBreak config flag, we don't stop aligning for certain
      -- ColSigs - the ones with "False" below. The main reason is that
      -- there are uses of BDCols where they provide the alignment of several
      -- consecutive full larger code segments, for example ColOpPrefix.
      -- Motivating example is
      -- > foo
      -- >   $  [ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
      -- >      , bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
      -- >      ]
      -- >   ++ [ ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ]
      -- If we break the alignment here, then all three lines for the first
      -- list move left by one, which is horrible. We really don't want to
      -- break whole-block alignments.
      -- For list, listcomp, tuple and tuples the reasoning is much simpler:
      -- alignment should not have much effect anyways, so i simply make the
      -- choice here that enabling alignment is the safer route for preventing
      -- potential glitches, and it should never have a negative effect.
      -- For RecUpdate the argument is much less clear - it is mostly a
      -- personal preference to not break alignment for those, even if
      -- multiline. Really, this should be configurable.. (TODO)
      shouldBreakAfter :: BriDoc -> Bool
      shouldBreakAfter bd = if alignBreak
        then briDocIsMultiLine bd && case bd of
          (BDCols ColTyOpPrefix         _) -> False
          (BDCols ColPatternsFuncPrefix _) -> True
          (BDCols ColPatternsFuncInfix  _) -> True
          (BDCols ColPatterns           _) -> True
          (BDCols ColCasePattern        _) -> True
          (BDCols ColBindingLine{}      _) -> True
          (BDCols ColGuard              _) -> True
          (BDCols ColGuardedBody        _) -> True
          (BDCols ColBindStmt           _) -> True
          (BDCols ColDoLet              _) -> True
          (BDCols ColRec                _) -> False
          (BDCols ColListComp           _) -> False
          (BDCols ColList               _) -> False
          (BDCols ColApp{}              _) -> True
          (BDCols ColTuple              _) -> False
          (BDCols ColTuples             _) -> False
          (BDCols ColOpPrefix           _) -> False
          _                                -> True
        else False

        :: Bool
        -> ColInfo
        -> BriDoc
        -> StateS.StateT ColBuildState Identity ColInfo
      mergeInfoBriDoc lastFlag ColInfoStart = briDocToColInfo lastFlag
      mergeInfoBriDoc lastFlag ColInfoNo{}  = briDocToColInfo lastFlag
      mergeInfoBriDoc lastFlag (ColInfo infoInd infoSig subLengthsInfos) =
          brdc@(BDCols colSig subDocs)
            | infoSig == colSig && length subLengthsInfos == length subDocs
            -> do
                isLastList = if lastFlag
                  then (==length subDocs) <$> [1 ..]
                  else repeat False
              infos <- zip3 isLastList (snd <$> subLengthsInfos) subDocs
                `forM` \(lf, info, bd) -> mergeInfoBriDoc lf info bd
              let curLengths   = briDocLineLength <$> subDocs
              let trueSpacings = getTrueSpacings (zip curLengths infos)
              do -- update map
                s <- StateS.get
                let m                  = _cbs_map s
                let (Just (_, spaces)) = IntMapS.lookup infoInd m
                StateS.put s
                  { _cbs_map = IntMapS.insert
                    (lastFlag, spaces Seq.|> trueSpacings)
              return $ ColInfo infoInd colSig (zip curLengths infos)
            | otherwise
            -> briDocToColInfo lastFlag brdc
          brdc -> return $ ColInfoNo brdc

briDocToColInfo :: Bool -> BriDoc -> StateS.State ColBuildState ColInfo
briDocToColInfo lastFlag = \case
  BDCols sig list -> withAlloc lastFlag $ \ind -> do
    let isLastList =
          if lastFlag then (==length list) <$> [1 ..] else repeat False
    subInfos <- zip isLastList list `forM` uncurry briDocToColInfo
    let lengthInfos  = zip (briDocLineLength <$> list) subInfos
    let trueSpacings = getTrueSpacings lengthInfos
    return $ (Seq.singleton trueSpacings, ColInfo ind sig lengthInfos)
  bd -> return $ ColInfoNo bd

getTrueSpacings :: [(Int, ColInfo)] -> [ColumnSpacing]
getTrueSpacings lengthInfos = lengthInfos <&> \case
  (len, ColInfo i _ _) -> ColumnSpacingRef len i
  (len, _            ) -> ColumnSpacingLeaf len

  :: Bool
  -> (  ColIndex
     -> StateS.State ColBuildState (ColumnBlocks ColumnSpacing, ColInfo)
  -> StateS.State ColBuildState ColInfo
withAlloc lastFlag f = do
  cbs <- StateS.get
  let ind = _cbs_index cbs
  StateS.put $ cbs { _cbs_index = ind + 1 }
  (space, info) <- f ind
  StateS.get >>= \c -> StateS.put
    $ c { _cbs_map = IntMapS.insert ind (lastFlag, space) $ _cbs_map c }
  return info

processInfo :: LayoutConstraints m => Int -> ColMap2 -> ColInfo -> m ()
processInfo maxSpace m = \case
  ColInfoStart       -> error "should not happen (TM)"
  ColInfoNo doc      -> layoutBriDocM doc
  ColInfo ind _ list -> -- trace ("processInfo ind=" ++ show ind ++ ", list=" ++ show list ++ ", colmap=" ++ show m) $
    colMaxConf <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_cols .> confUnpack
    alignMode <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_columnAlignMode .> confUnpack
    curX      <- do
      state <- mGet
      -- tellDebugMess ("processInfo: " ++ show (_lstate_curYOrAddNewline state) ++ " - " ++ show ((_lstate_addSepSpace state)))
      let spaceAdd = case _lstate_addSepSpace state of
            Nothing -> 0
            Just i -> i
      return $ case _lstate_curYOrAddNewline state of
        Left i -> case _lstate_commentCol state of
          Nothing -> spaceAdd + i
          Just c -> c
        Right{} -> spaceAdd
    let colMax = min colMaxConf (curX + maxSpace)
    -- tellDebugMess $ show curX
    let Just (ratio, maxCols1, _colss) = IntMapS.lookup ind m
    let maxCols2 = list <&> \e -> case e of
          (_, ColInfo i _ _) ->
            let Just (_, ms, _) = IntMapS.lookup i m in sum ms
          (l, _) -> l
    let maxCols = zipWith max maxCols1 maxCols2
    let (maxX, posXs) = mapAccumL (\acc x -> (acc + x, acc)) curX maxCols
    -- handle the cases that the vertical alignment leads to more than max
    -- cols:
    -- this is not a full fix, and we must correct individually in addition.
    -- because: the (at least) line with the largest element in the last
    -- column will always still overflow, because we just updated the column
    -- sizes in such a way that it works _if_ we have sizes (*factor)
    -- in each column. but in that line, in the last column, we will be
    -- forced to occupy the full vertical space, not reduced by any factor.
    let fixedPosXs = case alignMode of
          ColumnAlignModeAnimouslyScale i | maxX > colMax -> fixed <&> (+curX)
            factor :: Float =
              -- 0.0001 as an offering to the floating point gods.
              (fromIntegral (i + colMax - curX) / fromIntegral (maxX - curX))
            offsets = (subtract curX) <$> posXs
            fixed   = offsets <&> fromIntegral .> (*factor) .> truncate
          _ -> posXs
    let spacings = zipWith (-)
                           (List.tail fixedPosXs ++ [min maxX colMax])
    -- tellDebugMess $ "ind = " ++ show ind
    -- tellDebugMess $ "maxCols = " ++ show maxCols
    -- tellDebugMess $ "fixedPosXs = " ++ show fixedPosXs
    -- tellDebugMess $ "list = " ++ show list
    -- tellDebugMess $ "maxSpace = " ++ show maxSpace
    let alignAct = zip3 fixedPosXs spacings list `forM_` \(destX, s, x) -> do
          layoutWriteEnsureAbsoluteN destX
          processInfo s m (snd x)
        noAlignAct = list `forM_` (snd .> processInfoIgnore)
        animousAct = -- trace ("animousAct fixedPosXs=" ++ show fixedPosXs ++ ", list=" ++ show list ++ ", maxSpace=" ++ show maxSpace ++ ", colMax="++show colMax) $
                     if List.last fixedPosXs + fst (List.last list) > colMax
                     -- per-item check if there is overflowing.
          then noAlignAct
          else alignAct
    case alignMode of
      ColumnAlignModeDisabled                        -> noAlignAct
      ColumnAlignModeUnanimously | maxX <= colMax    -> alignAct
      ColumnAlignModeUnanimously                     -> noAlignAct
      ColumnAlignModeMajority limit | ratio >= limit -> animousAct
      ColumnAlignModeMajority{}                      -> noAlignAct
      ColumnAlignModeAnimouslyScale{}                -> animousAct
      ColumnAlignModeAnimously                       -> animousAct
      ColumnAlignModeAlways                          -> alignAct

processInfoIgnore :: LayoutConstraints m => ColInfo -> m ()
processInfoIgnore = \case
  ColInfoStart     -> error "should not happen (TM)"
  ColInfoNo doc    -> layoutBriDocM doc
  ColInfo _ _ list -> list `forM_` (snd .> processInfoIgnore)