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broadcast-chan-conduit-0.2.0: Conduit-based parallel streaming code for broadcast-chan

Copyright(C) 2014-2018 Merijn Verstraaten
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerMerijn Verstraaten <merijn@inconsistent.nl>
Safe HaskellSafe




This module is identical to BroadcastChan.Throw, but replaces the parallel processing operations with functions for creating conduits and sinks that process in parallel.



data Action #

Action to take when an exception occurs while processing an element.



Drop the current element and continue processing.


Retry by appending the current element to the queue of remaining elements.


Stop all processing and reraise the exception.

Eq Action 
Instance details


(==) :: Action -> Action -> Bool #

(/=) :: Action -> Action -> Bool #

Show Action 
Instance details

data Handler (m :: * -> *) a #

Exception handler for parallel processing.


Simple Action

Always take the specified Action.

Handle (a -> SomeException -> m Action)

Allow inspection of the element, exception, and execution of monadic actions before deciding the Action to take.

parMapM Source #


:: (MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) 
=> Handler m a

Exception handler

-> Int

Number of parallel threads to use

-> (a -> m b)

Function to run in parallel

-> ConduitM a b m () 

Create a conduit that processes inputs in parallel.

This function does NOT guarantee that input elements are processed or output in a deterministic order!

parMapM_ Source #


:: (MonadResource m, MonadUnliftIO m) 
=> Handler m a

Exception handler

-> Int

Number of parallel threads to use

-> (a -> m ())

Function to run in parallel

-> ConduitM a Void m () 

Create a conduit sink that consumes inputs in parallel.

This function does NOT guarantee that input elements are processed or output in a deterministic order!

Re-exports from BroadcastChan.Throw


data BroadcastChan (dir :: Direction) a #

The abstract type representing the read or write end of a BroadcastChan.

Eq (BroadcastChan dir a) 
Instance details


(==) :: BroadcastChan dir a -> BroadcastChan dir a -> Bool #

(/=) :: BroadcastChan dir a -> BroadcastChan dir a -> Bool #

data Direction #

Used with DataKinds as phantom type indicating whether a BroadcastChan value is a read or write end.



Indicates a write BroadcastChan


Indicates a read BroadcastChan

type In = In #

Alias for the In type from the Direction kind, allows users to write the BroadcastChan In a type without enabling DataKinds.

type Out = Out #

Alias for the Out type from the Direction kind, allows users to write the BroadcastChan Out a type without enabling DataKinds.


newBroadcastChan :: MonadIO m => m (BroadcastChan In a) #

Creates a new BroadcastChan write end.

newBChanListener :: MonadIO m => BroadcastChan dir a -> m (BroadcastChan Out a) #

Create a new read end for a BroadcastChan.

BroadcastChan In:

Will receive all messages written to the channel after this read end is created.

BroadcastChan Out:

Will receive all currently unread messages and all future messages.

Basic Operations

closeBChan :: MonadIO m => BroadcastChan In a -> m Bool #

Close a BroadcastChan, disallowing further writes. Returns True if the BroadcastChan was closed. Returns False if the BroadcastChan was already closed.

isClosedBChan :: MonadIO m => BroadcastChan dir a -> m Bool #

Check whether a BroadcastChan is closed. True meaning that future read/write operations on the channel will always fail.

BroadcastChan In:

True indicates the channel is closed and writes will always fail.

Beware of TOC-TOU races: It is possible for a BroadcastChan to be closed by another thread. If multiple threads use the same channel a closeBChan from another thread can result in the channel being closed right after isClosedBChan returns.

BroadcastChan Out:

True indicates the channel is both closed and empty, meaning reads will always fail.

getBChanContents :: BroadcastChan dir a -> IO [a] #

Return a lazy list representing the messages written to the channel.

Uses unsafeInterleaveIO to defer the IO operations.

BroadcastChan In:

The list contains every message written to the channel after this IO action completes.

BroadcastChan Out:

The list contains every currently unread message and all future messages. It's safe to keep using the original channel in any thread.

Unlike getChanContents from Control.Concurrent, the list resulting from this function is not affected by reads on the input channel. Every message that is unread or written after the IO action completes will end up in the result list.

Foldl combinators

Combinators for use with Tekmo's foldl package.

foldBChan :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) => (x -> a -> x) -> x -> (x -> b) -> BroadcastChan d a -> n (m b) #

Strict fold of the BroadcastChan's messages. Can be used with Control.Foldl from Tekmo's foldl package:

Control.Foldl.purely foldBChan :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) => Fold a b -> BroadcastChan d a -> n (m b)

The result of this function is a nested monadic value to give more fine-grained control/separation between the start of listening for messages and the start of processing. The inner action folds the actual messages and completes when the channel is closed and exhausted. The outer action controls from when on messages are received. Specifically:

BroadcastChan In:

Will process all messages sent after the outer action completes.

BroadcastChan Out:

Will process all messages that are unread when the outer action completes, as well as all future messages.

After the outer action completes the fold is unaffected by other (concurrent) reads performed on the original channel. So it's safe to reuse the channel.

foldBChanM :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) => (x -> a -> m x) -> m x -> (x -> m b) -> BroadcastChan d a -> n (m b) #

Strict, monadic fold of the BroadcastChan's messages. Can be used with Control.Foldl from Tekmo's foldl package:

Control.Foldl.impurely foldBChanM :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) => FoldM m a b -> BroadcastChan d a -> n (m b)

Has the same behaviour and guarantees as foldBChan.