module Network.Bugsnag.Notify
    ( notifyBugsnag
    , notifyBugsnagWith

import Prelude

import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Network.Bugsnag.App
import Network.Bugsnag.BeforeNotify
import Network.Bugsnag.CodeIndex
import Network.Bugsnag.Event
import Network.Bugsnag.Exception
import Network.Bugsnag.Report
import Network.Bugsnag.Reporter
import Network.Bugsnag.Settings
import Network.Bugsnag.StackFrame

-- | Notify Bugsnag of a single exception
notifyBugsnag :: BugsnagSettings -> SomeException -> IO ()
notifyBugsnag = notifyBugsnagWith id

-- | Notify Bugsnag of a single exception, modifying the event
-- This is used to (e.g.) change severity for a specific error. Note that the
-- given function runs after any configured @'bsBeforeNotify'@, or changes
-- caused by other aspects of settings (e.g. grouping hash).
notifyBugsnagWith :: BeforeNotify -> BugsnagSettings -> SomeException -> IO ()
notifyBugsnagWith f settings ex = do
    let event =
                . bsBeforeNotify settings
                . modifyStackFrames (bsCodeIndex settings)
                . createApp settings
                . bugsnagEvent
                $ bugsnagExceptionFromSomeException ex

        manager = bsHttpManager settings
        apiKey = bsApiKey settings
        report = bugsnagReport [event]

    -- N.B. all notify functions should go through here. We need to maintain
    -- this as the single point where (e.g.) should-notify is checked,
    -- before-notify is applied, stack-frame filtering, etc.
    when (bugsnagShouldNotify settings event)
        $ reportError manager apiKey report

-- |
-- If we have a @'CodeIndex'@ set the Code and then set InProject based on if we
-- found any. Otherwise we just assume everything is InProject.
modifyStackFrames :: Maybe CodeIndex -> BeforeNotify
modifyStackFrames Nothing = setStackFramesInProject $ const True
modifyStackFrames (Just index) =
    setStackFramesInProjectBy bsfCode isJust . setStackFramesCode index

-- |
-- N.B. safe to clobber because we're only used on a fresh event.
createApp :: BugsnagSettings -> BeforeNotify
createApp settings event = event
    { beApp = Just $ bugsnagApp
        { baVersion = bsAppVersion settings
        , baReleaseStage = Just $ bsReleaseStage settings