-- | Time utils useful for writing buildbots.
module BuildBox.Time
        ( module Data.Time
        , readLocalTimeOfDayAsUTC
        , getStampyTime
        , getMidnightTodayLocal
        , getMidnightTodayUTC
        , getMidnightTomorrowLocal
        , getMidnightTomorrowUTC)
import Data.Time

-- | Read a time of day string like @17:34:05@ in the local time zone
--   and convert that to a UTC time of day. Good for parsing command line args to buildbots.
readLocalTimeOfDayAsUTC :: String -> IO TimeOfDay
readLocalTimeOfDayAsUTC str
 = do   
        -- Get the current timeZone.
        curTime <- getZonedTime

        -- Convert the time of day to what it would be as UTC.
        let (_, timeOfDayUTC)
                =  localToUTCTimeOfDay 
                        (zonedTimeZone curTime)
                        (read str) 

        return timeOfDayUTC

-- | Get a local time stamp with format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS. Good for naming files with.
getStampyTime :: IO String
 = do   time    <- getZonedTime
        return  $  formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%0Y%0m%0d_%0k%0M%0S" time

-- | Get the local midnight we've just had as a `LocalTime`.
getMidnightTodayLocal :: IO LocalTime
 = do   curTime <- getZonedTime
        return  $ LocalTime
                { localDay              = localDay $ zonedTimeToLocalTime curTime
                , localTimeOfDay        = midnight }

-- | Get the local midnight that we've just had, as a `UTCTime`.
getMidnightTodayUTC :: IO UTCTime 
 = do   curTime <- getZonedTime
        return  $ zonedTimeToUTC
                $ ZonedTime
                                { localDay              = localDay $ zonedTimeToLocalTime curTime
                                , localTimeOfDay        = midnight })
                        (zonedTimeZone curTime)

-- | Get the local midnight we're about to have as a `LocalTime`.
getMidnightTomorrowLocal :: IO LocalTime
 = do   curTime <- getZonedTime
        return  $ LocalTime
                { localDay              = addDays 1 (localDay (zonedTimeToLocalTime curTime)) 
                , localTimeOfDay        = midnight }

-- | Get the local midnight we're about to have as a `UTCTime`.
getMidnightTomorrowUTC   :: IO UTCTime
 = do   curTime <- getZonedTime
        return  $ zonedTimeToUTC
                $ ZonedTime
                                { localDay              = addDays 1 (localDay (zonedTimeToLocalTime curTime)) 
                                , localTimeOfDay        = midnight })
                        (zonedTimeZone curTime)