{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, MultiWayIf, NamedFieldPuns  #-}

module Bulletproofs.MultiRangeProof.Verifier (
) where

import Protolude
import Prelude (zipWith3)

import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate as Crypto
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim as Crypto
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types as Crypto

import Bulletproofs.RangeProof.Internal
import Bulletproofs.Curve
import Bulletproofs.Utils

import Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof as IPP hiding (verifyProof)
import qualified Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof as IPP

-- | Verify that a commitment was computed from a value in a given range
  :: (AsInteger f, Eq f, Field f, Show f)
  => Integer        -- ^ Range upper bound
  -> [Crypto.Point]   -- ^ Commitments of in-range values
  -> RangeProof f
  -- ^ Proof that a secret committed value lies in a certain interval
  -> Bool
verifyProof upperBound vCommits proof@RangeProof{..}
  = and
      [ verifyTPoly n vCommitsExp2 proof x y z
      , verifyLRCommitment n mExp2 proof x y z
    x = shamirX aCommit sCommit t1Commit t2Commit y z
    y = shamirY aCommit sCommit
    z = shamirZ aCommit sCommit y
    n = logBase2 upperBound
    m = length vCommits
    -- Vector of values passed must be of length 2^x
    vCommitsExp2 = vCommits ++ residueCommits
    residueCommits = replicate (2 ^ log2Ceil m - m) Crypto.PointO
    mExp2 = fromIntegral $ length vCommitsExp2

-- | Verify the constant term of the polynomial t
-- t = t(x) = t0 + t1*x + t2*x^2
-- This is what binds the proof to the actual original Pedersen commitment V to the actual value
  :: (AsInteger f, Eq f, Field f)
  => Integer         -- ^ Dimension n of the vectors
  -> [Crypto.Point]   -- ^ Commitments of in-range values
  -> RangeProof f
  -- ^ Proof that a secret committed value lies in a certain interval
  -> f              -- ^ Challenge x
  -> f              -- ^ Challenge y
  -> f              -- ^ Challenge z
  -> Bool
verifyTPoly n vCommits proof@RangeProof{..} x y z
  = lhs == rhs
    m = fromIntegral $ length vCommits
    lhs = commit t tBlinding
    rhs =
          foldl' addP Crypto.PointO ( zipWith mulP ((*) (fSquare z) <$> powerVector z m) vCommits )
          (delta n m y z `mulP` g)
          (x `mulP` t1Commit)
          (fSquare x `mulP` t2Commit)

-- | Verify the inner product argument for the vectors l and r that form t
  :: (AsInteger f, Eq f, Field f, Show f)
  => Integer         -- ^ Dimension n of the vectors
  -> Integer
  -> RangeProof f
  -- ^ Proof that a secret committed value lies in a certain interval
  -> f              -- ^ Challenge x
  -> f              -- ^ Challenge y
  -> f              -- ^ Challenge z
  -> Bool
verifyLRCommitment n m proof@RangeProof{..} x y z
  = IPP.verifyProof
      IPP.InnerProductBase { bGs = gs, bHs = hs', bH = u }
    commitmentLR = computeLRCommitment n m aCommit sCommit t tBlinding mu x y z hs'
    hs' = zipWith (\yi hi-> recip yi `mulP` hi) (powerVector y nm) hs
    uChallenge = shamirU tBlinding mu t
    u = uChallenge `mulP` g
    nm = n * m