{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric #-}

module Bulletproofs.ArithmeticCircuit.Internal where

import Protolude hiding (head)
import Data.List (head)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Curve.Weierstrass.SECP256K1 (PA, Fr, _r, mul)

import Bulletproofs.Utils
import qualified Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof as IPP

data ArithCircuitProofError
  = TooManyGates Integer  -- ^ The number of gates is too high
  | NNotPowerOf2 Integer  -- ^ The number of gates is not a power of 2
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data ArithCircuitProof f p
  = ArithCircuitProof
    { tBlinding :: f
    -- ^ Blinding factor of the T1 and T2 commitments,
    -- combined into the form required to make the committed version of the x-polynomial add up
    , mu :: f
    -- ^ Blinding factor required for the Verifier to verify commitments A, S
    , t :: f
    -- ^ Dot product of vectors l and r that prove knowledge of the value in range
    -- t = t(x) = l(x) · r(x)
    , aiCommit :: p
    -- ^ Commitment to vectors aL and aR
    , aoCommit :: p
    -- ^ Commitment to vectors aO
    , sCommit :: p
    -- ^ Commitment to new vectors sL, sR, created at random by the Prover
    , tCommits :: [p]
    -- ^ Commitments to t1, t3, t4, t5, t6
    , productProof :: IPP.InnerProductProof f p
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

data ArithCircuit f
  = ArithCircuit
    { weights :: GateWeights f
      -- ^ Weights for vectors of left and right inputs and for vector of outputs
    , commitmentWeights :: [[f]]
      -- ^ Weigths for a commitments V of rank m
    , cs :: [f]
      -- ^ Vector of constants of size Q
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

data GateWeights f
  = GateWeights
    { wL :: [[f]] -- ^ WL ∈ F^(Q x n)
    , wR :: [[f]] -- ^ WR ∈ F^(Q x n)
    , wO :: [[f]] -- ^ WO ∈ F^(Q x n)
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

data ArithWitness f p
  = ArithWitness
  { assignment :: Assignment f -- ^ Vectors of left and right inputs and vector of outputs
  , commitments :: [p] -- ^ Vector of commited input values ∈ F^m
  , commitBlinders :: [f] -- ^ Vector of blinding factors for input values ∈ F^m
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

data Assignment f
  = Assignment
    { aL :: [f] -- ^ aL ∈ F^n. Vector of left inputs of each multiplication gate
    , aR :: [f] -- ^ aR ∈ F^n. Vector of right inputs of each multiplication gate
    , aO :: [f] -- ^ aO ∈ F^n. Vector of outputs of each multiplication gate
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

-- | Pad circuit weights to make n be a power of 2, which
-- is required to compute the inner product proof
padCircuit :: Num f => ArithCircuit f -> ArithCircuit f
padCircuit ArithCircuit{..}
  = ArithCircuit
    { weights = GateWeights wLNew wRNew wONew
    , commitmentWeights = commitmentWeights
    , cs = cs
    GateWeights{..} = weights
    wLNew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo <$> wL
    wRNew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo <$> wR
    wONew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo <$> wO

-- | Pad assignment vectors to make their length n be a power of 2, which
-- is required to compute the inner product proof
padAssignment :: Num f => Assignment f -> Assignment f
padAssignment Assignment{..}
  = Assignment aLNew aRNew aONew
    aLNew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo aL
    aRNew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo aR
    aONew = padToNearestPowerOfTwo aO

delta :: Integer -> Fr -> [Fr] -> [Fr] -> Fr
delta n y zwL zwR= (powerVector (recip y) n `hadamard` zwR) `dot` zwL

commitBitVector :: Fr -> [Fr] -> [Fr] -> PA
commitBitVector vBlinding vL vR = vLG <> vRH <> vBlindingH
    vBlindingH = h `mul` vBlinding
    vLG = sumExps vL gs
    vRH = sumExps vR hs

shamirGxGxG :: PA -> PA -> PA -> Fr
shamirGxGxG p1 p2 p3
  = oracle $ show _r <> pointToBS p1 <> pointToBS p2 <> pointToBS p3

shamirGs :: [PA] -> Fr
shamirGs ps = oracle $ show _r <> foldMap pointToBS ps

shamirZ :: Fr -> Fr
shamirZ z = oracle $ show _r <> show z

-- Polynomials

evaluatePolynomial :: (Num f) => Integer -> [[f]] -> f -> [f]
evaluatePolynomial (fromIntegral -> n) poly x
  = foldl'
    (\acc (idx, e) -> acc ^+^ ((*) (x ^ idx) <$> e))
    (replicate n 0)
    (zip [0..] poly)

multiplyPoly :: Num n => [[n]] -> [[n]] -> [n]
multiplyPoly l r
  = snd <$> Map.toList (foldl' (\accL (i, li)
      -> foldl'
          (\accR (j, rj) -> case Map.lookup (i + j) accR of
              Just x -> Map.insert (i + j) (x + (li `dot` rj)) accR
              Nothing -> Map.insert (i + j) (li `dot` rj) accR
          ) accL (zip [0..] r))
      (Map.empty :: Map.Map Int n)
      (zip [0..] l))

-- Linear algebra

vectorMatrixProduct :: (Num f) => [f] -> [[f]] -> [f]
vectorMatrixProduct v m
  = sum . zipWith (*) v <$> transpose m

vectorMatrixProductT :: (Num f) => [f] -> [[f]] -> [f]
vectorMatrixProductT v m
  = sum . zipWith (*) v <$> m

matrixVectorProduct :: (Num f) => [[f]] -> [f] -> [f]
matrixVectorProduct m v
  = head $ matrixProduct m [v]

powerMatrix :: (Num f) => [[f]] -> Integer -> [[f]]
powerMatrix m 0 = m
powerMatrix m n = matrixProduct m (powerMatrix m (n-1))

matrixProduct :: Num a => [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
matrixProduct a b = (\ar -> sum . zipWith (*) ar <$> transpose b) <$> a

insertAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertAt z y xs = as ++ (y : bs)
    (as, bs) = splitAt z xs

genIdenMatrix :: (Num f) => Integer -> [[f]]
genIdenMatrix size = (\x -> (\y -> fromIntegral (fromEnum (x == y))) <$> [1..size]) <$> [1..size]

genZeroMatrix :: (Num f) => Integer -> Integer -> [[f]]
genZeroMatrix (fromIntegral -> n) (fromIntegral -> m) = replicate n (replicate m 0)

computeInputValues :: GateWeights (Fr) -> [[Fr]] -> Assignment (Fr) -> [Fr] -> [Fr]
computeInputValues GateWeights{..} wV Assignment{..} cs
  = solveLinearSystem $ zipWith (\row s -> reverse $ s : row) wV solutions
    solutions = vectorMatrixProductT aL wL
        ^+^ vectorMatrixProductT aR wR
        ^+^ vectorMatrixProductT aO wO
        ^-^ cs

gaussianReduce :: [[Fr]] -> [[Fr]]
gaussianReduce matrix = fixlastrow $ foldl reduceRow matrix [0..length matrix-1]
    -- Swaps element at position a with element at position b.
    swap xs a b
     | a > b = swap xs b a
     | a == b = xs
     | a < b = let (p1, p2) = splitAt a xs
                   (p3, p4) = splitAt (b - a - 1) (List.tail p2)
               in p1 ++ [xs List.!! b] ++ p3 ++ [xs List.!! a] ++ List.tail p4

    -- Concat the lists and repeat
    reduceRow matrix1 r = take r matrix2 ++ [row1] ++ nextrows
        --First non-zero element on or below (r,r).
        firstnonzero = head $ filter (\x -> matrix1 List.!! x List.!! r /= 0) [r..length matrix1 - 1]
        --Matrix with row swapped (if needed)
        matrix2 = swap matrix1 r firstnonzero
        --Row we're working with
        row = matrix2 List.!! r
        --Make it have 1 as the leading coefficient
        row1 = (\x -> x *  recip (row List.!! r)) <$> row
        --Subtract nr from row1 while multiplying
        subrow nr = let k = nr List.!! r in zipWith (\a b -> k*a - b) row1 nr
        --Apply subrow to all rows below
        nextrows = subrow <$> drop (r + 1) matrix2

    fixlastrow matrix' = a ++ [List.init (List.init row) ++ [1, z * recip nz]]
        a = List.init matrix'; row = List.last matrix'
        z = List.last row
        nz = List.last (List.init row)

-- Solve a matrix (must already be in REF form) by back substitution.
substituteMatrix :: [[Fr]] -> [Fr]
substituteMatrix matrix = foldr next [List.last (List.last matrix)] (List.init matrix)
    next row found = let
      subpart = List.init $ drop (length matrix - length found) row
      solution = List.last row - sum (zipWith (*) found subpart)
      in solution : found

solveLinearSystem :: [[Fr]] -> [Fr]
solveLinearSystem = reverse . substituteMatrix . gaussianReduce

-- Arbitrary instances --

instance Arbitrary (ArithCircuit Fr) where
  arbitrary = do
    n <- choose (1, 100)
    m <- choose (1, n)
    arithCircuitGen n m

arithCircuitGen :: Integer -> Integer -> Gen (ArithCircuit Fr)
arithCircuitGen n m = do
    -- TODO: Can lConstraints be a different value?
    let lConstraints = m

    cs <- vectorOf (fromIntegral m) arbitrary

    weights@GateWeights{..} <- gateWeightsGen lConstraints n
    let gateWeights = GateWeights wL wR wO

    commitmentWeights <- wvGen lConstraints m
    pure $ ArithCircuit gateWeights commitmentWeights cs
        gateWeightsGen :: Integer -> Integer -> Gen (GateWeights (Fr))
        gateWeightsGen lConstraints n = do
          let genVec = ((\i -> insertAt i (oneVector n) (replicate (fromIntegral lConstraints - 1) (zeroVector n))) <$> choose (0, fromIntegral lConstraints))
          wL <- genVec
          wR <- genVec
          wO <- genVec
          pure $ GateWeights wL wR wO

        wvGen :: Integer -> Integer -> Gen [[Fr]]
        wvGen lConstraints m
          | lConstraints < m = panic "Number of constraints must be bigger than m"
          | otherwise = shuffle (genIdenMatrix m ++ genZeroMatrix (lConstraints - m) m)
        zeroVector x = replicate (fromIntegral x) 0
        oneVector x = replicate (fromIntegral x) 1

instance Arbitrary (Assignment Fr) where
  arbitrary = do
    n <- (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)
    arithAssignmentGen n

arithAssignmentGen :: Integer -> Gen (Assignment Fr)
arithAssignmentGen n = do
    aL <- vectorOf (fromIntegral n) (fromInteger <$> choose (0, 2^n))
    aR <- vectorOf (fromIntegral n) (fromInteger <$> choose (0, 2^n))
    let aO = aL `hadamard` aR
    pure $ Assignment aL aR aO

instance Arbitrary (ArithWitness Fr PA) where
  arbitrary = do
    n <- choose (1, 100)
    m <- choose (1, n)
    arithCircuit <- arithCircuitGen n m
    assignment <- arithAssignmentGen n
    arithWitnessGen assignment arithCircuit m

arithWitnessGen :: Assignment Fr -> ArithCircuit Fr -> Integer -> Gen (ArithWitness Fr PA)
arithWitnessGen assignment arith@ArithCircuit{..} m = do
  commitBlinders <- vectorOf (fromIntegral m) arbitrary
  let vs = computeInputValues weights commitmentWeights assignment cs
      commitments = zipWith commit vs commitBlinders
  pure $ ArithWitness assignment commitments commitBlinders