bytezap-1.6.0: Bytestring builder with zero intermediate allocation
Safe HaskellNone



Efficient type-level bytestring parsing via chunking.

See Bytes for an explanation on the chunking design.

On mismatch, the index of the failing byte and its value are returned. (This is over-engineered to be extremely efficient.)

Type classes take a Natural for tracking the current index in the type-level bytestring. We do this on the type level for performance. Use @0 when calling.

The parsers take an error wrapper function to enable wrapping the error into any parser with confidence that it won't do extra allocations/wrapping.

The parsers here either return the unit () or a pretty error. No Fail#.

TODO check generated Core, assembly



class ParseReifyBytesW64 (idx :: Natural) (bs :: [Natural]) where Source #

Parse a type-level bytestring, largest grouping Word64.


parseReifyBytesW64 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #


Instances details
ParseReifyBytesW32 idx bs => ParseReifyBytesW64 idx bs Source #

Try to group Word32s next.

Instance details

Defined in Bytezap.Parser.Struct.TypeLits.Bytes


parseReifyBytesW64 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #

(ReifyW8 b0, ReifyW8 b1, ReifyW8 b2, ReifyW8 b3, ReifyW8 b4, ReifyW8 b5, ReifyW8 b6, ReifyW8 b7, KnownNat idx, ParseReifyBytesW64 (idx + 8) bs) => ParseReifyBytesW64 idx (b0 ': (b1 ': (b2 ': (b3 ': (b4 ': (b5 ': (b6 ': (b7 ': bs)))))))) Source #

Enough bytes to make a Word64.

Instance details

Defined in Bytezap.Parser.Struct.TypeLits.Bytes


parseReifyBytesW64 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #

class ParseReifyBytesW32 (idx :: Natural) (bs :: [Natural]) where Source #

Parse a type-level bytestring, largest grouping Word32.


parseReifyBytesW32 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #


Instances details
ParseReifyBytesW16 idx bs => ParseReifyBytesW32 idx bs Source #

Try to group Word16s next.

Instance details

Defined in Bytezap.Parser.Struct.TypeLits.Bytes


parseReifyBytesW32 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #

(ReifyW8 b0, ReifyW8 b1, ReifyW8 b2, ReifyW8 b3, KnownNat idx, ParseReifyBytesW32 (idx + 4) bs) => ParseReifyBytesW32 idx (b0 ': (b1 ': (b2 ': (b3 ': bs)))) Source #

Enough bytes to make a Word32.

Instance details

Defined in Bytezap.Parser.Struct.TypeLits.Bytes


parseReifyBytesW32 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #

class ParseReifyBytesW16 (idx :: Natural) (bs :: [Natural]) where Source #

Parse a type-level bytestring, largest grouping Word16.


parseReifyBytesW16 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #


Instances details
ParseReifyBytesW8 idx bs => ParseReifyBytesW16 idx bs Source #

Parse byte-by-byte next.

Instance details

Defined in Bytezap.Parser.Struct.TypeLits.Bytes


parseReifyBytesW16 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #

(ReifyW8 b0, ReifyW8 b1, KnownNat idx, ParseReifyBytesW16 (idx + 2) bs) => ParseReifyBytesW16 idx (b0 ': (b1 ': bs)) Source #

Enough bytes to make a Word16.

Instance details

Defined in Bytezap.Parser.Struct.TypeLits.Bytes


parseReifyBytesW16 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #

class ParseReifyBytesW8 (idx :: Natural) (bs :: [Natural]) where Source #

Serialize a type-level bytestring, byte-by-byte.


parseReifyBytesW8 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #


Instances details
ParseReifyBytesW8 idx ('[] :: [Natural]) Source #

End of the line.

Instance details

Defined in Bytezap.Parser.Struct.TypeLits.Bytes


parseReifyBytesW8 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #

(ReifyW8 b0, KnownNat idx, ParseReifyBytesW8 (idx + 1) bs) => ParseReifyBytesW8 idx (b0 ': bs) Source #

Parse the next byte.

Instance details

Defined in Bytezap.Parser.Struct.TypeLits.Bytes


parseReifyBytesW8 :: forall (st :: ZeroBitType). ParserT st (Int, Word8) () Source #