module Cabal2Spec ( cabal2spec, createSpecFile, ForceBinary, RunTests, CopyrightYear ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import Distribution.Compiler
import Distribution.License
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec
import Distribution.Pretty
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec
import Distribution.Types.LegacyExeDependency
import Distribution.Types.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Types.PkgconfigDependency
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
import Distribution.Utils.ShortText ( fromShortText )
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.Version
import System.FilePath
import System.IO

type ForceBinary = Bool
type RunTests = Bool
type CopyrightYear = Int

cabal2spec :: Platform -> CompilerId -> FlagAssignment -> ForceBinary -> RunTests -> Maybe CopyrightYear
           -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
cabal2spec platform compilerId flags forceBinary runTests copyrightYear cabalFile specFile = do
  gpd <- readGenericPackageDescription silent cabalFile
  case finalizePD flags requestedComponents (const True) platform (unknownCompilerInfo compilerId NoAbiTag) [] gpd of
    Left missing -> fail ("finalizePD: " ++ show missing)
    Right (pd,_) -> createSpecFile specFile pd forceBinary runTests flags copyrightYear

requestedComponents :: ComponentRequestedSpec
requestedComponents = defaultComponentRequestedSpec

showPkgCfg :: String -> String
showPkgCfg p = "pkgconfig(" ++ p ++ ")"

mkTools :: [String] -> [String]
mkTools tools' = filter excludedTools $ nub $ map mapTools tools'
    excludedTools n = n `notElem` ["ghc", "hsc2hs", "perl"]
    mapTools "gtk2hsC2hs" = "gtk2hs-buildtools"
    mapTools "gtk2hsHookGenerator" = "gtk2hs-buildtools"
    mapTools "gtk2hsTypeGen" = "gtk2hs-buildtools"
    mapTools tool = tool

createSpecFile :: FilePath -> PackageDescription -> ForceBinary -> RunTests -> FlagAssignment -> Maybe CopyrightYear -> IO ()
createSpecFile specFile pkgDesc forceBinary runTests flagAssignment copyrightYear = do
  let deps :: [String]
      deps = map showDep deps'
      deps' :: [String]
      selfdep :: Bool
      (deps', selfdep) = buildDependencies pkgDesc name
      pkgcfgs :: [String]
      pkgcfgs = map showPkgCfg (nub $ map depName $ concatMap pkgconfigDepends buildinfo)
      buildinfo :: [BuildInfo]
      buildinfo = enabledBuildInfos pkgDesc requestedComponents
      tools :: [String]
      tools = mkTools (nub $ map depName (concatMap buildTools buildinfo)) ++ chrpath
      clibs :: [String]
      clibs = nub (map resolveLib (concatMap extraLibs buildinfo))
      chrpath :: [String]
      chrpath = ["chrpath" | selfdep]

      pkg = package pkgDesc
      name = unPackageName (packageName pkg)
      hasExec = hasExes pkgDesc
      hasLib = hasLibs pkgDesc
      hasSubLib = not (null (subLibraries pkgDesc))
      hasPublicModules = maybe False (not . null . exposedModules) (library pkgDesc)
  (pkgname, binlib) <- getPkgName (Just specFile) pkgDesc forceBinary

  let pkg_name = if pkgname == name then "%{name}" else "%{pkg_name}"
      basename | binlib = "%{pkg_name}"
               | hasExecPkg = name
               | otherwise = "ghc-%{pkg_name}"

      hasExecPkg = binlib || (hasExec && not hasLib)
  -- run commands before opening file to prevent empty file on error
  -- maybe shell commands should be in a monad or something

      testsuiteDeps = testsuiteDependencies pkgDesc name

  h <- openFile specFile WriteMode
  let putHdr hdr val = hPutStrLn h (hdr ++ ":" ++ padding hdr ++ val)
      padding hdr = replicate (14 - length hdr) ' ' ++ " "
      putNewline = hPutStrLn h ""
      put = hPutStrLn h
      putDef v s = put $ "%global" +-+ v +-+ s
      ghcPkg = if binlib then "-n ghc-%{name}" else ""
      ghcPkgDevel = if binlib then "-n ghc-%{name}-devel" else "devel"

    year <- case copyrightYear of
              Just y -> return (show y)
              Nothing -> formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y" <$> getCurrentTime
    put "#"
    put $ "# spec file for package " ++ pkgname
    put "#"
    put $ "# Copyright (c) " ++ year ++ " SUSE LLC"
    put "#"
    put "# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties"
    put "# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed"
    put "# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the"
    put "# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the"
    put "# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which"
    put "# case the license is the MIT License). An \"Open Source License\" is a"
    put "# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)"
    put "# published by the Open Source Initiative."
    put "# Please submit bugfixes or comments via"
    put "#"

  -- Some packages conflate the synopsis and description fields.  Ugh.
  let syn = fromShortText (synopsis pkgDesc)
  let initialCapital (c:cs) = toUpper c:cs
      initialCapital [] = []
  let syn' = if badDescription syn then "FIXME" else (unwords . lines . initialCapital) syn
  let summary = rstrip (== '.') . rstrip isSpace $ syn'
  let descr = rstrip isSpace (fromShortText (description pkgDesc))
  let descLines = (formatParagraphs . initialCapital . filterSymbols . finalPeriod) $ if badDescription descr then syn' else descr
      finalPeriod cs = if last cs == '.' then cs else cs ++ "."
      filterSymbols (c:cs) =
        if c `notElem` "@\\" then c: filterSymbols cs
        else case c of
          '@' -> '\'': filterSymbols cs
          '\\' -> head cs: filterSymbols (tail cs)
          _ -> c: filterSymbols cs
      filterSymbols [] = []
  when hasLib $
    putDef "pkg_name" name

  when hasSubLib $
    putDef "has_internal_sub_libraries" "1"

  unless (null testsuiteDeps) $
    if runTests
       then put "%bcond_without tests"
       else put "%bcond_with tests"

  let version = packageVersion pkg
      revision = show $ maybe (0::Int) read (lookup "x-revision" (customFieldsPD pkgDesc))
  putHdr "Name" (if binlib then "%{pkg_name}" else basename)
  putHdr "Version" (display version)
  putHdr "Release" "0"
  putHdr "Summary" summary
  putHdr "License" $ either (show . pretty) showLicense (licenseRaw pkgDesc)
  putHdr "URL" $ "" ++ pkg_name
  putHdr "Source0" $ "" ++ pkg_name ++ "-%{version}/" ++ pkg_name ++ "-%{version}.tar.gz"
  when (revision /= "0") $
    putHdr "Source1" $ "" ++ pkg_name ++ "-%{version}/revision/" ++ revision ++ ".cabal#/" ++ pkg_name ++ ".cabal"

  let fixedDeps = ["ghc-Cabal-devel", "ghc-rpm-macros"]
  let alldeps = sort $ fixedDeps ++ deps ++ tools ++ clibs ++ pkgcfgs ++ ["pkgconfig" | not (null pkgcfgs)]
  let extraTestDeps = sort $ testsuiteDeps \\ deps
  unless (null $ alldeps ++ extraTestDeps) $ do
    mapM_ (putHdr "BuildRequires") alldeps
    unless (null extraTestDeps) $ do
      put "%if %{with tests}"
      mapM_ (putHdr "BuildRequires") extraTestDeps
      put "%endif"


  put "%description"
  mapM_ put descLines

  let wrapGenDesc = wordwrap (79 - max 0 (length pkgname - length pkg_name))

  when hasLib $ do
    when binlib $ do
      put $ "%package" +-+ ghcPkg
      putHdr "Summary" $ "Haskell" +-+ pkg_name +-+ "library"
      put $ "%description" +-+ ghcPkg
      put $ wrapGenDesc $ "This package provides the Haskell" +-+ pkg_name +-+ "shared library."
    put $ "%package" +-+ ghcPkgDevel
    putHdr "Summary" $ "Haskell" +-+ pkg_name +-+ "library development files"
    putHdr "Requires" $ (if binlib then "ghc-%{name}" else "%{name}") +-+ "= %{version}-%{release}"
    putHdr "Requires" "ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}"
    unless (null $ clibs ++ pkgcfgs) $
      mapM_ (putHdr "Requires") $ sort (clibs ++ pkgcfgs ++ ["pkgconfig" | not (null pkgcfgs)])
    putHdr "Requires(post)" "ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}"
    putHdr "Requires(postun)" "ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}"
    put $ "%description" +-+ ghcPkgDevel
    put $ wrapGenDesc $ "This package provides the Haskell" +-+ pkg_name +-+ "library development files."

  put "%prep"
  put $ "%setup -q" ++ (if pkgname /= name then " -n %{pkg_name}-%{version}" else "")
  when (revision /= "0") $
    put $ "cp -p %{SOURCE1}" +-+ pkg_name ++ ".cabal"

  put "%build"
  when (flagAssignment /= mempty) $ do
    let cabalFlags = [ "-f" ++ (if b then "" else "-") ++ unFlagName n | (n, b) <- unFlagAssignment flagAssignment ]
    put $ "%define cabal_configure_options " ++ unwords (sort cabalFlags)
  let pkgType = if hasLib then "lib" else "bin"
      noHaddockModifier = if hasSubLib || (hasLib && not hasPublicModules) then "_without_haddock" else ""
  put $ "%ghc_" ++ pkgType ++ "_build" ++ noHaddockModifier --

  put "%install"
  put $ "%ghc_" ++ pkgType ++ "_install"

  when selfdep $
    put $ "%ghc_fix_rpath" +-+ "%{pkg_name}-%{version}"

  let licensefiles = licenseFiles pkgDesc

  -- remove docs from datafiles (#38)
  docsUnfiltered <- fmap sort (findDocs (extraSrcFiles pkgDesc ++ extraDocFiles pkgDesc) licensefiles)
  let datafiles = dataFiles pkgDesc
      dupdocs   = docsUnfiltered `intersect` datafiles
      docs      = docsUnfiltered \\ datafiles
  unless (null dupdocs) $
    -- TODO: What does this warning accomplish?
    putStrLn $ "*** " ++ pkgname ++ ": doc files found in datadir:" +-+ unwords (sort dupdocs)

  unless (null testsuiteDeps) $ do
    put "%check"
    put "%cabal_test"

  when hasLib $ do
    let putInstallScript = do
          put "%ghc_pkg_recache"
    put $ "%post" +-+ ghcPkgDevel
    put $ "%postun" +-+ ghcPkgDevel

  let license_macro = "%license"
  let execs :: [String]
      execs = sort $ map (unUnqualComponentName . exeName) $ filter isBuildable $ executables pkgDesc

  let listDataFiles = unless (null (dataFiles pkgDesc)) $ do
                        put ("%dir %{_datadir}/" ++ pkg_name ++ "-%{version}")
                        mapM_ (put . (("%dir %{_datadir}/" ++ pkg_name ++ "-%{version}/")++) . avoidSquareBrackets) (sort (listDirs (dataFiles pkgDesc)))
                        mapM_ (put . (("%{_datadir}/" ++ pkg_name ++ "-%{version}/")++) . avoidSquareBrackets) (sort (dataFiles pkgDesc))

      listDirs :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
      listDirs = nub . concatMap (map joinPath . tail . inits) . nub . map init . filter (\p -> length p > 1) . map splitDirectories

  when hasExecPkg $ do
    put "%files"
    -- Add the license file to the main package only if it wouldn't
    -- otherwise be empty.
    mapM_ (\ l -> put $ license_macro +-+ l) (sort licensefiles)
    unless (null docs) $
      put $ "%doc" +-+ unwords (sort docs)
    mapM_ (\ p -> put $ "%{_bindir}/" ++ (if p == name then "%{name}" else p)) (sort execs)

  when hasLib $ do
    let baseFiles = if binlib then "-f ghc-%{name}.files" else "-f %{name}.files"
        develFiles = if binlib then "-f ghc-%{name}-devel.files" else "-f %{name}-devel.files"
    put $ "%files" +-+ ghcPkg +-+ baseFiles
    mapM_ (\ l -> put $ license_macro +-+ l) licensefiles
    unless binlib $
      mapM_ (\ p -> put $ "%{_bindir}/" ++ (if p == name then "%{pkg_name}" else p)) (sort execs)
    unless hasExecPkg listDataFiles
    put $ "%files" +-+ ghcPkgDevel +-+ develFiles
    unless (null docs) $
      put $ "%doc" +-+ unwords (sort docs)

  put "%changelog"
  hClose h

isBuildable :: Executable -> Bool
isBuildable exe = buildable $ buildInfo exe

findDocs :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
findDocs contents licensefiles = do
  let docs = filter likely (sort (nub (map (head . splitDirectories) contents)))
  return $ if null licensefiles
           then docs
           else filter (`notElem` licensefiles) docs
  where names = ["author", "changelog", "changes", "contributors", "copying", "doc",
                 "example", "licence", "license", "news", "readme", "todo"]
        likely name = let lowerName = map toLower name
                      in any (`isPrefixOf` lowerName) names

normalizeVersion :: Version -> Version
normalizeVersion v = case versionNumbers v of
                       [i] -> mkVersion [i,0]
                       _   -> v

showLicense :: License -> String
showLicense (GPL Nothing) = "GPL-1.0-or-later"
showLicense (GPL (Just ver)) = "GPL-" ++ display (normalizeVersion ver) ++ "-or-later"
showLicense (LGPL Nothing) = "LGPL-2.0-or-later"
showLicense (LGPL (Just ver)) = "LGPL-" ++ display (normalizeVersion ver) ++ "-or-later"
showLicense BSD3 = "BSD-3-Clause"
showLicense BSD4 = "BSD-4-Clause"
showLicense MIT = "MIT"
showLicense PublicDomain = "SUSE-Public-Domain"
showLicense AllRightsReserved = "SUSE-NonFree"
showLicense OtherLicense = "Unknown"
showLicense (UnknownLicense l) = "Unknown" +-+ l
showLicense (Apache Nothing) = "Apache-2.0"
showLicense (Apache (Just ver)) = "Apache-" ++ display (normalizeVersion ver)
showLicense (AGPL Nothing) = "AGPL-1.0-or-later"
showLicense (AGPL (Just ver)) = "AGPL-" ++ display (normalizeVersion ver) ++ "-or-later"
showLicense BSD2 = "BSD-2-Clause"
showLicense (MPL ver) = "MPL-" ++ display (normalizeVersion ver)
showLicense ISC = "ISC"
showLicense UnspecifiedLicense = "Unspecified license!"

wordwrap :: Int -> String -> String
wordwrap maxlen = wrap_ 0 False . words
    wrap_ _ _ [] = "\n"
    wrap_ pos eos (w:ws)
      -- at line start: put down the word no matter what
      | pos == 0 = w ++ wrap_ (pos + lw) endp ws
      | pos + lw + 1 > maxlen - 9 && eos = '\n':wrap_ 0 endp (w:ws)
      | pos + lw + 1 > maxlen = '\n':wrap_ 0 endp (w:ws)
      | otherwise = " " ++ w ++ wrap_ (pos + lw + 1) endp ws
        lw = length w
        endp = last w == '.'

formatParagraphs :: String -> [String]
formatParagraphs = map (wordwrap 79) . paragraphs . lines
    -- from
    -- using split would be: map unlines . (Data.List.Split.splitWhen null)
    paragraphs :: [String] -> [String]
    paragraphs = map (unlines . filter (not . null)) . groupBy (const $ not . null)

rstrip :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String
rstrip p = reverse . dropWhile p . reverse

getPkgName :: Maybe FilePath -> PackageDescription -> Bool -> IO (String, Bool)
getPkgName (Just spec) pkgDesc binary = do
  let name = unPackageName (packageName (package pkgDesc))
      pkgname = takeBaseName spec
      hasLib = hasLibs pkgDesc
  return $ if name == pkgname || binary then (name, hasLib) else (pkgname, False)
getPkgName Nothing pkgDesc binary = do
  let name = unPackageName (packageName (package pkgDesc))
      hasExec = hasExes pkgDesc
      hasLib = hasLibs pkgDesc
  return $ if binary || hasExec && not hasLib then (name, hasLib) else ("ghc-" ++ name, False)

infixr 4 +-+
(+-+) :: String -> String -> String
"" +-+ s = s
s +-+ "" = s
s +-+ t = s ++ " " ++ t

excludedPkgs :: PackageDescription -> String -> Bool
excludedPkgs pkgDesc = flip notElem (subLibs ++ ["Cabal", "base", "ghc-prim", "integer-gmp"])
    subLibs :: [String]
    subLibs = [ unUnqualComponentName ln | l <- subLibraries pkgDesc, LSubLibName ln <- [libName l] ]

-- returns list of deps and whether package is self-dependent
buildDependencies :: PackageDescription -> String -> ([String], Bool)
buildDependencies pkgDesc self =
  let bis   = map libBuildInfo (allLibraries pkgDesc) ++ map buildInfo (executables pkgDesc)
      bdeps = map depName (concatMap targetBuildDepends (filter buildable bis))
      sdeps = maybe [] (map depName . setupDepends) (setupBuildInfo pkgDesc)
      deps  = nub $ bdeps ++ sdeps
    (filter (excludedPkgs pkgDesc) (delete self deps), self `elem` deps && hasExes pkgDesc)

class IsDependency a where
  depName :: a -> String

instance IsDependency Dependency where
  depName (Dependency n _ _) = unPackageName n

instance IsDependency PkgconfigDependency where
  depName (PkgconfigDependency n _) = unPkgconfigName n

instance IsDependency LegacyExeDependency where
  depName (LegacyExeDependency n _) = n

showDep :: String -> String
showDep p = "ghc-" ++ p ++ "-devel"

resolveLib :: String -> String
resolveLib "alut" = "freealut-devel"
resolveLib "asound" = "alsa-devel"
resolveLib "blas" = "blas-devel"
resolveLib "bluetooth" = "bluez-devel"
resolveLib "clang" = "clang-devel"
resolveLib "crypt" = "glibc-devel"
resolveLib "crypto" = "libopenssl-devel"
resolveLib "fftw3" = "fftw3-devel"
resolveLib "FLAC" = "flac-devel"
resolveLib "fontconfig" = "fontconfig-devel"
resolveLib "freetype" = "freetype2-devel"
resolveLib "gd" = "gd-devel"
resolveLib "GL" = "Mesa-libGL-devel"
resolveLib "glib-2.0" = "glib2-devel"
resolveLib "GLU" = "glu-devel"
resolveLib "gmp" = "gmp-devel"
resolveLib "gsl" = "gsl-devel"
resolveLib "icudata" = "libicu-devel"
resolveLib "icui18n" = "libicu-devel"
resolveLib "icuuc" = "libicu-devel"
resolveLib "IL" = "DevIL-devel"
resolveLib "Imlib2" = "imlib2-devel"
resolveLib "lapack" = "lapack-devel"
resolveLib "leveldb" = "leveldb-devel"
resolveLib "lmdb" = "lmdb-devel"
resolveLib "lua" = "lua-devel"
resolveLib "luajit" = "luajit-devel"
resolveLib "lzma" = "xz-devel"
resolveLib "m" = "glibc-devel"
resolveLib "magic" = "file-devel"
resolveLib "mpfr" = "mpfr-devel"
resolveLib "odbc" = "unixODBC-devel"
resolveLib "openal" = "openal-soft-devel"
resolveLib "pcre" = "pcre-devel"
resolveLib "png" = "libpng16-compat-devel"
resolveLib "pq" = "postgresql-server-devel"
resolveLib "pthread" = "glibc-devel"
resolveLib "re2" = "re2-devel"
resolveLib "resolv" = "glibc-devel"
resolveLib "ruby" = "ruby-devel"
resolveLib "snappy" = "snappy-devel"
resolveLib "sqlite3" = "sqlite3-devel"
resolveLib "ssl" = "libopenssl-devel"
resolveLib "tag_c" = "libtag-devel"
resolveLib "z" = "zlib-devel"
resolveLib name | "lib" `isPrefixOf` name = name ++ "-devel"
                | otherwise               = "lib" ++ name ++ "-devel"

testsuiteDependencies :: PackageDescription -- ^pkg description
                      -> String             -- ^self
                      -> [String]           -- ^depends
testsuiteDependencies pkgDesc self =
  map showDep . delete self . filter (excludedPkgs pkgDesc) . nub . map depName $ concatMap targetBuildDepends (filter buildable (map testBuildInfo (testSuites pkgDesc)))

badDescription :: String -> Bool
badDescription s = null s
                || "please see readme" `isPrefixOf` map toLower s
                || "please see the readme" `isPrefixOf` map toLower s
                || "see readme" `isPrefixOf` map toLower s
                || "cf readme" `isPrefixOf` map toLower s
                || "please refer to readme" `isPrefixOf` map toLower s
                || "initial project template" `isPrefixOf` map toLower s

-- | @pandoc-2.2.1@ installs a file with square brackets in its name, and that
-- confuses RPM because it thinks those are shell specials.
-- TODO: Figure out how this code is supposed to interact with legitimate shell
-- globs, like '*'.

avoidSquareBrackets :: String -> String
avoidSquareBrackets []     = []
avoidSquareBrackets (x:xs)
  | x `elem` "[]"       = '?' : avoidSquareBrackets xs
  | otherwise           = x : avoidSquareBrackets xs