cacophony-0.7.0: A library implementing the Noise protocol.

MaintainerJohn Galt <>
Safe HaskellNone




Please see the README for usage information.



data HandshakeRole Source #

Represents the side of the conversation upon which a party resides.

data HandshakeOpts d Source #

Represents the various options which define a handshake.

data NoiseException Source #

Represents the various exceptions which can be thrown.

  • InvalidHandshakeOptions occurs when a key that is needed is missing, or when a key is provided that shouldn't be. For example, it would be an error for the initiator to provide a remote static key if using the Noise_NX pattern, because that key is transmitted during the handshake.
  • DecryptionError occurs when a non-handshake message fails to be decrypted.
  • HandshakeError occurs when a handshake message fails to be processed. This can be due to an invalid transmitted ephemeral key, a transmitted static key which fails to be decrypted, or a handshake message payload which fails to be decrypted.
  • MessageLimitReached occurs if the user attempts to send or receive more than 2^64 messages. This is needed because nonces are 8-bytes (64 bits), and doing so would cause catastrophic key re-use.

data NoiseState c d h Source #

Represents the complete state of a Noise conversation.


defaultHandshakeOpts :: HandshakePattern -> HandshakeRole -> HandshakeOpts d Source #

Returns a default set of handshake options. The prologue is set to an empty string, PSK-mode is disabled, and all keys are set to Nothing.

noiseState :: forall c d h. (Cipher c, DH d, Hash h) => HandshakeOpts d -> NoiseState c d h Source #

Creates a NoiseState.

writeMessage :: (Cipher c, Hash h) => NoiseState c d h -> ScrubbedBytes -> Either NoiseException (ByteString, NoiseState c d h) Source #

Creates a Noise message with the provided payload. Note that the payload may not be authenticated or encrypted at all points during the handshake. Please see section 8.4 of the protocol document for details.

To prevent catastrophic key re-use, this function may only be used to secure 2^64 post-handshake messages.

readMessage :: (Cipher c, Hash h) => NoiseState c d h -> ByteString -> Either NoiseException (ScrubbedBytes, NoiseState c d h) Source #

Reads a Noise message and returns the embedded payload. If the handshake fails, a HandshakeError will be returned. After the handshake is complete, if decryption fails a DecryptionError is returned.

To prevent catastrophic key re-use, this function may only be used to receive 2^64 post-handshake messages.

remoteStaticKey :: NoiseState c d h -> Maybe (PublicKey d) Source #

For handshake patterns where the remote party's static key is transmitted, this function can be used to retrieve it. This allows for the creation of public key-based access-control lists.

handshakeComplete :: NoiseState c d h -> Bool Source #

Returns True if the handshake is complete.

handshakeHash :: Hash h => NoiseState c d h -> ScrubbedBytes Source #

Retrieves the h value associated with the conversation's SymmetricState. This value is intended to be used for channel binding. For example, the initiator might cryptographically sign this value as part of some higher-level authentication scheme.

The value returned by this function is only meaningful after the handshake is complete.

See section 9.4 of the protocol for details.

setSecondaryKey :: (Cipher c, DH d, Hash h) => NoiseState c d h -> ScrubbedBytes -> NoiseState c d h Source #

Sets a secondary symmetric key. This must be 32 bytes in length.

See section 9.5 of the protocol for details.
