The generic channel type
data Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel
(==) :: Channel -> Channel -> Bool #
(/=) :: Channel -> Channel -> Bool #
showsPrec :: Int -> Channel -> ShowS #
show :: Channel -> String #
showList :: [Channel] -> ShowS #
Associated Types
type Rep Channel :: Type -> Type #
from :: Channel -> Rep Channel x #
to :: Rep Channel x -> Channel #
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser Channel #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Channel] #
showbPrec :: Int -> Channel -> Builder #
showb :: Channel -> Builder #
showbList :: [Channel] -> Builder #
showtPrec :: Int -> Channel -> Text #
showt :: Channel -> Text #
showtList :: [Channel] -> Text #
showtlPrec :: Int -> Channel -> Text #
showtl :: Channel -> Text #
showtlList :: [Channel] -> Text #
Defined in Calamity.Internal.Updateable
type Updated Channel Source #
update :: Updated Channel -> Channel -> Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Tellable
getChannel :: forall (r :: [(Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type]). (BotC r, Member (Error RestError) r) => Channel -> Sem r (Snowflake Channel) Source #
Defined in Calamity.Utils.Message
mention :: Channel -> Text Source #
getID :: Channel -> Snowflake Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Guild.Category
getID :: Category -> Snowflake Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Message
getID :: Message -> Snowflake Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Reaction
getID :: Reaction -> Snowflake Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Group
getID :: GroupChannel -> Snowflake Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.DM
getID :: DMChannel -> Snowflake Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Guild.Voice
getID :: VoiceChannel -> Snowflake Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Guild.Text
getID :: TextChannel -> Snowflake Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Guild
getID :: GuildChannel -> Snowflake Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.UpdatedMessage
getID :: UpdatedMessage -> Snowflake Channel Source #
getID :: Partial Channel -> Snowflake Channel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Upgradeable
upgrade :: forall (r :: [(Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type]). BotC r => Snowflake Channel -> Sem r (Maybe Channel) Source #
(==) :: Partial Channel -> Partial Channel -> Bool #
(/=) :: Partial Channel -> Partial Channel -> Bool #
showsPrec :: Int -> Partial Channel -> ShowS #
show :: Partial Channel -> String #
showList :: [Partial Channel] -> ShowS #
type Rep (Partial Channel) :: Type -> Type #
from :: Partial Channel -> Rep (Partial Channel) x #
to :: Rep (Partial Channel) x -> Partial Channel #
toJSON :: Partial Channel -> Value #
toEncoding :: Partial Channel -> Encoding #
toJSONList :: [Partial Channel] -> Value #
toEncodingList :: [Partial Channel] -> Encoding #
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Partial Channel) #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Partial Channel] #
showbPrec :: Int -> Partial Channel -> Builder #
showb :: Partial Channel -> Builder #
showbList :: [Partial Channel] -> Builder #
showtPrec :: Int -> Partial Channel -> Text #
showt :: Partial Channel -> Text #
showtList :: [Partial Channel] -> Text #
showtlPrec :: Int -> Partial Channel -> Text #
showtl :: Partial Channel -> Text #
showtlList :: [Partial Channel] -> Text #
getChannel :: forall (r :: [(Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type]). (BotC r, Member (Error RestError) r) => Snowflake Channel -> Sem r (Snowflake Channel) Source #
mention :: Snowflake Channel -> Text Source #
Accepts both plain IDs and mentions
Defined in Calamity.Commands.Parser
type ParserResult (Snowflake Channel) Source #
parserName :: Text Source #
parse :: Sem (ParserEffs r) (ParserResult (Snowflake Channel)) Source #
data family Partial t Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Guild
getID :: Partial Guild -> Snowflake Guild Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.User
getID :: Partial User -> Snowflake User Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Emoji
getID :: Partial Emoji -> Snowflake Emoji Source #
(==) :: Partial Guild -> Partial Guild -> Bool #
(/=) :: Partial Guild -> Partial Guild -> Bool #
(==) :: Partial User -> Partial User -> Bool #
(/=) :: Partial User -> Partial User -> Bool #
(==) :: Partial Emoji -> Partial Emoji -> Bool #
(/=) :: Partial Emoji -> Partial Emoji -> Bool #
showsPrec :: Int -> Partial Guild -> ShowS #
show :: Partial Guild -> String #
showList :: [Partial Guild] -> ShowS #
showsPrec :: Int -> Partial User -> ShowS #
show :: Partial User -> String #
showList :: [Partial User] -> ShowS #
showsPrec :: Int -> Partial Emoji -> ShowS #
show :: Partial Emoji -> String #
showList :: [Partial Emoji] -> ShowS #
type Rep (Partial Guild) :: Type -> Type #
from :: Partial Guild -> Rep (Partial Guild) x #
to :: Rep (Partial Guild) x -> Partial Guild #
type Rep (Partial User) :: Type -> Type #
from :: Partial User -> Rep (Partial User) x #
to :: Rep (Partial User) x -> Partial User #
type Rep (Partial Emoji) :: Type -> Type #
from :: Partial Emoji -> Rep (Partial Emoji) x #
to :: Rep (Partial Emoji) x -> Partial Emoji #
toJSON :: Partial Guild -> Value #
toEncoding :: Partial Guild -> Encoding #
toJSONList :: [Partial Guild] -> Value #
toEncodingList :: [Partial Guild] -> Encoding #
toJSON :: Partial User -> Value #
toEncoding :: Partial User -> Encoding #
toJSONList :: [Partial User] -> Value #
toEncodingList :: [Partial User] -> Encoding #
toJSON :: Partial Emoji -> Value #
toEncoding :: Partial Emoji -> Encoding #
toJSONList :: [Partial Emoji] -> Value #
toEncodingList :: [Partial Emoji] -> Encoding #
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Partial Guild) #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Partial Guild] #
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Partial User) #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Partial User] #
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Partial Emoji) #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Partial Emoji] #
showbPrec :: Int -> Partial Guild -> Builder #
showb :: Partial Guild -> Builder #
showbList :: [Partial Guild] -> Builder #
showtPrec :: Int -> Partial Guild -> Text #
showt :: Partial Guild -> Text #
showtList :: [Partial Guild] -> Text #
showtlPrec :: Int -> Partial Guild -> Text #
showtl :: Partial Guild -> Text #
showtlList :: [Partial Guild] -> Text #
showbPrec :: Int -> Partial User -> Builder #
showb :: Partial User -> Builder #
showbList :: [Partial User] -> Builder #
showtPrec :: Int -> Partial User -> Text #
showt :: Partial User -> Text #
showtList :: [Partial User] -> Text #
showtlPrec :: Int -> Partial User -> Text #
showtl :: Partial User -> Text #
showtlList :: [Partial User] -> Text #
showbPrec :: Int -> Partial Emoji -> Builder #
showb :: Partial Emoji -> Builder #
showbList :: [Partial Emoji] -> Builder #
showtPrec :: Int -> Partial Emoji -> Text #
showt :: Partial Emoji -> Text #
showtList :: [Partial Emoji] -> Text #
showtlPrec :: Int -> Partial Emoji -> Text #
showtl :: Partial Emoji -> Text #
showtlList :: [Partial Emoji] -> Text #
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.DM
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Group
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Guild
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Attachment
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Reaction
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Webhook
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Embed
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.ChannelType