camfort-1.2.0: CamFort - Cambridge Fortran infrastructure
CopyrightCopyright 2017 Dominic Orchard Andrew Rice Mistral Contrastin Matthew Danish
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred





class Default t where Source #

Class for default values of some type t


defaultValue :: t Source #

Datatypes and Aliases

type ProgramFile = ProgramFile A Source #

For refactorings which create additional files.

type AnalysisProgram e w m a b = a -> AnalysisT e w m b Source #

An analysis program which accepts inputs of type a and produces results of type b.

Has error messages of type e and warnings of type w. Runs in the base monad m.

type AnalysisRunner e w m a b r = AnalysisProgram e w m a b -> LogOutput m -> LogLevel -> Bool -> ModFiles -> [(ProgramFile, SourceText)] -> m r Source #

An AnalysisRunner is a function to run an AnalysisProgram in a particular way. Produces a final result of type r.

type AnalysisRunnerP e w m a b r = AnalysisProgram e w m a b -> LogOutput m -> LogLevel -> Bool -> ModFiles -> Pipe (ProgramFile, SourceText) r m () Source #

Builders for analysers and refactorings

runPerFileAnalysisP :: (MonadIO m, Describe e, Describe w, NFData e, NFData w, NFData b) => AnalysisRunnerP e w m ProgramFile b (AnalysisReport e w b) Source #

Given an analysis program for a single file, run it over every input file and collect the reports. Doesn't produce any output.

runMultiFileAnalysis :: (Monad m, Describe e, Describe w) => AnalysisRunner e w m [ProgramFile] b (AnalysisReport e w b) Source #

Run an analysis program over every input file and get the report. Doesn't produce any output.

describePerFileAnalysisP :: (MonadIO m, Describe r, ExitCodeOfReport r, Describe w, Describe e, NFData e, NFData w, NFData r) => Text -> AnalysisRunnerP e w m ProgramFile r (AnalysisReport e w r) Source #

Given an analysis program for a single file, run it over every input file and collect the reports, then print those reports to standard output.

doRefactor :: (Describe e, Describe e', Describe w, Describe r, ExitCodeOfReport r) => Text -> FileOrDir -> FilePath -> AnalysisRunner e w IO [ProgramFile] (r, [Either e' ProgramFile]) Int Source #

Accepts an analysis program for multiple input files which produces a result value along with refactored files. Performs the refactoring, and prints the result value with the report.

doRefactorAndCreate :: (Describe e, Describe w) => Text -> FileOrDir -> FilePath -> AnalysisRunner e w IO [ProgramFile] ([ProgramFile], [ProgramFile]) Int Source #

Accepts an analysis program for multiple input files which produces refactored files and creates new files. Performs the refactoring.

perFileRefactoring :: Monad m => AnalysisProgram e w m ProgramFile ProgramFile -> AnalysisProgram e w m [ProgramFile] ((), [Either e ProgramFile]) Source #

Accepts an analysis program to refactor a single file and returns an analysis program to refactor each input file with that refactoring.

Source directory and file handling

loadModAndProgramFiles Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> Maybe FortranVersion 
-> MFCompiler r m 
-> r 
-> FileOrDir

Input source file or directory

-> FileOrDir

Include path

-> [Filename]

Excluded files

-> m (ModFiles, [(ProgramFile, SourceText)]) 


runThen :: Monad m => AnalysisRunner e w m a b r -> (r -> m r') -> AnalysisRunner e w m a b r' Source #

Monadic bind for analysis runners.