-- |
-- Module    : Text.JSON.Canonical.Parse
-- Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc. 2007-2009, Duncan Coutts 2015, 2017
-- Minimal implementation of Canonical JSON parsing and printing.
-- <http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Canonical_JSON>
-- TODO: Known bugs/limitations:
--  * Decoding/encoding Unicode code-points beyond @U+00ff@ is currently broken
module Text.JSON.Canonical.Parse
  ( parseCanonicalJSON
  , renderCanonicalJSON
  , prettyCanonicalJSON
  ) where

import Text.JSON.Canonical.Types

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
         ( CharParser, (<|>), (<?>), many, between, sepBy
         , satisfy, char, string, digit, spaces
         , parse )
import Text.PrettyPrint hiding (char)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Doc
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<$), pure, (<*>), (<*), (*>))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Data.Char (isDigit, digitToInt)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (foldl', sortBy)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS

-- rendering flat

-- | Render a JSON value in canonical form. This rendered form is canonical
-- and so allows repeatable hashes.
-- For pretty printing, see prettyCanonicalJSON.
-- NB: Canonical JSON's string escaping rules deviate from RFC 7159
-- JSON which requires
--    "All Unicode characters may be placed within the quotation
--    marks, except for the characters that must be escaped: quotation
--    mark, reverse solidus, and the control characters (@U+0000@
--    through @U+001F@)."
-- Whereas the current specification of Canonical JSON explicitly
-- requires to violate this by only escaping the quotation mark and
-- the reverse solidus. This, however, contradicts Canonical JSON's
-- statement that "Canonical JSON is parsable with any full JSON
-- parser"
-- Consequently, Canonical JSON is not a proper subset of RFC 7159.
renderCanonicalJSON :: JSValue -> BS.ByteString
renderCanonicalJSON v = BS.pack (s_value v [])

s_value :: JSValue -> ShowS
s_value JSNull         = showString "null"
s_value (JSBool False) = showString "false"
s_value (JSBool True)  = showString "true"
s_value (JSNum n)      = shows n
s_value (JSString s)   = s_string s
s_value (JSArray vs)   = s_array  vs
s_value (JSObject fs)  = s_object (sortBy (compare `on` fst) fs)

s_string :: String -> ShowS
s_string s = showChar '"' . showl s
  where showl []     = showChar '"'
        showl (c:cs) = s_char c . showl cs

        s_char '"'   = showChar '\\' . showChar '"'
        s_char '\\'  = showChar '\\' . showChar '\\'
        s_char c     = showChar c

s_array :: [JSValue] -> ShowS
s_array []           = showString "[]"
s_array (v0:vs0)     = showChar '[' . s_value v0 . showl vs0
  where showl []     = showChar ']'
        showl (v:vs) = showChar ',' . s_value v . showl vs

s_object :: [(String, JSValue)] -> ShowS
s_object []               = showString "{}"
s_object ((k0,v0):kvs0)   = showChar '{' . s_string k0
                          . showChar ':' . s_value v0
                          . showl kvs0
  where showl []          = showChar '}'
        showl ((k,v):kvs) = showChar ',' . s_string k
                          . showChar ':' . s_value v
                          . showl kvs

-- parsing

-- | Parse a canonical JSON format string as a JSON value. The input string
-- does not have to be in canonical form, just in the \"canonical JSON\"
-- format.
-- Use 'renderCanonicalJSON' to convert into canonical form.
parseCanonicalJSON :: BS.ByteString -> Either String JSValue
parseCanonicalJSON = either (Left . show) Right
                   . parse p_value ""
                   . BS.unpack

p_value :: CharParser () JSValue
p_value = spaces *> p_jvalue

tok              :: CharParser () a -> CharParser () a
tok p             = p <* spaces

p_jvalue         :: CharParser () JSValue
p_jvalue          =  (JSNull      <$  p_null)
                 <|> (JSBool      <$> p_boolean)
                 <|> (JSArray     <$> p_array)
                 <|> (JSString    <$> p_string)
                 <|> (JSObject    <$> p_object)
                 <|> (JSNum       <$> p_number)
                 <?> "JSON value"

p_null           :: CharParser () ()
p_null            = tok (string "null") >> return ()

p_boolean        :: CharParser () Bool
p_boolean         = tok
                      (  (True  <$ string "true")
                     <|> (False <$ string "false")
   [ elements ]
   value , elements
p_array          :: CharParser () [JSValue]
p_array           = between (tok (char '[')) (tok (char ']'))
                  $ p_jvalue `sepBy` tok (char ',')

   " chars "
   char chars
   any byte except hex 22 (") or hex 5C (\)
p_string         :: CharParser () String
p_string          = between (char '"') (tok (char '"')) (many p_char)
  where p_char    =  (char '\\' >> p_esc)
                 <|> (satisfy (\x -> x /= '"' && x /= '\\'))

        p_esc     =  ('"'   <$ char '"')
                 <|> ('\\'  <$ char '\\')
                 <?> "escape character"
    { members }
   pair , members
   string : value
p_object         :: CharParser () [(String,JSValue)]
p_object          = between (tok (char '{')) (tok (char '}'))
                  $ p_field `sepBy` tok (char ',')
  where p_field   = (,) <$> (p_string <* tok (char ':')) <*> p_jvalue

   digit1-9 digits
   - digit1-9
   - digit1-9 digits
   digit digits

-- | Parse an int
-- TODO: Currently this allows for a maximum of 15 digits (i.e. a maximum value
-- of @999,999,999,999,999@) as a crude approximation of the 'Int54' range.
p_number         :: CharParser () Int54
p_number          = tok
                      (  (char '-' *> (negate <$> pnat))
                     <|> pnat
                     <|> zero
  where pnat      = (\d ds -> strToInt (d:ds)) <$> digit19 <*> manyN 14 digit
        digit19   = satisfy (\c -> isDigit c && c /= '0') <?> "digit"
        strToInt  = foldl' (\x d -> 10*x + digitToInt54 d) 0
        zero      = 0 <$ char '0'

digitToInt54 :: Char -> Int54
digitToInt54 = fromIntegral . digitToInt

manyN :: Int -> CharParser () a -> CharParser () [a]
manyN 0 _ =  pure []
manyN n p =  ((:) <$> p <*> manyN (n-1) p)
         <|> pure []

-- rendering nicely

-- | Render a JSON value in a reasonable human-readable form. This rendered
-- form is /not the canonical form/ used for repeatable hashes, use
-- 'renderCanonicalJSON' for that.

-- It is suitable however as an external form as any canonical JSON parser can
-- read it and convert it into the form used for repeatable hashes.
prettyCanonicalJSON :: JSValue -> String
prettyCanonicalJSON = render . jvalue

jvalue :: JSValue -> Doc
jvalue JSNull         = text "null"
jvalue (JSBool False) = text "false"
jvalue (JSBool True)  = text "true"
jvalue (JSNum n)      = integer (fromIntegral (int54ToInt64 n))
jvalue (JSString s)   = jstring s
jvalue (JSArray vs)   = jarray  vs
jvalue (JSObject fs)  = jobject fs

jstring :: String -> Doc
jstring = doubleQuotes . hcat . map jchar

jchar :: Char -> Doc
jchar '"'   = Doc.char '\\' <> Doc.char '"'
jchar '\\'  = Doc.char '\\' <> Doc.char '\\'
jchar c     = Doc.char c

jarray :: [JSValue] -> Doc
jarray = sep . punctuate' lbrack comma rbrack
       . map jvalue

jobject :: [(String, JSValue)] -> Doc
jobject = sep . punctuate' lbrace comma rbrace
        . map (\(k,v) -> sep [jstring k <> colon, nest 2 (jvalue v)])

-- | Punctuate in this style:
-- > [ foo, bar ]
-- if it fits, or vertically otherwise:
-- > [ foo
-- > , bar
-- > ]
punctuate' :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate' l _ r []     = [l <> r]
punctuate' l _ r [x]    = [l <+> x <+> r]
punctuate' l p r (x:xs) = l <+> x : go xs
    go []     = []
    go [y]    = [p <+> y, r]
    go (y:ys) = (p <+> y) : go ys