cdp- A library for the Chrome Devtools Protocol
Safe HaskellNone






data PStorageSetInterestGroupTracking Source #

Enables/Disables issuing of interestGroupAccessed events.

Parameters of the setInterestGroupTracking command.

data PStorageGetInterestGroupDetails Source #

Gets details for a named interest group.

Parameters of the getInterestGroupDetails command.

data PStorageClearTrustTokens Source #

Removes all Trust Tokens issued by the provided issuerOrigin. Leaves other stored data, including the issuer's Redemption Records, intact.

Parameters of the clearTrustTokens command.

data PStorageUntrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source #

Unregisters storage key from receiving notifications for IndexedDB.

Parameters of the untrackIndexedDBForStorageKey command.


Instances details
Eq PStorageUntrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Show PStorageUntrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

ToJSON PStorageUntrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Command PStorageUntrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

type CommandResponse PStorageUntrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

data PStorageUntrackIndexedDBForOrigin Source #

Unregisters origin from receiving notifications for IndexedDB.

Parameters of the untrackIndexedDBForOrigin command.

data PStorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source #

Unregisters origin from receiving notifications for cache storage.

Parameters of the untrackCacheStorageForOrigin command.


Instances details
Eq PStorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Show PStorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

ToJSON PStorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Command PStorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

type CommandResponse PStorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

data PStorageTrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source #

Registers storage key to be notified when an update occurs to its IndexedDB.

Parameters of the trackIndexedDBForStorageKey command.


Instances details
Eq PStorageTrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Show PStorageTrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

ToJSON PStorageTrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Command PStorageTrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

type CommandResponse PStorageTrackIndexedDBForStorageKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

data PStorageTrackIndexedDBForOrigin Source #

Registers origin to be notified when an update occurs to its IndexedDB.

Parameters of the trackIndexedDBForOrigin command.

data PStorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source #

Registers origin to be notified when an update occurs to its cache storage list.

Parameters of the trackCacheStorageForOrigin command.


Instances details
Eq PStorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Show PStorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

ToJSON PStorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Command PStorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

type CommandResponse PStorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

data PStorageOverrideQuotaForOrigin Source #

Override quota for the specified origin

Parameters of the overrideQuotaForOrigin command.




  • pStorageOverrideQuotaForOriginOrigin :: Text

    Security origin.

  • pStorageOverrideQuotaForOriginQuotaSize :: Maybe Double

    The quota size (in bytes) to override the original quota with. If this is called multiple times, the overridden quota will be equal to the quotaSize provided in the final call. If this is called without specifying a quotaSize, the quota will be reset to the default value for the specified origin. If this is called multiple times with different origins, the override will be maintained for each origin until it is disabled (called without a quotaSize).

data PStorageGetUsageAndQuota Source #

Returns usage and quota in bytes.

Parameters of the getUsageAndQuota command.




data PStorageClearDataForStorageKey Source #

Clears storage for storage key.

Parameters of the clearDataForStorageKey command.




data PStorageClearDataForOrigin Source #

Clears storage for origin.

Parameters of the clearDataForOrigin command.




data PStorageGetStorageKeyForFrame Source #

Returns a storage key given a frame id.

Parameters of the getStorageKeyForFrame command.

data StorageInterestGroupDetails Source #

Type InterestGroupDetails. The full details of an interest group.

data StorageInterestGroupAccessType Source #

Type InterestGroupAccessType. Enum of interest group access types.


Instances details
Eq StorageInterestGroupAccessType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Ord StorageInterestGroupAccessType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Read StorageInterestGroupAccessType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Show StorageInterestGroupAccessType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

ToJSON StorageInterestGroupAccessType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

FromJSON StorageInterestGroupAccessType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

data StorageStorageType Source #

Type StorageType. Enum of possible storage types.


Instances details
Eq StorageStorageType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Ord StorageStorageType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Read StorageStorageType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

Show StorageStorageType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

ToJSON StorageStorageType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage

FromJSON StorageStorageType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CDP.Domains.Storage